Saturday, April 28, 2007

Started school this week, an added stresser to my pretty much care-free life I've been living the past 1.5 years. Missed a day because of it but made up for it and went 4 straight and a bit beat because of it. Also Started doing some intermediate fasting with interesting results. I'll have to tinker around with this a little more.

BW 152
-WU Row 1500m=6:07.7@27-2:02.6ave/JointM
5 Rounds of:
Run 1/2 Mile
15 OHS, 95lbs
Time 16:53 w/80lbs(85%rx'd)
Did this one on an empty stomach doing a bit of a mini fast (13h). Felt strong and fast, no extra work though, body bit hurt from 4 hard WOD's straight. I was 21:15 w/ 85lbs OHS way back on 28/06/05. Two years, shit.

BW 150
-WU 1000m=3:57.0@27/JointM
*20 minutes for rounds:
12 Hang Squat Cleans, 65lbs
7 Pull-ups
Total Rounds 10 + 10 HSC
-5R 3 Snatches, bar/1, 35lbs DB snatch
-3R 10 V-ups/3K-1S Evil Wheel/MBall Sit-ups
-Fasted for about 23 hours today, which is the reason for the major weight loss. 5lbs in one day, damn. All and all I felt alert, focused and put up a decent total on the WOD. The only bad thing I could say so far is that I felt really thin and stretched. I even looked thinner and almost anorexic. Went home and fed really well getting all my food in a 3h window. Going to have to play with this IF'n stuff a bit more.

BW 154
-WU 500m Row/JointM/L Sits
*30 Muscle-ups or 120 Pull-ups & 60 Rind Dips
Time 13:12 (1 MU = 4 Pull-ups & 2 Ring Dips)
Rings at about a 50" hang. I almost think I should be doing more ring dips but my ration is higher than what the FAQ says so more power to me.
-TGU bar-2/bar-2/55bar-1/55bar-1/60bar-1RH 0LH I love the looks I get doing these
-3R 11KTE/10LR JS Band Twists/3 HSPU/Plank 60 sec

BW 155
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 of:
DL 225 (97%)
BP 125 (81%)
PC 115 (99%)
Time 25:44 (92%)
A day behing on this one, just started school and I was everywhere at once. Felt tired and a bit stressed so I came home, had a nap and called it a WO. A bit heavier on the PC this time around a bit faster than on 15/02/07.
-3R MBall sit-ups/LHS/HLR

-L sit WU
Wall Ball Shots, 20lbs
Time 13:34
Got to use my newly made wall ball for the first time. 20lbs is a lot more than 10lbs. It calls for a 20' target but I was hitting approx a 10' target as my ball's got little bounce back, I should maybe make another one, if I had time...
-Snatch work bar & 1arm
-5R Evil Wheel 1 standing/3 kneeing

Sunday, April 22, 2007

L-sit work warm-up
*Over Head Squat 7x3
120-3 dangerous
This is so haphazardous to do without a spot, bumper plates or pillars. I just don't have the confidence to go as heavy as I know I can. I have more of a workout racking and unracking the weight.
-SP 3x3-85 felt a bit heavy. concentrated on form
-5R 5 Ring Push-ups/3 L Pull-ups/5 Pistols L&R/1 min rest

Saturday, April 21, 2007

BW 155
5 round of:
BW bench press for reps
Pull-ups for rep
155lbs BP 1/1/1/1/1
Deadhang Pull-ups 13/10/9/9/8
Well at least I can bench press my bodyweight, if only for singles...
-FS 5x3-135 light
-PC 95-3/105-3/115-2/115-2/125-1/130-1/130-1
Olympic lifting coaching would be grand...
-diet 100% to plan

BW 155.5
3 Rounds for time:
Run 1/2 Mile
50 Back Ext
50 Sit-ups
Time 19:46
Last outting 25/03/07. Runs on treadmill set at 1/2 mile intervals, which seemed to be more accurate than the 800m intervals. Back ext all unbroken. Sit-ups unanchored and unbroken on first 2 rounds.
-DB Jerks 5x3-30/35/35/40/40
-5R 5 Ring Dips/3 Evil Wheel/1 min rest
-diet 100% to plan

Thursday, April 19, 2007

BW 158
-3R 1 min JumpRope/10 Hang Power Snatches
*3 Rounds for time of:
Row 500m
21 Hang Power Snatches, 75lbs
Time 17:51 w/65lbs
Rows 1:52.5@28/1:52.5@32/1:55.0@29
Snatches were just ugly, I need coaching.
-W-Pull 5x3-25 OH
-TGU OlyBar-1/55OlyBar-1/55OlyBar-1/60OlyBar-1 felt strong and sturdy on these
-3R 11 HLR/11 LHS/Cobra Hold 45sec.
-diet to the plan man.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Diet Tweak
My diet revamp has been going great. I've been seeing great results in the last week alone. No binges or munch out sessions and pretty much no nibbling or pecking between meals. My bf% has dropped a bit and I feel I'm at a good weight right now and anything lower would only be negative. I've been going hard and have been feeling a bit peckish the last couple days so I'm upping the fat x4 and will go from there.

16 Protein 4/4/4/4
75 Fat 25/25/25/-
9 Carb 1/1/1/6

BW 155
-3R Run 400m/2 min rest
Total Rounds 19 + 5 pull
Solid effort. 2 rounds better than on 25/02/07. Push-ups really broken up.
-Evil Whell Fun
-W Dips 2x5-25
-To the plan with a bit more. Seeing great results but need to tweak up the fat a bit.

BW 154.5
-4R Run 400m/2 min rest
*Push Jerk 5x5
75/85/85/95/105 did with a thumbless grip, which was wrong and awkward.
-Push Jerk 95-2/95-2/95-2/105-2 with a thumbed grip, much better but still not 100% on form and movement. Elbows out. Shoulder inflexibility?
-Squat Clean 7x2-120
-3R 3 STC/Ring Holds approx. 30sec/Meb ball twists
-diet good. Dinner at friends

BW 155
-2R Row 250m 15 OHS/15 Sit ups/11 Push-ups/6 Pull-ups
3 Rounds for time of:
Row 500m
21 DB Swings, 40lbs
12 Pull-ups
Time 12:44
More time and less weight than on 09/03/07 but more pain, way more pain. Rowing was a lot harder than running plus I don't think the runs were 400m last time, stupid treamill. I did the swings "Santa Cruz" style this time around too. Pull-ups gave me some problems, my hands have been taking a beating as of late and the climbing hasn't helped.
-BP 3x5-125
-OHS 5x5-95
-2R 10 HLR/10 LHS/Plank 60 sec.
-diet exactly to plan but still 100%

-Diet not exaclty to plan but 100% paleo.

Friday, April 13, 2007

BW 155
-Row 1000m 3:54.3@26-1:57.2ave/Row 500m 1:51.7@31-250.9w
*"Crossfit Total"
BS 230
SP 110
DL 325
Total 665

17/03/07. Dyno-might! Squat felt light and could have gone heavier if I didn't start so low. Shoulder Press sucked as usual and had way too much back bend. Deadlight was solid, the 325 felt lighter today than the 320 I did last week. All this and I weighted in 6lbs lighter.
-For Pain:
10 Lying Hip Swings
Plank 60 sec.
Hallow Hold 45 sec.
Cobra Hold 30 sec.
20 Med Ball Twists, 10lbs
Cobra Hold 30 sec.
Hallow Hold 45 sec.
Plank 60 sec.
10 Lying Hip Swings
*I'd just like to note that I think most of the progress made was from Coach Ripptoe and his book Starting Strength. The great detail he goes into in regards to the mechanics and form of the lifts has been an eye opener for me and with a couple tweaks I've greatly improved my form and upping my pounds. I've only just read the squat and bench sections with huge improvements on and squat and look forward to what can be gained in the Deadlift and shoulder press.

-3R OHS/15 Sit-ups/11 Push-ups
*"Run 5k/3.1 miles"
Time 24:56
3:14 better than 30/03/07, a week and a half ago. Did this one again at home on the treadmill with a solid effort, really pleased with the improvement and output.
-10R 20 Kneeling Evil Wheel Rollouts/10 Standing Evil Wheel Rollouts

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Diet Revamp
I need to follow some type of diet plan so I can not neccearilly see what I take in and controll that but to stop these lapses and crashes I've been having and have always had in the past. I'm not following the zone, I just think in zone/block format because it's handy.

16 protein 4 4 4 4
60 fat 20 20 20 -
9 carbs 1 1 1 6
All 1 carb meals consist of fibrous leafy veggies that I pretty much eyeball. The 6 carb meal is my post workout meal with carb sources coming from fibrous veggies, some stary veggies and some fruit. Amounts of starches and fruits depend on workout intensity.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

-3R 150 Jump Rope/15 OHS/15 Sit-ups/10 Push-ups
21-15-9 of:
Cleans, 115lbs 11/5/3/2-5/4/3/3-5/3/1
Ring Dips, Approx 50" hang 5/5/2/2/2/3/2-6/3/3/3-4/2/1/1/1
Time 9:47
Last did this bitch on 26/01/07 in Cambodia and even before that was 31/07/06 in Sydney with Andrew yelling at me. Can't really compare the times; different weights, dips & surroundings.
-W Pull-ups 10-5/20-5/35-3/37.5-3/37.5-3/40-3/45-3 These felt good.
-FS 115-3/115-3/125-3/135-3/135-3 These too felt light.
-3R 10 JumpStretch Band Twists/10 Hanging Leg Raises/Hallow 30 sec/Plank 60 sec this one hurt.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

-3R 150 Jump Rope/15 OHS/15 Sit-ups/10 push-ups
*Deadlift 7x1
Felt a bit heavy but I guess that's because it was...PR since coming home.
-5R 10 OH Walking lunges, Oly bar/1 TGU, 40lbs DB L&R
40lbs TGU felt easy. Did the last round using the Oly bar.
-3R 10 Explosive push-ups/3 Leg Raises/Ring hold (30,30,20sec)
This was a painfull little circuit. The push-ups and ring holds are a deadly combo. I wanted to do clapping push-ups but can't so I just did explosive but by the time I got to round 3 rep 10 they were pretty much regular push-ups.
-diet ok. It was fucking Easter Sunday for Christ sake. I did mange to keep it pretty clean having only as little stuffing, corn meal and cabbage rolls. Treated myself to a bit of dessert too but all in all I'd say I was good boy and didn't stagger away from the table ready to throw up.

-3R 100 Jump Rope/15 OHS/10 Push-ups
*15-12-9 for a load of:
Back Squat
Should have started with 160 on the 15 and increased by 10 from there.
-Power Cleans 6x1-120
-RDL 5-120/135/155/165/175
-3R 3 Ring Dips/3 Cat Skins/3 Pistols
-PM Climbing Session
-diet 100%

Friday, April 06, 2007

-3R Row 500m/1 min rest
*As many rounds in 20 minutes of:
10 Thursters, 65lbs
10 Pull-ups
Total Rounds 11 + 10 Thrusters & 8 Pull-ups
Started off feeling really slugish but quickened the pace as the clock wore on, spending the last 5 minutes going hard. My hands are absolutely destroyed and kicked to shit. Chalk and taping the bar hasn't really helped all that much. I think the last sand job I did might have been too much.
-BP 3x5-125 wanted to go 5x5 but bar was feeling at bit heavy
-DB Snatches 1x15/20/25/30/35/40/40/45/45/50 bit ugly
-3R 10 JumpStretch Band Twists/10 KTE/Cobra Hold 30 sec.
-diet today good but yesterday was a bit questionable. Felt hungry, tired, spent and just out of it all day. Got home and started wolfing down all the veggies and chicken and almond butter I could get my hands on. Things got a bit ugly and I had a peice of cake. It was good. Other than that it was all good foods but just lots of it. This seems to be a re-occuring thing for me and perhaps I just need to eat more on a daily basis to war off these crashes and lapses...

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

*3 Rounds for time of:
12 Muscle ups - 48 pull-ups/24 Ring Dips
30 back ext.
Run 400m
Time 29:13

I want to knock off off 2 minutes because I wasted way too much time pissing around with the treamill and waiting until it got going. I should have rowed this one and I'm not using a treamill again on a WOD. The amount of time I lose pissing around on them, the innacuracy of the distance and the time it takes to get going completely defeats the purpose of the WOD.
-DL 3x5-225
-3R 10 Hanging Leg Raises/10 Lying Hip Swings/Cobra holds 30sec. <-- deadly
-Diet 100%, paleo perfect

-4R Row 500m/1 min rests
1:55.6@27 - 226.8w/1:55.8@27 - 225.4w/1:54.9@26 - 230.6w/1:54.1@29 - 235.8w
*Clean&Jerk 7x1 95/105/105/115/125/135/137.5/140 C no J/140 ugly jerk but OH
-50 Burpees for time 4:04 major lactic fun in the legs
-Cat Skins 5x3 on power rack, too easy
-3R Jumpstretch Core circuit

-Diet 100%, paleo perfect

Monday, April 02, 2007

BW 156.5/71kg Finally getting my weight down to a reasonable level and I can feel it, way more jump plus my strengths going up so I must be doing something right. 156lbs/71kg is a nice weight.
-Run 400m/Row 500m/Run 400m/Row 500m - 1:30 rests
For time:
100 Pull-ups - 15/7/5/5/4/4/5/5/5/5/4/4/4/4/4/5/3/3/3/4/2
100 Push-ups - 15/10/15x5
100 Sit-ups - 50/25/25
100 Squats - 35/20/20/25
Time 21:36
Was 21:50 way back on 03/11/05, the last WOD I did before I left home. Did the pull-ups all overhand and in doing so have taken one step further to reprogramming myself. Didn't get as many fired out at the start as I'd like but I gotta start somewhere. No more underhand from here on out. Squats just sucked after the sit-ups.
-Thrusters 5x3-95 A full body lift after a full body WOD, makes sense...
-TGU 30-3/40-3 L&R side. Wanted to go 50 but body said no
-Hang Leg Raise 3x10
-Diet great but not 100%. Had a thin slice of swiss and some Lindt 99% proof.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

*Clean 10x1
Psyched myself big time on this one, which seems to be a re-occuring them with the cleans. Doing hang cleans yesterday probably didn't help either. Should have tried 135 after 125. Just keep pulling.
-W Pull-ups - 20-5/25-4/25-4/30-3/35-3/40-3
-MP 5x3-95 Solid, go 5x3-90 & 5x5-80
-3R - 10 Laying Hip Swings/7 Supermans/Plank 60 sec

*Run 5km
Done AM at home.
Dam I am a slow ass bastard. Albeit it was the longest run I've done since...a long time.
PM fun
-3R - 15 OHS/15 Sit-ups/11 Push-ups/5 Pull-ups
-OHS 3x3-95
-Hang Cleans 7x1-95
-Pull-up and Push-up practice
Getting much better on the overhand kipping pull-ups.
-Diet 100%, paleo and all that.

-3R - Row 250m/15 OHS/10 Push-ups/5 Pull-ups
*Filthy 50
50 Box jump
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Swings, 55lbs
50 Walking Lunge
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press, 45lbs
50 Back extensions
50 thrusters, 40lbs
50 Burpees
50 Ankle Hops
Time 30:20
Not my best time but a solid effort.
-Diet 100%, paleo and all that.

-3R - Row 250m/15 OHS/10 Push-ups/5 Pull-ups
*Front Squat 7x1
-BP 5x5-120 good, go up
-DL 5x5-225 work it
-3R - 10 KTE/10 JSBT/10 V-ups/15 sec Tuck Ring Hold
-Diet 100%, paleo and all that

-4R - Row 250m/15 OHS/10 Push-ups/5 Pull-ups
*"Tabata Fight Gone Bad"
8 Intervals of 20 sec work and 10 sec rest. Score based on lowest number of reps
Thrusters, 40lbs - 10/9/9/9/8/8/8/8
SDHP, 75lbs - 8/7/6/6/6/6/6/6
Box Jumps - 8/8/8/8/8/8/8/8
Push-Press, 75lbs - 10/6/5/5/5/5/5/5
Row - 6/6/6/6/6/6/5/6
Total Score 32
Stupid scoring system on this one. Too easy to have a bad interval and not push yourself the rest of the way because of it. Definitely copped out on this one.
-W Pull-ups 5x3-35
-5R - Ringhold 20 sec/3 EW/5 Push-ups
A day behind on this one. Felt really tired and spent and decided to call it an off day but then proceeded to have a terrible binge session, lossing all control and ate anything and everything I could get lips on. Felt like crap all day and fasted for 16+ hours but the damage was done and I could feel it on this WOD, which is really too bad because it did look like a fun WOD. Live and learn.