Started school this week, an added stresser to my pretty much care-free life I've been living the past 1.5 years. Missed a day because of it but made up for it and went 4 straight and a bit beat because of it. Also Started doing some intermediate fasting with interesting results. I'll have to tinker around with this a little more.
BW 152
-WU Row 1500m=6:07.7@27-2:02.6ave/JointM
5 Rounds of:
Run 1/2 Mile
15 OHS, 95lbs
Time 16:53 w/80lbs(85%rx'd)
Did this one on an empty stomach doing a bit of a mini fast (13h). Felt strong and fast, no extra work though, body bit hurt from 4 hard WOD's straight. I was 21:15 w/ 85lbs OHS way back on 28/06/05. Two years, shit.
BW 150
-WU 1000m=3:57.0@27/JointM
*20 minutes for rounds:
12 Hang Squat Cleans, 65lbs
7 Pull-ups
Total Rounds 10 + 10 HSC
-5R 3 Snatches, bar/1, 35lbs DB snatch
-3R 10 V-ups/3K-1S Evil Wheel/MBall Sit-ups
-Fasted for about 23 hours today, which is the reason for the major weight loss. 5lbs in one day, damn. All and all I felt alert, focused and put up a decent total on the WOD. The only bad thing I could say so far is that I felt really thin and stretched. I even looked thinner and almost anorexic. Went home and fed really well getting all my food in a 3h window. Going to have to play with this IF'n stuff a bit more.
BW 154
-WU 500m Row/JointM/L Sits
*30 Muscle-ups or 120 Pull-ups & 60 Rind Dips
Time 13:12 (1 MU = 4 Pull-ups & 2 Ring Dips)
Rings at about a 50" hang. I almost think I should be doing more ring dips but my ration is higher than what the FAQ says so more power to me.
-TGU bar-2/bar-2/55bar-1/55bar-1/60bar-1RH 0LH I love the looks I get doing these
-3R 11KTE/10LR JS Band Twists/3 HSPU/Plank 60 sec
BW 155
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 of:
DL 225 (97%)
BP 125 (81%)
PC 115 (99%)
Time 25:44 (92%)
A day behing on this one, just started school and I was everywhere at once. Felt tired and a bit stressed so I came home, had a nap and called it a WO. A bit heavier on the PC this time around a bit faster than on 15/02/07.
-3R MBall sit-ups/LHS/HLR
-L sit WU
Wall Ball Shots, 20lbs
Time 13:34
Got to use my newly made wall ball for the first time. 20lbs is a lot more than 10lbs. It calls for a 20' target but I was hitting approx a 10' target as my ball's got little bounce back, I should maybe make another one, if I had time...
-Snatch work bar & 1arm
-5R Evil Wheel 1 standing/3 kneeing