Before this triple started I was praying that is was going to be a hard as hell 3 WODs. The last 3 hurt me good but not enough. I wanted to be gasping for breath with pain, muscle sorness, calluses, blood, chalk, sweat and the wonderful nauseous feeling after a WOD and the comfort of the floor afterwards. I wasn't disappointed but I want more.
BW 156
*10 sprints of:
125m row - drag 2
0:32.9@27 - fell off the seat
-Pistols 7x3 each leg
-Cleans 5x3-95/105/105/115/115
-MP 5x5-75/75/85/85/85
BW 156
-Row 2000m = 8:23.5@21 - PR
For time:
21 OHS, 65lbs - 16/5
42 Pull-ups
15 OHS, 65lbs - 10/5
30 Pull-ups
9 OHS, 65lbs - 9
18 Pull-ups
Time 12:53
Felt pretty good on this one. At first I thought that I was scaling down the OHS too much but when all was said and done the sets were broken up quite well so I think I picked the right weight, heavier next time though. Pull-ups killed me which seems to be common as of late, I guess I'll just have to do more...
-DL 3x3-205
-BP 3x3-95
-3 rounds
15 JS Push downs
10 LHS
3 Evil Wheels
Thought after this WOD "Man I feel like shit. Oh, it's because I'm not laying on the ground."
BW 157.5
-Row 500m - 1min rest
2:00.2@26-201.8w 1.31
2:00.4@24-200.5w 1.31
1:58.3@25-211.2w 1.37
1:55.7@26-226w 1.47
Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats
Total Rounds 16 + 5 pull & 6 push
This has got to be a personal worst for me, well maybe not but I sure haven't scored this low in a long time. The mind was strong but the body was weak; meaning I gave a solid effort but my body just held me back. Next time around it'll be back to 20.
-5 rounds of:
3 windmills, 15lbs each side
3 weighted pull-ups, 15lbs
-BS 3x3-135
-Evil Wheel fun
"The more it hurts the better I'll be"
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