Friday, March 09, 2007

BW 158
-3 Round w/u of:
12 OHS
12 Sit-ups
7 push-ups
5 pull-ups
*3 Rounds for time of:
Row 1000m D5
21 Thrusters, 95lbs
Time 23:35 w/80lbs
Row Breakdown:
3:53.5@29 - 1:56.7 500m avg
4:01.9@29 - 2:01.0 500m avg
4:07.8@29 - 2:03.9 500m avg
Well this one messed me up nicely. This was a WOD that I really needed and want more of. It's WODs like these that I used to do on a regular basis on my own and got a decent fitness level because of it, now they're my weakness. They require a hell of a lot endurance, mentally, strength-wise and anaerobically. In a nuts shell they just hurt over a long period of time.

-BP 115-5x3
-30-20-10 of:
Back Ext.
Plank reps x2

BW 158.5
-500m row/1 min rest
*Split Jerk 3-2-2-2-1-1-1-1-1

Solid form but lack of strength. Gotta keep grinding away...
-W Pull-ups 10-5/15-5/15-5/17.5-4
-Pistols 5x3
-EW 3x3

BW 157.5
-Row 500m - min. rest
1:53.0@31 - 242.4
1:57.2@30 - 217.6
3 Rounds for time of:
Run 400m
21 DB Swings, 55lbs
12 Pull-ups
Time 10:31 w/55lbs

At the gym I keep getting asked, "Are you ok?" I keep getting asked this question I lay on the ground in a puddle of sweat. It's nice to know people are concerned. It's also nice to be on the floor in a puddle of sweat. Did Helen here on a treadmill, which I really wonder about it's distance accuracy and I did the swings "Rusky" style.
-BP 5-95/105/105/115/115
-OHS 5-45/45/65/70/75
-5 rounds:
10 sec L Sit
10 Sec Back Bend
-EW Roll outs 3x3
Taped up the pull-up bar at the gym today so it didn't chew the crap out of my hands, huge difference. I just hope no one comes along and tears it off.


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