Monday, October 31, 2005

50-40-30-20 and 10 rep rounds of:
Wall-ball, 20 pound ball
Slam-ball, 20 pound ball
Time: 24:14 w/ 20lbs thrusters for wall-ball shots and knees to elbows for Slam-ball bounces.
A day behind due to a hangover from my going away/Halloween party.
Disappointed with my time on this one but from what I read in the comments others had a tough time with it too. I just couldn't get into it, found myself sucking air a lot and barely broke much of a sweat. Did it first thing in the morning, which is something I'm not used to but I'm going to have to.

Finished off with some bar muscle-up work. Can't quite get that transition going.

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Clean & Jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps
Should have tried the 150 earlier, 145 felt light and I'm sure I could have gotten it.
Extra fun
Pull-up ladder w/15 second handstand between sets. Got up to 12 reps and went back down to 8 before calling it a day.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

For fifteen minutes do pull-ups for twenty seconds, then sit-ups for twenty seconds, followed by squats for twenty seconds.
Post results to comments.

465 total reps
Solid effort of non-stop action. All I did was just count so I have no idea what the rep breakdown was. I really wanted 500 but that 15-minute marker came on me by surprise.
4:00 minutes inverted, handstand practice. I used my watch for the first time today and found that I was counting way too fast in my head.
100 push-ups in 6 sets (25/15/15/15/15/15)
Played around with bar muscle-ups, going to have to start dedicating a post WOD to playing around with them. Just quite can't get the transition down.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

For time:
50 pound Dumbbell squat cleans, 10 reps
21 Handstand push-ups
35 pound Dumbbell squat cleans, 15 reps
15 Handstand push-ups
25 pound Dumbbell squat cleans, 20 reps
9 Handstand push-ups
Time 10:10 as required.
Accidentally did 20 reps for with the 35lbs DB's by mistake so more power to me. Form was pretty bad with the 50lbs but all right then on in. HSPU's were nose to the ground, assisted with my legs anchored on a smith machine. A solid effort.
Max hanging-tuck with 1:00 minute rest between sets:

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

21-15 and 9 rep rounds of:
Left-arm Kettlebell snatch, 1.5 pood
Right-arm Kettlebell snatch, 1.5 pood
Greg Amundson 4:49
Time: 8:05 w/35lbs DB
Solid effort but I think I used too little weight. During warm-up 35lbs felt the most comfortable but when I got going I realized I should of went a bit heavier as, save for the first right-hand round of snatches and pull-ups, the rest was unbroken. Good fun though.
Finished off with some pull-up practice and handstand work.

Monday, October 24, 2005

"Tabata Something Else"
Complete 32 intervals of 20 seconds of work followed by ten seconds of rest where the first 8 intervals are pull-ups, the second 8 are push-ups, the third 8 intervals are sit-ups, and finally, the last 8 intervals are squats. There is no rest between exercises. Post total reps from all 32 intervals to comments.
Pull 15/8/9/6/6/7/5/6=62
Push 16/12/9/8/7/8/8/8=76
Sit 11/11/10/10/10/10/10/10=82 (unanchored)
Squat 13/18/18/18/18/18/18/18=139
A day behind due to a busy Sunday and feeling the results of running 5 km twice within 36-hours of each other and having "Linda" sandwiched in between them.
Great effort and my highest score by far but I feel gypped out. I had absolutely no strength for the sit-ups, which are usually my strong point and when I was going to the squat box I tripped a bit and ended up starting about 5 seconds late. Other than that I'm pleased especially on the squats where I usually hovered around 16 reps max and couldn't consistently hold that number.
A get in and get out day and had a nice cold shower afterwards.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Location Outside
5km for time
Did this first thing in the morning using pedometer. It was a pretty cold out with a wicked wind but I persevered. My fricken contact came out halfway through and had a quick stop to deal with that so I took 30 seconds off of my total time. My legs and back were burning the whole time from Linda yesterday and the other 5km run on Thursday but all in all it was a solid effort.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Location Flex Fx Gym
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of the triplet:
Deadlift: 1 ½ body weight

Bench press: body weight
Clean: ¾ body weight
Time 19:00 with the following weights:
DL 215 (92% of Rx'd)
BP 120 (77% of Rx'd)
CL 105 (90% of Rx'd)
Previous outing:
DL 235 (100% of Rx'd)
BP 135 (87% of Rx'd)
CL 117 (100% of Rx'd)

Time 29:00
I decided to experiment this time around and dropped the weight a fair amount. The result was I being reduced to a sweat soaked, crumpled pile of flesh trying to write down the license plate of the dump truck that ran me over. It was one of those novelty plates and read Linda. The aftermath of this WOD was me sitting on the floor for a good 3 minutes rocking back and forth shaking like a heroin addict in withdrawals, then another 3 minutes of me laying down trying to get it together. When I got up, on the ground was my sweaty imprint with the words "mess you up" written backwards from my t-shirt. I'm so badass. I wish I had a camera. Needless to say it was an amazing WOD, in which I gave an amazing effort and found out that less weight oddly enough equals more pain.
Geek math time comparing this time and weight versus my last time and weight:
((215lbs+120lbs+105lbs)*55reps)/19min = 1273.684lbs/min.
((235lbs+135lbs+117lbs)*55reps)/29min = 924.568lbs/min.
350lbs/min. more with less weight. Now that is rad and shows to me the benefits of decreasing the required weight to meet ones own fitness levels. Fuck I wish I started doing the math on WOD's months ago.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Location Outside
Run 5k for time
Time 25:50 @5.13k

A solid effort but not too pleased with my time. Did this one outside using my pedometer which I know for sure is accurate up to 400 meters, past that it's pretty much a guess but I'm confident all is good. Finished off with some "Realistic Shoveling". Had to empty the gravel in the back of the truck and wheelbarrow it to the dog run. If I wasn't in such a shitty mood I would of timed myself for shits and giggles.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Location Flex Fx Gym
Fifteen rounds of:
Power snatch followed immediately by five overhead squats.

45lbs x 3 rounds
55lbs x 5 rounds
65lbs x 2 rounds
OHS 95lbs x 5 x 5
A day behind on the WOD right now due to going to the hockey game last night.
I suck so bad at snatches and power snatches that it's just plain old sad. I guess that’s what happens when you're a dumb ass and don't ever practice them. Oh well, I figure I have 13 more WODs and from then on in I will be working out in parks and anywhere I can manage with extremely limited equipment. A shitty attitude but it's the truth and quite frankly I'm rather excited about it. Rock tosses, park bench jumps, tree pull-ups and anything else brutal I can some up will be the name of the day and I say bring it on.
Anyways, after 10 rounds of the required WOD I realized that I suck at snatches so I decided to just finish the WOD with a 5 x 5 of overhead squats. 95lbs felt pretty good and I could have probably went a bit higher but it has been a while since I've done these so I just kept it light.
Extras:I was going to do today's posted WOD of a 5k run to bring myself up to date but ended up changing my mind. I ended up just doing about 5-400m runs trying to calibrate my pedometer. It was way out of sync and it ends up I was running a lot farther than I should of been. I managed to get it pretty exact so tomorrow I can now do the 5k run outside with an accurate distance.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Location Flex Fx Gym
Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
25 Pull-ups
50 Push-ups
75 Squats
3 Total Rounds w/ 10 seconds left
C&J 10 x 1
3:00 minutes of handstands
Wow, this one was tougher than it looked. I thought that I could hit 4 but barely hit 3 but gave out a solid effort. Pull-ups were done in 2 sets for the first two rounds and 3 in the last set. Push-ups were a bit of a joke and pretty much ended up doing them in 5's at the end of it all. Squats were all right but could have easily been better, fired 40 out the first round but didn't get that many consecutive again.
C&J's felt good, threw 135 up pretty easy. I'm interesting in what my max is now...
Handstands felt good.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Location Flex Fx
Session start 6:30
Five rounds for time:
45 lb Dumbbell thruster, 15 reps
15 ft Rope climb, 3 ascents with no legs

22:00 for 3 rounds w/25lbs thrusters & 45 rope pull-ups per round.
Mixed Stretch
3:00 total Handstand work
Session End 7:48
Rope pull-ups are just like towel pull-ups but with a rope, which was still murder on my hands but didn't slice them open like last time. This is my last scale down day of this triplet so I dropped the weight and took my time, although from the times posted on Crossfit I don't know if I could of gotten much better of a time. All the thrusters were unbroken and the rope pull-ups were pretty much in sets of 5 until the end when they were 3's & 2's.
Had a decent stretch afterwards but I'm going to stop stretching the next couple days as I think it's the reason that I keep re-injuring myself.
Handstand work was solid and my freestanding lengths are getting longer and longer.
Finished off with a cold shower, which I have been now doing the last couple post-WOD.
Diet was 100% the last two days but munched out on crap food tonight before I hit the gym. About 2 cookies (one ginger snap, one white chocolate chip), some crackers, a piece of pumpkin pie, and some pumpkin loaf were the sins of the day. It was probably the first time in at least 2-3 months that I've eaten any junk food and I didn't go over-board like I have in the past so hooray for me. Felt a little sick afterwards though so I'll use that as a reminder of what happens when I eat junk food.

Friday, October 14, 2005

BW 154
Session Start 5:23Warm-up: Pull-ups 15/13/5/8 Dips 10/10/10
Deadlift 3-2-2-2-1-1-1-1-1 reps
Stretch Routine #2
3-2-2-2-1-1-1-1-1 Weighted Pull-ups
3:00min total handstand work
Session End 6:38
A scale back day, so I kept the DLs light but did my best to stay at a decent pace. 295 x 1 was easy and I'd like to of gone a little harder as this could be the last DL max day I see in a while but whatever.
Handstands felt great and my times upside-down unsupported by the wall is getting longer and longer.
Stretch was all right, my leg really bothered my today and I found that on the first couple rounds of stretches my leg to be too tight to do anything but after it loosened up I could get a full ROM. I'm staying away from the behind the back-hand touch stretch for the sake of my right shoulder. I think that might be the culprit. It feels good today.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Location Flex Fx
Start Time 5:54
Warm-up: Pull-ups 15/13/12 Dips 10/10/10
Five rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
30 Box jump, 24-inch box
30 Wall ball shots, 20-pound ball

Time 18:30 for 3 rounds with 20lbs thrusters subbed for wall-ball shots
Stretch Routine #1
Extras 2:30 of handstand work
Pull-up practice 13/8/8/6/15
C&J 95lbs x 2 x 6
Session End 6:13
I pussied out on this one and decided to start a scale back week midway through the second round. My legs and lungs were killing me after just the first round so for the sake of recovery I decided to use that as a sign to shorten things up the next couple days. Still was a tough as hell WOD. I usually use a 10lbs ball for the wall-ball shots but I decided to redeem myself from the other day's FGB fiasco so I did thrusters using two 20lbs DB's. Either they're just that much tougher or I'm definitely in need of a scale back week. All the sets were broken up badly; whereas when using a 10lbs ball I can usually do all 5 rounds of Kelly completely unbroken with no rests. I guess the harder it is, the better it is for me, right? Right.I was stiff as hell for the stretch and it took me a good round to get loosened up and get into it. My right shoulder is feeling pretty good the last couple days but my left leg has been a bit sore. I hadn't stretched in a couple days but I have done a fair bit of dips, HSPU and push-ups so I'm thinking that the stretching might be affecting my arm. As for my left leg, it doesn't hurt to run or squat but I find I'm walking with a bit of a limp and while doing the Samson Stretch during warm-up it doesn't feel right. It's most noticeable when I rotate my leg. I first noticed it the day after FGB. I think it might have been when I cranked my shin on the bar.
5:00 min. total handstand work
134 pull-ups
60 push-ups

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Location Flex Fx
Crossfit Warm-up Pull-ups 15/13/12 Dips 10/10/10
"Fight Gone Bad!"
Five rounds with 1 minute at each station, 1 minute rest between rounds
Wall-ball – 20lbs ball (Reps)
Sumo deadlift high-pull 75 pounds (Reps)
Box Jump – 20” box (Reps)

Push-press 75 pounds (Reps) Row – calories (Calories)
Score 242

Breakdown and Subs:
Subbed Wall-ball w/40lbs DB thrusters - 10/8/7=25
SDHP 75lbs - 20/18/10=48
Box Jump - 18/16/17=51
Push-press 75lbs - 18/15/8=41
Rows subbed w/45lbs SDHP - 25/30/22=77
Subbed the wall-ball shots for 40lbs DB thrusters, which nearly killed me. It should have been 20lbs in each hand totaling 40lbs, so mad props to me. I also subbed the rows with 45lbs Sumo deadlift high-pulls which albeit was probably a little overboard but it is an official sub.
All in all a great effort with some rad intensity. All my numbers are up except the thrusters, which pulled me down far enough to actually make this my lowest scoring FGB. My only complaint is that I used my stopwatch as a timepiece and I had to periodically stop to peak at it to check the time. Should of used the gym's clock like in the past.
No extras or stretching or anything. My body was hurting good all day and this was just the icing on the cake.
Zone wise it was all good until after dinner when I munched out on some nuts and some dried fruit. Bad Troy.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Location Flex Fx
21-15-9 reps of:
Handstand push-ups
Ring dips
Time 18:40 w/ assisted Handstand push-ups with nose to the ground.
This was actually 10/09/05's WOD but I decided to do it later in the day for shits and giggles. My time on 07/06/05 was 21:30 but that was with unassisted HSPU and those were nowhere near nose level. Since I already did a WOD today I just skipped the extras. It's been a busy weekend with Thanksgiving and my grandfather's birthday but tomorrow I'm getting back on the horse.

This weekend was Thanksgiving in which I had 3 dinners and was out of town the whole time save the last dinner today. I threw the Zone out the window because I knew it was going to be too hard to keep with it, saying that I did manage to keep my diet clean. I avoided the desserts, cabbage rolls, perogies, potatoes, nalesniki, stuffing and all that other Ukrainian food that would make me hate myself in the morning, kept it all Paleo and feel great about it. I had fasted for 22.5 hours from Friday night to Saturday night and when we ate I proceeded to load my plate with tons of veggies and lean meats and for dessert it was delicious melons and strawberries. Subsequently I didn't get sick and felt great afterwards and the next day.
While I'm traveling I'm going to do my best to follow some remnants of the Zone. Sure it's not going to be 100% but I'm going to do my best to keep my diet paleo with a lean protein, fibrous carb and good fat for all my meals. I'm sure that the more I get off the beat track that'll be harder and harder to maintain but I'll do my best. Rice, potatoes, bread and pasta might have been a hard addiction to beat and have become my sworn enemy but in the upcoming months it might have to become a staple.
Enought typing, hockey time.

Location My basement
Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes of:
10 L pull-ups
20 Squats
Rounds Completed 11 + 7 L pull-ups
This is did this one first thing in the morning as we were having people over for Thanksgiving. A solid effort with the L pulls being the weakness but that's obvious.

Location Park across the road from Grandma's house - Vermilion
Equipment 40lbs rock
Four rounds for time:
15 Push-ups
15 Overhead tosses, 40lbs rock
15 Sit-ups
15 Swings, 40lbs rock
Time 14:37
Out of town at Grandma's house for Thanksgiving so this gave me my first chance to use my WOD randomizer. I had access to a big ass rock which I later weighted and found out was 40lbs. I am very pleased with the WOD that my randomizer created and I have a feeling I'm going to have a lot of fun with the randomizer while traveling, I also think that I'm going to be doing a lot of rock tossing which I thoroughly enjoyed. I didn't do any extra work because I was a bit pressed for time but I'm thinking that I should have drew and rolled another WOD for the fun of it. That said I'm predicting that that's what's going to happen while I'm traveling, two WOD's and maybe some extras. No complaints from me. Yet.

Friday, October 07, 2005

For Time:
100 pull-ups
Location Flex Fx
Crossfit warm-up pulls 5/5/5 dips 10/10/10
WOD Time 8:15
Set breakdown:
Stretch routine 1
Hold routine x 3
Handstand work
Disappointed that I only hit 20 pull-ups for the first set and then from there it was a bit of a gong show. All the pull-ups were with a kip but after about 50 or so the kip is pretty much non-existent and even then my kip has been really shitty lately. I think I'm thinking too much and am not just doing what feels comfortable.
After that I pretty much just screwed around the gym. The stretch was all right but it was freaking cold in the gym so it was a bit hard to get into. The 3 rounds of the "Hold Routine" were rather interesting and by interesting I mean shitty. The hang tuck and frog stance were the only things that were done decently, the hallow I couldn't really figure out and the back lever was a joke. I used to be able to do back levers; going to have to re-read the articles I have kicking around on them. Played around with handstands after that, racking up 4:00 minutes. The lengths of my handstands were down but the length of time that was truly freestanding compared to against the wall for support was a lot higher.
Day Total:
Pull-up 115
Handstands 5:00min
Push-ups 55

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Location Flex Fx
Session Start 4:50
Deadlift 3-3-3 reps - 245-275-290
Front squat 3-3-3 reps - 165-185-205
Hang squat clean 3-3-3 reps - 95-115-125
Split Jerk 3-3-3 reps - 105-115-130
Stretch Routine 2 13:40
Pull-ups 15/5
Session End 6:00
Good effort but the rests were a bit long and subsequently I found it to be a bit time consuming, but I guess if you're going for all out strength then you need that bit more rest. That said I pretty much skipped the extra work. I was shaking by the end of the WOD and found that as I progressed through the different exercises that they seemed tougher and tougher. I have a feeling that was the intentional. Deadlifts felt great but I had to re-grip my right hand on the very last rep. Front Squats were solid and hit a PR at 205 for 3 reps. Hang Squat cleans were a bit hurting and I had to really get down deep to get under the bar. Split Jerks were all right but I think I could have handled a bit more weight.

Location: Flex Fx
Session Start 4:52
For time 15, 12, and 9 rep rounds of:
45 pound Dumbbell Thruster
Time 17:40 with 35lbs thrusters and 3 pull-ups/3 dips = one muscle up
Stretch Routine #1 14:40
Handstands 0:50/0:40/0:40/0:50
3 minutes in 4 sets. My goal is 5 minutes in 5 sets.
Session End 5:53
Pretty good WOD with a solid effort but nothing pukie or too great. I did something very different today for the muscle up conversion; Instead of doing the 45, 36 & 27 pull-ups and dips in how many sets and reps I can handle (i.e. 10, 10, 8, 7, 5, 5), I did 3 pull-ups & 3 dips, 3 pull-ups & 3 dips, 3 pull-ups & 3 dips, 3 pull-ups & 3 dips... until I completed the required amount. I don't know if it was easier or harder though but it was something different. I might have to try this out on the next 30 muscle-up day.
Day Total:
Pull-up 169
Handstands 5:00min
Push-ups 55

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Rest Day
Total Pull-ups 110
Total Handstands 5:00min
Total Push-ups 55

Monday, October 03, 2005

Location: Flex Fx
Session Start
For time 30, 25, 20, 15, 10, and 5 rep rounds of:
Virtual shoveling - 45lbs plate, 24" barrier
Time 11:02 as Rx'd
Stretch Routine #3
Pull-ups 7/7/7
C&J 125 x 1 x 5
Handstands 0:45/0:45/0:10/0:45/0:35
Session End

A solid effort. Virtual shoveling is a pretty cool exercise, I'll have to remember that one. I think that the barrier was higher than 24" so more power to me. They were nice and punishing after those DL's yesterday. I did all right on the push-ups, the first set was unbroken and from then on it wasn't too pathetic like I thought it would of. I guess my push-up max is 30, which is higher then I thought it would be. Got to keep grinding away at them though, 50 is right around the corner.

I need to revamp Stretch Routine #3; I don't like it that much. I'm not into the back-bends and the Chest/Shoulder stretch does not feel cool.
Feeling a little tired so I'm hitting the hay early tonight. I need to shoot for good night sleeps during the week if I'm not going to get great ones during the weekend. My diet has been kind of in the dumps for the last few days too. Been keeping things paleo but haven't been eating all my zone block requirements and that along with poor sleep is cutting into recover time.

Pull-up Total:110
Handstand Total: 5:00 min

Location: Flex Fx
9 rounds for time of:
225 pound Deadlift, 5 reps
5 Handstand push-ups
Time 8:22 w/ 225lbs DL and assisted Handstand push-ups with nose touching the ground.
Was pressed for time and was having a busy day so I just got in and got out for this one. Didn't even warm up or have a true session. The assisted handstand push-ups were a bit too easy and I figure next time round I'll use some parraletes or something. All but the last set of DL was unbroken. A decent effort but I feel I could of done more. Again, poor diet and poor sleep held me back.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Location: Flex Fx
Three rounds for time of:
10 Muscle-ups
135 pound Clean and Jerk, 15 reps
Time 22:30 w/ 95lbs C&J's and a 3dips/3pull-ups=1 Muscle-ups conversion.
Stretch Routine #1 - One round with 35 second holds 7:00
5:00 upside-down handstand time
Spent about half an hour trying to rig up a way to be able to do muscle-ups using some stretch bands but just couldn't get a good set up. I ended up just calling that my warm-up and went at the WOD from there. I've missed a few food blocks over the last couple days, haven't had the best nights sleep either and I'm feeling it. Wanted to get in and out of there quick so the session kind of sucked, didn't even bother timing it. WOD effort was O.K. Felt good for Michael yesterday but this one hit me hard. Lowered the weight a considerable amount and the sets were still broken into 3, 4 and 5's. Would of liked to have used 115lbs but alas. I sure do suck at dips, pull-ups were a bit of a battle too. Handstands were good; holds weren't as long as yesterdays but the progress I've seen this last week has been better than what I've seen in the last year.
Now that I think about it, my wonky right shoulder has been giving me problems forever. Even way back when I did upright rows or lateral raises, my right shoulder would give me problems.
I'm going to try and add this little hold cycle into my routine, hopefully I can keep at it.
3 rounds, 30-second hold, 4 stations
Frog Stance
Back Lever

Day Pull-up Total: 110
Day Handstand Total: 5:00 min.
Day Push-ups Total: 0 - too many dips