Location Flex Fx
Session Start 4:50
Deadlift 3-3-3 reps - 245-275-290
Front squat 3-3-3 reps - 165-185-205
Hang squat clean 3-3-3 reps - 95-115-125
Split Jerk 3-3-3 reps - 105-115-130
Stretch Routine 2 13:40
Pull-ups 15/5
Session End 6:00
Good effort but the rests were a bit long and subsequently I found it to be a bit time consuming, but I guess if you're going for all out strength then you need that bit more rest. That said I pretty much skipped the extra work. I was shaking by the end of the WOD and found that as I progressed through the different exercises that they seemed tougher and tougher. I have a feeling that was the intentional. Deadlifts felt great but I had to re-grip my right hand on the very last rep. Front Squats were solid and hit a PR at 205 for 3 reps. Hang Squat cleans were a bit hurting and I had to really get down deep to get under the bar. Split Jerks were all right but I think I could have handled a bit more weight.
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