Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Location: Flex Fx
Session Start 4:51
Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats
Total Rounds: 19 w/ 3 seconds left
Stretch Routine#2 13:00

Extra: C&J 115 x 1 x 8 w/ 20-second handstands during rests
Session End 6:00
Solid effort on the WOD but I didn't get 20 like I wanted. I don't know if I just screwed counting that one time I got 20 or something, but I just can't to get it again. I'm thinking that I need to get back to practicing push-ups all the time, as they really held me back. By the 8th round I had to break them up into 2 sets whereas everything else was unbroken.
Handstands felt really good today, as did my stretch. I’m already noticing huge improvements flexibility even with just a 15-minute session after each WOD. I’m thinking though that I might need to throw in another upper body stretch. Lower body feels great though.

Resolution: 5 sets of 11 push-ups every morning to start with and then increase it from there.
Day Pull-up Total: 138
Day Handstand Total: 5:00 min


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