Monday, October 10, 2005

Location Flex Fx
21-15-9 reps of:
Handstand push-ups
Ring dips
Time 18:40 w/ assisted Handstand push-ups with nose to the ground.
This was actually 10/09/05's WOD but I decided to do it later in the day for shits and giggles. My time on 07/06/05 was 21:30 but that was with unassisted HSPU and those were nowhere near nose level. Since I already did a WOD today I just skipped the extras. It's been a busy weekend with Thanksgiving and my grandfather's birthday but tomorrow I'm getting back on the horse.

This weekend was Thanksgiving in which I had 3 dinners and was out of town the whole time save the last dinner today. I threw the Zone out the window because I knew it was going to be too hard to keep with it, saying that I did manage to keep my diet clean. I avoided the desserts, cabbage rolls, perogies, potatoes, nalesniki, stuffing and all that other Ukrainian food that would make me hate myself in the morning, kept it all Paleo and feel great about it. I had fasted for 22.5 hours from Friday night to Saturday night and when we ate I proceeded to load my plate with tons of veggies and lean meats and for dessert it was delicious melons and strawberries. Subsequently I didn't get sick and felt great afterwards and the next day.
While I'm traveling I'm going to do my best to follow some remnants of the Zone. Sure it's not going to be 100% but I'm going to do my best to keep my diet paleo with a lean protein, fibrous carb and good fat for all my meals. I'm sure that the more I get off the beat track that'll be harder and harder to maintain but I'll do my best. Rice, potatoes, bread and pasta might have been a hard addiction to beat and have become my sworn enemy but in the upcoming months it might have to become a staple.
Enought typing, hockey time.


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