Saturday, December 31, 2005

Location: Kimberly Klub Backpackers Broome, WA
Each min on the min for 30 min of:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats
Total: 30 rounds as Rx'd
Hell yeah 30 rounds with plenty of time left over after each round. I was averaging about 20 seconds of rest per minute and on the last round I finished with 17 seconds left. Next time I will go for +2. Chelsea was my first WOD that I ever did back on September 20, 2004 and I could hardly do 4 rounds as required.

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Location: Kimberly Klub Backpackers Broome, WA
For time:
200 jump ropes
50 push-ups
200 jump ropes
50 sit-ups
200 jump ropes
50 squats
200 jump ropes
This was originally a WOD with 100m runs and for 3 rounds but I didn't have the space to run so I subbed it with jump roping x2 nor did I realize that it was for 3 rounds and I only did one round. I should have just down 100 jump ropes and then did 3 rounds. Oh well, I'll probably do 2 rounds with 100 jump ropes later on for the fun of it.

Location: Kimberly Klub Backpackers Broome, WA
"JumpStretch Fran"
21-15-9 for time of:
JS Thrusters
Time 3:50
I figured out a new way to loop the jumpstretch band around my feet, which reduces the length and makes it a lot tougher, good fun.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Location: Beach at Coral Bay, WA

21-15-9 for time of:
Run 400m
Handstand push-ups
Jumpstretch Sumo Deadlift highpulls
Time: 13:25 w/ assisted HSPU

Did an extra day in a row to make up for a missed day plus I knew I was going to be on a bus for 17 hours the next day and probably wouldn't be able to get a WOD in.

Location: Outside of the Coral Bay backpackers, WA
As many rounds in 20 minutes of:
Run 400m
15 Jumpstretch push-ups
30 Jumpstretch squats
Rounds: 4 + 400m run w/10 seconds left
Handstand work 4:00 minutes upside down

Location: Beach at Coral Bay, WA
21 box jumps
100m sandbag run
21 sandbag picks-ups - to the shoulder
100m sandbag run
*Note: I was suppose to do 5 rounds but at this point my sandbag broke so I modified the WOD as I went along to finish off like this:
4 rounds of:
21 box jumps
100m run
50 sit-ups
100m run
Time: 24:34
I got this nice little sand for Christmas this year but I got a little too greedy as I kept filling it up more and more and when I put it down after the first round it broke. I must have been a bad boy this year.

"My Christmas Present"

Friday, December 23, 2005

Location: Beach at Coral Bay, WA
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 for time of:
JS Squats
Ring Dips

Time 19:03
Took an extra day off yesterday as I was really feeling all the farm work that I had been doing the last week. Felt good to have an extra day off and get back at it though.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Location: Homestay Plantations Carnarvon, WA
Reps per minute for as many rounds of:
Rounds: 18 plus 15 thrusters
Used a 17kg cinder block for the thrusters and swings. I think I could have gotten 20 but my lower bodies been pretty beat up the last couple days, a solid WOD though.

"With anything anywhere"

Location: Homestay Plantations Carnarvon, WA
For time:
100 burpees
Time: 7:55 w/full push-up & clap on the jump

Monday, December 19, 2005

Location: Homestay farms Carnarvon, WA
For time:
10 HSUP/2 Tucked pull-ups
9 HSUP/4 Tucked pull-ups
8 HSUP/6 Tucked pull-ups
7 HSUP/8 Tucked pull-ups
6 HSUP/10 Tucked pull-ups
5 HSUP/12 Tucked pull-ups
4 HSUP/14 Tucked pull-ups
3 HSUP/16 Tucked pull-ups
2 HSUP/18 Tucked pull-ups
1 HSUP/20 Tucked pull-ups
Time 13:03 w/ assisted HSPU & tucked pull-ups
I randomized "Kelly" today but my lower body is killing me so I did this old WOD. The assisted HSPUs were with my feet anchored on a beam and help with my legs. The pull-ups were suppose to be L-pull-ups but I copped out and did them tucked. I did them on a 4 x 8 beam along the ceiling so I couldn't get chin over the beam but you do what you can do.
"Assisted HSPU"

Sunday, December 18, 2005

5 rounds for a time of:
10 JS Push-ups
15 Swings
20 Sit-ups
25 Squats
Time 12:55 w/ a 17kg cinder block
The heat is starting to get pretty bad up here and starting to take an effect during my WOD's. Felt like passing out after yesterday's and today I got a little burnt when working out. My legs, especially my hamstrings and lower back are screaming at times from the farm work that I've been doing. Who would have thought pulling weeds would have such and impact.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Location: Homestay farms Carnarvon, WA
3 rounds for a time of:
15 JS Squats
15 Push Presses
15 Burpees
15 C&J
15 Overhead Lunges
15 Push-ups
Time 14:11 w/ a 30lbs pipe

Location: Carnarvon Beach, WA
As many rounds in 20 minutes of:
21 thrusters
400m run
Total rounds 6 + 21 thrusters
Thrusters done with approximately a 65lbs rock

"Rocks on"

Location: Carnarvon Beach, WA
4 rounds for a time of:
21 Overhead Tosses
21 Sit-ups
21 Box Jumps
Time 14:00 w/ approximately a 75lbs rock

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Location: YHA Denham, WA
3 Rounds for a time of:
30 Ring Dips
60 Jump Rope
Time 13:40
"Travel Rings"

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Location: YHA Kalbarri, WA
4 rounds for time of:
5 JS push-ups
10 JS Push Press
20 JS Thrusters
25 JS Squats
Time 13:37
This one was a great WOD but 5 rounds would have made it even better. I think 5 rounds could be worthy of a name. Perhaps JumpStretch Jenny.
"By the Pool"

Location: YHA Kalbarri, WA
21-15-9 for time of:
Time 8:53 w/ Approximately a 60lbs rock for the C&J's

Had about a 15km hike and a 3km canoe before I did this one so I was feeling a bit dragged but a solid effort and I feel I did pretty good on the pull-ups comparing that I've had very little practise.
"Natures Window Kalbarri, WA"

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Location: Entrance to YHA Kalbarri, WA
5 rounds for a time of:
run 400m
10 pull-ups
15 push-ups
20 KTE
25 squats
Time 24:26
Biked a shit load yesterday up hill and against the a hardcore wind so my legs felt a little fried during the runs. All an all a solid effort.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Location: Geraldton Public Beach, WA
3 rounds for time of:
JS PushPress, 50 reps
Chest toss, 50 reps
Time 23:08 w/approximately a 50lbs rock

Location: Foreshore Backpackers, Geraldton, WA
For time:
Squat 80-64-50-32-16-8
Swing 40-32-25-16-8-4
Pull-ups 20-16-12-8-4-2
Time 18:28 w/ approximately a 45lbs rock

Did this one nearly one year ago to the day (12/03/05) with a time of 34:25 and using a 40lbs DB for the swings. I'm sure I could of been pushing 17 minutes if I had a better chin-up bar and a DB or KB instead of a rock.

Location: Geraldton Public Beach, WA
For time:
800m rocks toss
Time 24:25 w/ approximately a 45lbs rock

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Location: Graham & Angela McKenny's farm outside of Geraldton, WA
As many rounds in 20 minutes of:
5 pull-ups
10 push-ups
15 squats
Total: 22 rounds w/ 1 second left
22 rounds a new PR and that was with little sleep and shitty nutrition but I attribute it to push-up practise. Pull-ups felt great but squats felt a little slow. Regardless I was pumped after that.
"The gym"

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Location: Tourist information parking lot Geraldton, WA
Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
5 Squat cleans
10 JS Thrusters
15 Jump rope
Total rounds 15
Squat Cleans done with a rock that weighted about 50lbs

Location: Albert & Diane West’s farm, between Jurien Bay and Badgingarra, WA
21-15-9 for a time of:
Ring Dips
Time 11:25 w/assisted HSPU with legs on the ladder

"Travel Rings"

Location: Albert & Diane West’s farm, between Jurien Bay and Badgingarra, WA
21-18-15-12 for a time of:
100m farmers walk
Knees to Elbow
100m farmers walk
100m farmers walk
Time 29:20

Did the farmers walks with a big ass beam that weighted around 80lbs and the jerks were done with a board that weighted around 65lbs. I was going to go 9-6-3 on this one but noticed the watch hit just about 30 minutes so I called it a day. It was an all right WOD but using a big beam and board made it cumbersome and ate away at my time. I still felt like I went through a meat grinder afterwards though.
“Get Some.”

Location: Albert & Diane West’s farm, between Jurien Bay and Badgingarra, WA
Every minute do one rep per minute of:
JS Squats
Total 29 minutes plus 27 squats
Extra:5:00 of handstands
Comments:I should of hit 30 minutes but didn’t make it. This one started out rather slow and ended with absolute pain. I was hurting good the next two days.
“This is the starting position for JumpStretch thrusters, push presses & squats”

Location: Albert & Diane West’s farm, between Jurien Bay and Badgingarra, WA
5 Rounds for a time of:
15 Ring Dips
30 JS Sumo Deadlift High Pulls
Time 13:57
3:50 handstands and 1:40 of hanging L-sits
“JumpStretch SDHP”

Location: Jurien Bay, WA
Tabata Jurien Bay
8 Intervals, 20 sec. Work, 10 sec. Rest
Knees to Elbow 10/8/8/7/7/7/7/7 = 61
Swings 8/6/6/6/7/5/7/7 = 52
Pull-ups 6/7/7/5/6/5/5/5 = 46
Front Squats 6/6/10/6/7/7/7/9 = 58
Total = 217
Did the swings and the front squats with a rock that must of weighted at least 60lbs. It was a heavy mother.
“Jurien Bay, WA”