Monday, March 26, 2007

-3R Row 250m/15 OHS/10 Push-ups/5 Pull-ups
3 Rounds of:

Run 800m
50 Back Extentions
50 Sit-ups
Time 19:39 unanchored regular sit-ups, back extentions, runs on treadmill
Well this is a bit time PR but I'm sure that the treamill I'm running on isn't set right and the distance isn't quite 800m but whatever, I went as hard as I could and thought my lungs were going to burst and my core was going to quit on me and that's all that matters.
-SP 5x3-65/75/80/85/85
-OHS 5x5-85
-3R - 10 LHS/5 RHLR/Plank 60 sec.
-Ring hold and push-ups cool down

Saturday, March 24, 2007

-Shoulder Flexibility/Scott Press work/OHS work
-5R - Farmers walk 75lbs/10 Push-ups/5 Pistols L&R
-Jumping Muscle Ups - 15x1
-3R - 3 EW/10 Push-ups
-Ring Holds 40/30/20/20 sec.
Off day fun.

Friday, March 23, 2007

-Row 500m
1:56.4@28 - 221.7w
1:54.6@29 - 232.7w
-3 Rounds - 15 OHS/15 Sit-ups/9 Push-ups/5 Pull-ups
*Weighted Pull-ups 7x1
Neutral grip unless otherwise noted. Don't do neutral grip again, there's no bar to pull over and I can't tell how high I've pulled.
-5 rounds:
5 CG BP, 105 - two fingers on the smooth part, two on the grip. Try 110-115
5 BS, 135 - Good, stay 135
-Windmills 5x3 - 15/20/25/30/30
-3R - 10 JSBT/10V-ups/Tuck Hold 10 Sec.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

-WU 3 Rounds:
15 OHS
15 Sit-ups
8 Push-ups
5 Pull-ups
*Push Press 7x1
-5 Rounds:
5 DL, 215lbs
5 Ring Push-ups
-Pistols 5x5/leg alt legs
-3 Rounds
10 KTE
10 LHS
10 JS Side Bends
5 Hanging Leg Raises

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

BW 160
Row 500m - 1:57.4@28 - 216.6w
Run 400m - 1:35
Row 500m - 1:55.8@29 - 225.5w
Run 400m - 1:33
2 minute rests
-"Nasty Girls"
3 Rounds of
50 Squats
7 Muscle Ups
10 Hang Squat Cleans, 135lbs
Time 19:56
7 muscle ups = 28 pull-ups & 14 Ring Dips
95lbs Hang Squat Cleans

Broke the ring dips and pull-ups into sets of 6 going 5/5/5/5/4/4 on the pull and 3/3/2/2/2/2 on the ring dips.
This was a grinder if there ever was one. I hardcore need to work on Hang Cleans, they're a monster lift, major explosiveness needed for them. Don't know what's up with my BW, flucuates up to 5lbs a day...
-FS 95-5/110-5/125-5/135-5/135-3 bit heavy at the end
-BP 120-3/120-3/125-3/125-3/130-3heavy
-3 rounds
5 EW
15 sec. back bend
30 sec. plank

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

BW 155.6
-Row 2km
8:11.9@26 2:03.0 ave
-3 rounds
15 OHS
15 Sit-ups
8 Push-ups
5 Pull-ups
-DB Jerks 30-3/35-3/35-3/40-3/45-3 heavy
-3 rounds
10 Walking Lunges L&R
3 TGU, 30lbs L&R
5 Pull-ups
-Skin the Cat 5x3

Monday, March 19, 2007

BW 156
-Row 250m/500m/250m
1:55.6@30 - 226.7w
-3 rounds
15 OHS
15 Sit-ups
7 Push-ups
5 Pull-ups
*4 rounds of:
Run 400m
Rest 2 min
Did this on the treadmill and had no idea what speed to start at. Even the last run could have been at a higher speed. I think it was 17 for the last 100m at started at 15.5. It should be nice out by the time this one comes around again. I hope.
-OHS 5x3-95
-DB Snatches 20-3/25-3/30-3/35-3/37.5-3/40-3/45-3 ugly form on the 45lbs, should have hit it earlier
-3 rounds:
3 pull-ups
6 push-ups
9 squats
-3 rounds
10 JS Band Twists
10 V-ups
1 min Plank

BW 159.5
-Row 500m/1000m/500m
1:54.7@28 - 232.1w
3:58.1@25 - 1:59.1 Ave
1:52.4@29 - 246.4w
As many rounds in 20 minutes of:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats
Total Rounds 17 + 5 pull&8 push
1 round better than 3 weeks (25/02/07) ago so I'm making progress I guess. Just about puked on round 8 and was gasping for air so the effort was there but I'm just not the man I was, all in due time though. I manged 5 rounds in about 4:30 but from there I couldn't hold the minute per round pace.
-Thrusters 95-3/95-3/105-3/105-3/95-3
-W Pull ups 5x3-25
-W Dips 10-4/10-3/10-3/15-3/15-3/20-3/20-3
I did the difference of 20 rounds of Cindy and my score in Weighted pulls and dips.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

BW 161.5
-Warm up rowing
Row 1000m D3 - 3:59.7@28 - 1:59.8 ave
2 min rest
Row 500m D1 - 1:56.3@29 - 229.4w
1 min rest
Row 250m D1 - 54.3@33
30 sec rest
Row 250m D1 - 1:09.8@27 Strapless for form
*"Crossfit Total"
Back Squat 165-3/185-1/200-1/215
Shoulder Press 65-5/80-3/95-1/105-1/110
Deadlift 260-1/290-1/305-1/315
Total 640 3.96
Compare to
17/02/07. Good stuff, hit PR's on all the lifts. Failed on 215 for the squat last time but this time hit it nicely and feel I might have been able a little more. Shoulder Press was a bit heavy and had a bit of a back bend. Deadlift on the other hand was rad, 305 felt light, decided to see what 315 would feel like and bam. I feel I'm a bit heavy on the bodyweight side of things though. I seem to be gaining weight more than anything. That would make sense as I would be gaining some LBM but at the same time think I should be losing fat, as I've turned over a cleaner diet since getting home and my activity level has gone up a lot more.
-3 rounds:
10 KTE
10 LHS
10 JS Side Bend L&R

Friday, March 16, 2007

BW 161
-Row 500m/1 min rest
1:59.7@25 - 203.9w
1:57.8@24 - 214.2w
1:53.6@28 - 238.7w
1:53.1@29 - 241.7w
-5 rounds for fun
Aprox. 75' Farmers walk, 65/70/70/75/75 DBs
5 Jumping Muscle Ups
-Skin the Cat work
Finally properly set up the rings today and played around with them for a while. Good fun.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

BW 160
*Deadlift 7x3
Nice increase from my last deadlift outting. Only hit 290 as a single back then.
-BP 5x5-117.5
-FS 5x3-135
-L sit and Back Bends
-3 Rounds of:
10 JS Band Twists L&R
10 V-ups
1 min. plank

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

BW 160
*For time:
10 Pull-ups - 10
20 Pull-ups - 10/6/4
30 Pull-ups - 10/5/3/2/4/3/2/1
Time 11:30
3:45 better this time around than on 22/02/07. HSPU leg assisted with full ROM.
-PC 95-3/115-2/115-1/115-1/120-1/125-1/130-1
-TGU 45bar-1/55bar-1/60bar-f/45bar-2
-3 Rounds of:

10 KTE
10 LHS
10 JS Side Bends L&R

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

BW 159.5
-500m row/1min rest

1:57.8@29 - 214.1w
1:55.9@32 - 224.6w

2min rest/1000m row
*5 Rounds for time of:
45lbs Overhead walking lunges, 50'
21 Burpees
Time 17:01
Did this one way back when on July 21/05 with a time of 16:25...I'm gettin' too old for this shit. The first time I did this one though, I counted my lunges and called it 50', 13 lunges per it was. Upon re-measuring my stride I figure 15 lunges equals 50' but instead of counting I measured 25' and marked it with tape, going back and forth for 50'.
-BS 135-3x3
-DB MP 15-5/20-5/25-5/25-5/30-5
-W Pull-ups 35-1/40-1/45-1/50-1/55-1

Friday, March 09, 2007

BW 158
-3 Round w/u of:
12 OHS
12 Sit-ups
7 push-ups
5 pull-ups
*3 Rounds for time of:
Row 1000m D5
21 Thrusters, 95lbs
Time 23:35 w/80lbs
Row Breakdown:
3:53.5@29 - 1:56.7 500m avg
4:01.9@29 - 2:01.0 500m avg
4:07.8@29 - 2:03.9 500m avg
Well this one messed me up nicely. This was a WOD that I really needed and want more of. It's WODs like these that I used to do on a regular basis on my own and got a decent fitness level because of it, now they're my weakness. They require a hell of a lot endurance, mentally, strength-wise and anaerobically. In a nuts shell they just hurt over a long period of time.

-BP 115-5x3
-30-20-10 of:
Back Ext.
Plank reps x2

BW 158.5
-500m row/1 min rest
*Split Jerk 3-2-2-2-1-1-1-1-1

Solid form but lack of strength. Gotta keep grinding away...
-W Pull-ups 10-5/15-5/15-5/17.5-4
-Pistols 5x3
-EW 3x3

BW 157.5
-Row 500m - min. rest
1:53.0@31 - 242.4
1:57.2@30 - 217.6
3 Rounds for time of:
Run 400m
21 DB Swings, 55lbs
12 Pull-ups
Time 10:31 w/55lbs

At the gym I keep getting asked, "Are you ok?" I keep getting asked this question I lay on the ground in a puddle of sweat. It's nice to know people are concerned. It's also nice to be on the floor in a puddle of sweat. Did Helen here on a treadmill, which I really wonder about it's distance accuracy and I did the swings "Rusky" style.
-BP 5-95/105/105/115/115
-OHS 5-45/45/65/70/75
-5 rounds:
10 sec L Sit
10 Sec Back Bend
-EW Roll outs 3x3
Taped up the pull-up bar at the gym today so it didn't chew the crap out of my hands, huge difference. I just hope no one comes along and tears it off.

The Ugly:
To make it complete I had to make an ugly catagory which is quite fitting as I just watched the movie the other day.
It's now quite obvious to me that I have a reading disability. I read something thinking it says something when it really says something completely different, take for instance my latest screw up; For the past month I've been mis-reading the scale at the gym, thinking that the pounds went in increments of 1 but upon a closer read today I realized that they went in increments of 2, silly Troy. So after all this time thinking that my lowest weight is a paltry 153lbs and heaviest 155lbs I find out, much to my dismay that I'm in fact 156lbs at my lightest and 160lbs at my heaviest. Ouch. So pound for pound I'm weaker than I thought and my new rowing prowess isn't that great as I've got an additional 3-7lbs to help out. It does make for an interesting discovery though as it does explain the increase in rowing and also paints a picture as to why my pull-up and push-up numbers have been shit. It also tells me that I need to, not so much clean up my diet but learn to "push away" and not over indulge. Anyways, I've changed all my weight entry's for the last month and have learned a little insight into the T-box.


Thursday, March 08, 2007

One Month Review
I've been back home for a month now with mixed results and progress. I feel I should be much further along in some regards but am way ahead in others and making good progress and doing things that I never could do before.
The Good:
Turkish Get-ups; in Sydney there was no way I could have done even one using the Oly bar meanwhile here I've been doing them with the Oly bar and change. Rowing also feels much stronger. I was 2 seconds faster on the 5k than in Sydney. My core feels really strong and I guess that's because I've been hitting it really hard on a consistant basis.
The Bad:
Strength is way down in every aspect; power, endurance and general. Squat, bench, DL, OHS, MP/SP...Blah. I've pretty much lost my kip in the pull-up. I don't know if it's because of the power racks in my gym which is where the pull-up bars are and them potentially being at an awkward height for me plus I find the grips on them absolutely devastating on my hands. The pull-up bars at my gym have always chewed up my hands even with chalk, something I never experiences in Sydney or elsewhere. It's got that pseudo-metal gripping on it that seems to do more harm than good. Have to try taping the bars up with hockey tape or something and give that a try.
Final Thoughts:
Keep grinding away. Go heavy(er). Keep Consistant. Have fun. I do think that I am missing one factor to my training thus far though and without it I'm missing out on some major gains. The “I Factor”.

BW 156
*50-30-20 of:
Ankle jumps - 25/10-15/5-10/10
Push-ups - 10/4-7/3-8/2
Pull-ups - 7/1-5/2-5/1
Time 18:22
*Note: breakdown shown as best and worst set per round
-PC 7x3-95/95/95/105/105/110/115
-5 rounds with rests:
3 evil wheel rollouts
back bends
I am hardcore sucking at pull-ups, push-ups and pretty much strength endurance in general.

BW 156
-3 Round warm-up:
10 OHS
10 sit-ups
7 push-ups
5 pull-ups
*Front Squat 7x3 - 135/135/145/155/165/165/170
-5 Rounds with rests:
3 DL, 225lbs
5 Ring Dips
7 Pull-ups
-L Sits 6x10sec
-3 rounds
10 KTE
10 LHS
10 JS Side bends L&R
170 felt heavy. In some of the old posts from back before I left home in '05 I was FS'ing 205x3. Don't know if my form wasn't as good back then and i wasn't going deep or if I'm just weaker now. I'll accept the latter and work hard...

BW 157
*Row 5k
Time 20:28.9 @26 D4
-BS 135-5x5
-DB Jerk 3-30/30/35/35/40
-3 rounds with rests:
3 L Pull-ups
1 TGU, oly bar, L&R
-3 Rounds
10 Band Twists L&R
10 V-ups
Chinnies for reps 40/30/20
I really wanted to get under 20 minutes on this. With my new prowess at rowing I thought I could and had the tactics of 2:00/500m, an easy pace but not so easy x10. That said I did 2 minutes better than the last 5k I did.


Saturday, March 03, 2007

BW 156
*3 Rounds for time of:
Row 500m
Bench Press Body Weight, 30 reps
Time 23:36 w/ 100lbs (64%)
1:47.4 - 10/5/3/2/4/2/2/2
1:52.6 - 6/4/3/2/3/2/2/2/2/2/1/1
1:51.9 - 5/4/3/2/1/2/2/2/2/2/1/1/1/1/1
Ouch. Man I suck at BP, gotta improve on it. Rows were great though, I just about hit my 500m PR on the first round. I think I could easily destroy my previous PR but I'll give it a little bit more time.
Weighted Pull-ups and Windmills - 5x5-15
-OHS 5x5-65
-L-sit work and stretch
-3 Rounds of:
10 KTE
10 JS Pull downs
1min plank
Eat food
Drink coffee

Friday, March 02, 2007

BW 154.5
-1000m Row D2 (Try D4)- 4:02.3@28
*For time:
Run 800m
20 1-arm Snatches, 35lbs DB(alt. arms)
20 Squat Cleans, 35lbs DB
100 sit-ups
20 1-arm Snatches, 35lbs DB(alt. arms)
20 Squat Cleans, 35lbs DB

Run 800m
Time 22:14
-Day 1 Core
-Ring Dips 5x3 deep as can be
-Muscle up work and Pistols

BW 155.5
-500m row = 1:48.9@34-271.0w
Dam, don't know where that came from but it felt great. I saw a video of someone rowing and had a bit of enlightenment in regards to form and I guess it paid off. I also put the straps on the foot holdings a lot higher which seems to have helped. The strange thing was is that after that 500m I was done. It didn't destroy me like a max effort but I was just done.
*BS 7x1-135/150/160/170/180/190/165AFT
Felt pretty dam good on these. 190 felt pretty heavy but nothing too serious and dropped it down to 165 afterwards and went deep.
-TGU 1-35DB/40DB/40DB/45DB/20BB/30BB/40BB/45OlyB/55OlyB
More goodness, this time around on the TGU. Started off light working singles and went heavy finishing off with the Olympic bar and 5lbs on each side. I mixed in pull-ups between sets going for 3's of L pulls and weighted pull-ups going as heavy as 35lbs.
-BP 3x3-115