Sunday, September 26, 2010

BW 73.6kg (AM)
-HSPU work
-5 Rounds for time of:
5 DB Snatches/arm, 40lbs
5 DB Swings/arm, 40lbs
10 Burpees
Time: 11:55
-Flag: 8/8/8

Solid session on the HSPU; had fun doing holds and different ROM. Metcon was intense.

BW 73.6kg (AM)
-Deadlifts: 117.5 x3 / 135 x3 / 150 x3
-21-15-9 for time:
Deadlifts, 70kg
Hanging leg raises
Time: 7:25
-Plank: 2min

Ok on the deadlifts. Was hoping for way more but didn't have it. AM work out and didn't have the strength in me. HLR in the metcon hurt.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

BW 73.6kg (PM)
-Weighted Dips: 20 x3 / 25 x3 / 25 x3
-Weighted Pull-ups: 15 x3 / 18 x3 / 22.5 x3
-5 Rounds for time of:
10, 1-arm swings/arm, 40lbs DB
10 Push-ups
Time: 6:32
-Standing Incline Evil Wheel

Solid on the dips, just about managed 4. Try for 32.5 x3 next. Solid on pull-ups, go for 24 x3 next.

BW 73.8kg (PM)
-Front Squats: 70 x3 / 80 x3 / 92.5 x4
-10 Rounds for time:
3 pistols per leg
5 Box jumps, mid thigh
Time: 8:57
-Plank 2 min

Solid on the front squats.

-10 Rounds of:
5 Pull-ups
5 Push ups
Time: 6:30

Did this workout at home.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

BW 74.4kg (PM)
-Deadlifts: 107.5 x5 / 125 x5 / 142.5 x7
-10 Minutes for rounds of:
8 Glute Ham Raise
8 Hanging Leg Raise
Rounds: 7
-Plank: 2min

Solid on the deadlifts. Awesome gain.

BW 74.2kg (PM)
-Weighted Dips: 15 x5 / 20 x5 / 26 x5
-Weighted Pull-ups: 12.5 x5 / 16.5 x5 / 21 x4
-Rounds for time of:
5 burpee, hang squat clean, push press, 40lbs DBs

5 1-arm swings, 40lbs DBs
Time: 8:35
-Standing Incline Evil Wheel

Solid on the weighted dips. Scale down a little on the weighted pull-ups. Metcon = ouch.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

BW 74kg (PM)
-Front Squats: 65 x5 / 75 x5 / 86 x6
-10 minutes for rounds of:

5 Box Jumps, mid-thigh
10 Walking Lunges, 40lbs DBs
Total = 8 + 5 box jumps & 5 walking lunges
-Lying Hip Swings: 20/20/20
-Plank: 90 sec

Solid on the front squats. Slowly moving back up.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

BW 74kg (AM)
-Shoulder Press: 40 x5 / 45 x3 / 50 x1
-15 Rounds for time of:
5 Dips
5 Pull-ups
Time = 15:15
-Plank: 2 min

BW 73.8kg (PM)
-Deadlifts: 120 x5 / 137.5 x3 / 155 x2
-15-12-9 for time of:
Deadlifts, 100kg
Hanging Leg Raises
Glute Ham Raises
Time = 9:22

Solid on the deadlifts, 3 is there. Metcon tough.

Thursday, September 09, 2010

BW 74kg (AM)
-Weighted Dips: 20 x5 / 30 x2 / 35 x1
-Weighted Pull-ups: 15 x5 / 20 x3 /25 x2 / 27.5 x1 / 30 x1
-2 Rounds of:
40lbs DB burpee, hang squat clean, push press, 15 reps

40lbs DB swings, 21 reps
Time: 8.57
-Standing Incline Evil Wheel

Crappy on the weighted dips. Weighted pull-ups felt solid. Today's metcon was tough. Was suppose to be 21-15-9 but realized during the first round that that would kill me.

BW 74kg (PM)
-Front Squats: 75 x5 / 85 x3 / 95 x2
-10 minutes for rounds of:
10 walking lunges, 40lbs DBs
10 Jumps
Total Rounds: 7 + 7lunges
-Lying Hip Swings: 25/25/20
-Plank: 90sec

Solid on the front squats. Maybe had 3 in me but just not feeling it. Happy with what I pushed though. DB walking lunges are awesome, jumps are not.

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Been a long time since I've posted a comment here. Training has been down the last couple of months. It always seems like my training takes a slump during the summer. At first I dropped the weights and started working back up but I think I need a good change in general. I haven't been feeling 100% and have been wondering as to what the hell my goals are and what am I doing. I guess my goals and the only reason I go to the gym and work out is to for health reasons, mentally and physically.
It's been nearly 2 years since I've done any Crossfit metcon stuff and 3 years since I've been dedicated to it. I've always looked back at my Crossfit days with nostalgia and a view that I was very fit and felt really good. Didn't like being as weak as I was and I now question if I need that level of metcon. My goals right now are to be fit, have fun, feel good about myself, get stronger and fitter. Pretty vague but it's what works for me, someone with no sport or athletic goals.

Workouts include a strength component based off of the principles of Wendler's 5-3-1 and then a finishing metcon, something around 10 minutes time comprised of assistant exercises for that day's strength movement. Pretty basic and so far has been fun.

BW 73.4kg (PM)
-Shoulder Press: 35 x3 / 42.5 x3 / 47.5 x2 / 45 x2 / 40 x3
-10 minutes for rounds of:
7 Dips
7 Pull-ups
Rounds: 7 + 7 Dips
-Plank: 3min

BW 73.8kg (PM)
-Deadlifts: 115 x3 / 130 x3 / 145 x5
-15-12-9 for time of:
Deadlifts, 100kg
Hanging Leg Raise
Glute Ham Raise
Time: 10:58
-Lying Hip Swings: 20/20/16

BW 73.4kg (PM)
-Weighted Dips: 20 x5 / 25 x3 / 32.5 x3 / 33.75 x2
-21-15-9 for time of:
DB Swings, 40lbs
DB Push Press, 40lbs
Time: 7:20
-Plank: 90sec

BW 73.2kg (PM)
-Front Squats: 70 x3 / 80 x3 / 90 x4
-10 minutes for rounds of:
3 pistols, per leg
12 walking lunges, 20kg BB
Rounds: 7
-Lying Hip Swings: 26/20/18
-Plank: 2min

BW 73.8kg (PM)
-Shoulder Press: 35 x5 / 40 x5 / 45 x5 / 40 x5
-21-15-9 for time of:
Time: 7:33
-Kneeling Evil Wheel
-Plank: 2 min

First time in a long time since I've done shoulder presses or a metcon.

BW 73.6kg (PM)
-Deadlifts: 105 x5 / 120 x5 / 137.5 x6
-Hanging Leg Raise
-Glute Ham Raise

Solid on the deadlifts

BW 74.4kg (AM)
-Weighted Dips: 15 x5 / 20 x5 / 25 x5
-Pull-ups: 64/8
-Dips: 62/
-Kneeling Evil Wheel
-Plank: 3 min

BW 74.6kg (PM)
-Front Squats: 65 x 5 / 75 x5 / 85x5
-Pistols: 5x5
-Lunges: 20kg x10x5
-Plank: 3min

Front Squats heavy and a bit wobbly but good.

BW 73.6kg (PM)
-Deadlifts: 115 x5 / 130 x3 / 147.5 x3
-Hanging Leg Raise
-Glute Ham Raise: 41

Solid on the deadlifts. 4 was nearly there.

BW 74.8kg (PM)
-Weighted Dips: 20 x5 / 27.5 x3/ 35 x2
-Pull-ups: 61/7
-Dips: 61/7
-Kneeling Evil Wheel
-Plank: 2:30


BW 73.2kg (PM)
-Front Squats: 72.5 x5 / 82.5 x3 / 92.5 x3
-Pistols: 35/8
-Lunges: 20kg x13/10/9/9/8
-Lying Hip Swings: 20/20/20

Heavy but solid on the Front Squats

BW 74kg (AM)
-Pull-ups: 53/8
-Dips: 50/8

BW 73.8kg (PM)
-Deadlifts: 110 x3 / 125 x3 / 140 x4
-Hanging Leg Raise
-Glute Ham Raise: 49/8
-Lying Hip Swings: 20/20/20

Solid on the Deadlifts

BW 74kg (PM)
-Weighted Dips: 20 x3 / 25 x3 / 30 x3
-Pull-ups: 65/8
-Dips: 56/8
-Kneeling Evil Wheel

BW 73.4kg (PM)
-Front Squats: 68 x3 / 78 x3 / 87.5 x4
-Pistols: 3x8
-Lunges: 20kg x 15x3 / BW x15x2
-Lying Hip Swings: 30/20/20/20/20

BW 73.4kg (PM)
-Deadlifts: 100 x5 / 115 x/ 132.5 x5
-Hanging Leg Raise: 64
-Glute Ham Raise: 60

Solid on the deadlifts

BW 74.6kg (PM)
-Weighted Dips: 15 x5 / 20 x5 / 25 x4
-Pull-ups: 65/8
-Dips: 61/8
-Kneeling Evil Wheel

BW 74.2kg (PM)
-Front Squats: 65 x5 / 75 x5 / 82.5 x5
-Pistols: 3x8
-Lunges: BW 15x3 / 20kg x10x2
-Lying Hip Swings: 30/25/20/15/15

Back into the gym after some time off. Front Squats heavy and hard. Weighted lunges are a new pain.

BW 73.8kg (PM)
-Front Squats: 77.5 x5 / 90 x3 / 100 x1
-Pistols: 3/5/5/5/3/3/3
-Lunges: 26/24/22
-Weighted Plank: 25kg @ 60/30

Scaled down this week for front squats but need to scale down more. Not feeling 100% and my lifts are suffering. Need to scale down all the weights and work back up.
Took a week off after this, kept the workouts to the park and strictly bodyweight.

BW 74.6kg (PM)
-Deadlifts: 120 x3 / 135 x3 / 153 x3
-Hanging Leg Raise: 53
-Glute Ham Raise: 40

BW 73.2kg (PM)
-Weighted Dips: 25 x3 / 30 x3 / 37.5 x2 / 35x1
-Pull-ups: 60
-Dips: 53
-Standing Incline Evil Wheel

BW 74kg (AM)
-Front Squats: 72.5 x 3 / 85 x3 / 95 x3
-Back Squats: 65 x10x2 / 67.5 x10 / 70 x10x2
-Hanging Leg Raise: 10/8/8

BW 74.2kg (PM)
-Deadlifts: 110 x5 / 127.5 x5 / 145 x5
-Clean Deadlifts: 100 x10x5
-BW Plank: 3 min
-Tabata Pull-ups

BW 73.8kg (AM)
-Weighted Dips: 15 x5 / 20 x5 / 29 x3 / 25 x5
-Standing Incline Evil Wheel

BW 73.8kg (PM)
-Power Cleans: 65 x3x3
-Front Squats: 67.5 x5 / 77.5 x5 / 90 x5
-Back Squats: 60 x10 / 65x10 / 67.5 x10
-Weighted Plank: 25kg @ 60/30

BW 73.2kg (PM)
-Deadlifts: 135 x5 / 153 x3 / 170 xF
-Power Cleans: 60 x3x2 / 65 x3x3
-BW Plank: 4 Minutes

BW 73.2kg (PM)
-Weighted Dips: 20 x5 / 30 x3 / 45 xF / 45 xF / 42.5 x1 / 40 x1
-Standing Incline Evil Wheel

BW 73.6kg (AM)
-Front Squats: 80 x3 / 95 x2 / 100 x1
-Back Squats: 60 x10x2 / 62.5 x10 / 65 x10x2
-Weighted Plank: 25kg @ 60/30

Deadlift and Front squat down lately and feeling worn. Think I need to lighten the load and work back up.

BW 73.8kg (PM)
-Deadlifts: 125 x3 / 145 x3 / 162.5 x2
-Deadlifts: 110 x10x5

BW 73.6kg (PM)
-Weighted Dips: 25 x3 / 30 x3 / 36.25 x3
-Standing Incline Evil Wheel

BW 73.8kg (PM)
-Power Cleans: 65 x3x5
-Front Squats: 80 x3 / 90 x3 / 102.5 x1
-Back Squats: 60 x10 / 65 x10 / 70 x10