Monday, February 26, 2007

Before this triple started I was praying that is was going to be a hard as hell 3 WODs. The last 3 hurt me good but not enough. I wanted to be gasping for breath with pain, muscle sorness, calluses, blood, chalk, sweat and the wonderful nauseous feeling after a WOD and the comfort of the floor afterwards. I wasn't disappointed but I want more.

BW 156
*10 sprints of:
125m row - drag 2
0:32.9@27 - fell off the seat
-Pistols 7x3 each leg
-Cleans 5x3-95/105/105/115/115
-MP 5x5-75/75/85/85/85

BW 156
-Row 2000m = 8:23.5@21 - PR
For time:
21 OHS, 65lbs - 16/5
42 Pull-ups
15 OHS, 65lbs - 10/5
30 Pull-ups
9 OHS, 65lbs - 9
18 Pull-ups
Time 12:53
Felt pretty good on this one. At first I thought that I was scaling down the OHS too much but when all was said and done the sets were broken up quite well so I think I picked the right weight, heavier next time though. Pull-ups killed me which seems to be common as of late, I guess I'll just have to do more...
-DL 3x3-205
-BP 3x3-95
-3 rounds
15 JS Push downs
10 LHS
3 Evil Wheels
Thought after this WOD "Man I feel like shit. Oh, it's because I'm not laying on the ground."

BW 157.5
-Row 500m - 1min rest
2:00.2@26-201.8w 1.31
2:00.4@24-200.5w 1.31
1:58.3@25-211.2w 1.37
1:55.7@26-226w 1.47
Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats
Total Rounds 16 + 5 pull & 6 push
This has got to be a personal worst for me, well maybe not but I sure haven't scored this low in a long time. The mind was strong but the body was weak; meaning I gave a solid effort but my body just held me back. Next time around it'll be back to 20.
-5 rounds of:
3 windmills, 15lbs each side
3 weighted pull-ups, 15lbs
-BS 3x3-135
-Evil Wheel fun
"The more it hurts the better I'll be"

Friday, February 23, 2007

BW 156
-Row 500m - 2:00.7@26-199.0W
2min rest
Row 1000m - 4:08.3@24-182.9W
2min rest
Row 500m - 1:57.5@25-215.6
Rows slowly coming along to where they used to be.
*OHS 7x1-65/65/75/85/95/105-f/95/100
Without a spotter or pillars and platform, doing OHS for 1RM is so haphazardous. I'd love to think I can one day hit 70kg again like I did on 09/12/06 someday. Finished them off with some more OHS but just with the bar.
-Cleans 95-3/105-2/110-2/120-1/125-1
-Pull-up work - I really need to work my shoulder flexibility and kip with an overhand grip. I can feel how much more powerful and effective they are but I just can't get them down.
-20-15-10 of:
GH Sit-ups
Back ext.
1min plank

Thursday, February 22, 2007

BW 156
-Row 500m/1min rest D3
-4 interval Tabata rows
*For time:
10 Pull-ups
20 Pull-ups
30 Pull-ups
Time 15:15 HSPU done hip flexor assisted with full ROM. Go for 2nd notch from top of squat rack ontop of a board next time.
-Front Squat ATF 95-5/95-5/105-5/105-3
I wanted to keep going but my body told me to stop.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

BW 160
-Tabata Rows
-3 Rounds of:
5 pull
7 push
9 sit
11 OHS
I did this little warm-up as more practice than anything for these exercises more than anything. Yesterday's WOD was such a shit show that it really made me realize I should go back to the basics. The pull-ups were overhand grip, which is something I need to work on. I figure since my kipping pull-ups suck so bad and that I'm pretty much having to relearn them, I might as well start them off right.
*DL 7x1-225/255/265/275/285/300/275
I'm pleased with 300...for now.
-Ring Dips 3x5
-Jack Knives 4x8
-Windmill 5x3-15/20/20/20/20
OMG, why haven't I been doing these before? They rock. Right side is a bit shakier than the left...
Muscle up work. I worked mainly the transition, which I'm getting the hang of. I think I could fire off a MU with a little hop, skip and a jump.
-3 Rounds of:
5 Bar BP
5 Bar Cleans
5 Bar OHS


Tuesday, February 20, 2007

BW 159.5
-500m rows-1 min rest
5 Rounds each for time of:
20 pull-ups
30 push-ups
40 sit-ups
50 squats
3 min rests between sets
What a shit show. My kipping pull-ups suck so bad and I just blew on the push-ups. When I was in Cambodia I was surprised at how well I did on push-ups but that's all gone now. I need to go back to the basics and do the CFWU every couple days and GTG.

Monday, February 19, 2007

BW 160
*3 Rounds of:
Run 800
2 min. rest
A day behind on this one. Went out to Grannies place and ate way too much Ukrainian food and came back 3lbs heavier but it was worth it. Done on treadmill with 3% incline. I hate doing this on a treadmill, you can't go at your own pace and I don't trust the distance.
-Cleans 5x3-95/105/105/115/115
-TGU 3x3-30/35/40
-Weighted Pull-ups n-grip 3x5-10/15/20
-Bar OHS 3x7
-Day 2 KTE 10

BW 156
*"Crossfit Total"
Back Squat 205-1/215-f
Should Press 110-f/100-1/105-1
Deadlift 275-1/290-1
Total 600
I was pretty smashed up from Linda the other day and I feel that really cut into me. I like this Crossfit Total thing, it'll be cool to see the numbers go up in the up coming months.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

BW 157
-Row 1000m - 90 sec rest

4:17.2@22 - 164.5W
4:12.2@21 - 174.6W
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 of:
DL 225 (95.5%)
BP 125 (80%)
Clean 105 (89%)
Time 27:24
This fucking sucked but in a good way.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

BW 154
-500m Row - 1 min rest
Tabata Row - 4 intervals for calories 6@39/6@36/6@33/6@33
-DL 185-5x5
-Muscle Up work
*For time:
15 HSPU, 1 L Pull-up
13 HSPU, 3 L Pull-up
11 HSPU, 5 L Pull-up
9 HSPU, 7 L Pull-up
7 HSPU, 9 L Pull-up
5 HSPU, 11 L Pull-up
3 HSPU, 13 L Pull-up
1 HSPU, 15 L Pull-up
Time 14:59
HSPU leg assisted at 3rd notch from top on squat rack and hands 2 shoes lengths in front. HSPU were easy; go for 2nd notch from top and wrist at mat end next time. L Pull-ups were done tucked with lap parallel with the ground and destroyed my time.
-Day 2 core - 7 KTE/round

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

BW 156
-BP 5x5-85/95/105/115/125
-Weighted Pull-ups Neurel grip 5x3-25/25/30/35/35
-Front Squats 5x5-95/100/105/115/125
3 Rounds of:
Run 800m
50 Back Ext.
50 Sit-ups
Time 21:51
-Day 1 Core
I started this session with extra work and ended it with the WOD. I'm going to rotate when I do the WOD in my session from either begining or end on a weekly basis.
My PR for Micheal is 21:31 on 09/29/06. Solid effort and time. Did the runs on a treadmill that I kept running the whole time. I had the back ext. station right behind the treadmill and sit-up station right next to it so there was no loss time or rests or uneeded travel. I love my gym. I can, so far do whatever the hell I want.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

BW 154.5
-500m rows 1 min rest:
1000m Row
*BS 7x3 135/145/155/165/170/175/185
-MP 3x5-75/75/80
-Turkish G-up 5x3-10/15/20/25/30
-Jack Knives 5x5
-Day 2 Core

BW 154
*For time:
50 Box Jumps
45 pull-ups
50 DB swings, 55lbs
50 sit-ups
50 30lbs DB Hang Cleans
800 meter Run
50 Back extensions
Time 22:12
-OHS 5x5-45/55/65/75/80
-3x3 of:
DL 135
BP 95
-Day 1 Core

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Alright, here we go. Home sorta sweet home. Much to my confusion all weights are in pounds from here on in. It's been a great couple days back at it with some interesting results. My pull-ups suck and I have practically nothing of a kip, strength is way down but I'm just going thru the motions as sub max weights to get the feeling back, endurance is not too bad to start off with. It seems my strength and muscle endurance gives out on me before my lungs do so that's a plus. My recovery level and work capacity seem to be decent, I'm a bit sore but nothing debilitating and I feel fresh a couple hours after the WOD and a shot of espresso. Diets been good and have stayed within my guide lines and already I can see and feel a difference. The only thing that I worry about now is how fast my body weight has dropped over the past week. All in all I feel good. Feeling the way that I am with a healthy dose of Crossfit makes coming back home to this redneck filled frozen land makes it just much easier.

BW 153 - Post WOD
WOD Run 10k
5k row = 22:08.0@20
3k run = 17:02
2k row = 8:47.8@19
+ approx 5 min rest total between sets
I just wanted to get 10k done anyway any how. Rowing hurt but it was a hell of a lot more fun than running. Running long distance is borring. Rowing long distance just hurts.
No Core

BW 156
500 m rows 1 min rest:
For time:
Row 1000m
45lbs Thursters, 50 reps
30 Pull-ups
Time 11:16 as RX'd
Row time 4:03.1@20, Thursters done in 10's and pull-ups just pathetic.
Ring Push-ups 3x5
Ring Dips 5x3
MU Thru's 5x2
Evil Wheel Fun
Stretch Circuit

BW 156
4 Rounds of:
25 Thrusters, 40lbs BB

Walking Lunges, 25 Steps
35 pull-ups
Time 25:15
3 rounds with 1 minute rest between sets:
5, 95lbs BP
5, 135lbs DL
Day 2 Core
Stretch Circuit

BW 71kg/157lbs
Squat 5x5
Cleans 3x3-95/105/110
MP 3x5-65/70/75
Weighted Pull-ups neutral grip 3x3-25/30/40
Day 1 Core

Monday, February 05, 2007

-Wellness and fitness
Diet Guildlines:
-Removal of heavy starches and junk foods.
-A clean diet, based on lots of fruits, veggies, lean meats and clean fats keeping it as natural/paleo as possbile with a protien, carb and fat at every meal.
-My "treat" is Lindt 85% chocolate or 99% if I can get it.
-No eating 2h before bed.
Workout Template:
-Warm up - Rowing, Jumprope, L-sits or basic movements. Try and do one type per 3:1 split.
-WOD - Cycle the WOD to either the begining or the end of each session.
-Extra Work - Olympic/Weight lifting or Ring/bodyweight exercises. Try and do one type per 3:1 split.
-Core Circuit - Rotating days and increasing reps and changing exercises as I progress.
-Circuit Stretch

-Day 1 Core Circuit
3 Rounds with 60-90 sec rest between sets
10 JS Band Twists
10 V-ups

-Day 2 Core Circuit
3 Rounds with 60-90 sec rest between sets
10 Lying Hip Swings
10 JS Band Slam

-Day 3 Core Circuit
Evil Wheel, Ramdom, Rest or make up

Well this is it, this is the end of Crossfit Anywhere. After 15 months on the road I'm back home, fat and weak but hungry. Very Hungry. These last 15 months have been great and I've learned a hell of a lot about life and surprisingly a lot about fitness (thanks Andy) but now I'm home and am eager and looking forward to getting to go to a gym consistently and at all and putting into effect all that I'll learnt.

Novotel Gym, Beijing China
BW 72.1 - ouch
500m rows with 5 drag - first time I've hit the rower in 3 months
Shoulder Press 7x3
With DB's 20/25/25/30/35/40/40
DB DL 50 - 4x10
30-25-20-15-10-5 of:
Back ext.

Paddy's Sport Center, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Cleans 45kg
Regular Dips
Time 9:20
Military Press 30 - 3 x 5
Kipping Pull-ups 4 x 10

Paddy's Sport Center, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
As Few sets possible of:
95lbs OHS, 75 reps
5 sets of 15 with 65lbs
Form and technique definitely is one of the first things to go after a long lay off as written in one of the journals.

Paddy's Sport Center, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
DL - 90kg
Time 9:20
At least I beat 10 but it was with only 90kg.
Back Squat 60 - 5x5
Deadhang pull-ups neutral grip 7/6/5/4/3/2/1/2/3/4/5/6/7

Paddy's Sport Center, Phnom Penh, Cambodia