Monday, April 21, 2008

Fasted 14h PWO
4:15 DU = 58 total
15 sec longer and 13 more than last time, getting better
-Handstand work: 30 sec up, 1 min rest, 5 rounds
wow, I used to be good at these
-Power Cleans: 68x3x8
solid. last set was with 70
-Back Squats: 60x5x3
practise on my ugly form
Well after much consideration and thought I've decided to switch things up. I've been going after strength for nearly a year now with only reasonable results the last couple months. I started strictly O-lifting thinking it was the key but realized that it's a sport. I switched over to SS at the end of January and started lifting hard. Put up some good gains but hit the wall on the back squat, posted video of my form, or lack there of, on Rip's forum and realized that I needed work. Bad. I realized that I needed to drop the weight big time and slowly move back up, concentraiting on form. That tied in with the fact I don't feel that great and summer is around the corner makes me realize it's time for a change. I feel heavy, out of shape and lack what I would define as "fitness". I've made some good gains this last year though, weighting in at 150-155lbs a year ago and hold about 175-180lbs now. What does disappoint me is that my strength has sort of "tagged along" with my weight gain and my strength to bw ration and raw strength hasn't taken off like I wanted it to. I know sometime in the future, probably by the end of the year I'll go back to SS for a cycle or two with new knowledge and better form and reap some good rewards. It's what I should have done a year ago instead of strictly O-lifting. Alas.

I've setup a black box template and with it hope to hold onto as much strength as possible, regain some conditioning and GPP, burn some bodyfat, run a little and most importantly; have fun and feel good.

Fasted 14h PWO
4 Min Double Under Work: 45 total
-Back Squats:65x5x3/80x5x2/90x3
Form work.
-Should Press: 48x5x3
-Deadlift: 145x5

Fasted 16h PWO
Jump Rope and Double Under Practise
-Back Squats: 62.5x5x3/80x5x3/90x3/100x3
Practise Practise Practise. Really should have brought my camera in to video this session.
-Bench Press: 72x5x3
Pretty good. The last rep flew up. Got 72.5
-Ruttman Stretch

-Fasted 17h


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