Monday, April 14, 2008

2:30min JR – 380
2:00min DU Work – 18
-Back Squats: 60x5x5/80x3x3
-Shoulder Press: 47.5x5x3
-Power Cleans: 67.5x3x3/68x3x2
-3 Rounds:
10 Kneeling Evil Wheel
10 Lying Hip Swings

After some feedback from Rip and him telling me to re-read the squat section over again, I have and dropped the weight down to 60kg for practise.


A bit better

On the plus side to all of this, the presses are doing great and same with cleans. My BW is going up a little too fast and I need to watch it these next couple weeks while squatting the lighter loads. No need to put the feedbag on if I'm working on form. Wish I would have realized that during O-lifting.

Feeling a bit too heavy right now and BF% feels a bit too high for my liking. It's starting to get nice out again, if you can call 10 above celsius nice. The outdoors are calling me and the urge is there to change things up, do some metcons, lose a couple kg's and not wear shirt is calling me but I know I need to keep on this strength thing for a while. Just pisses me off I wasted such a long time spinning my wheels with O-lifting...


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