-Feel Good
Week 2 Day 2
-C&J: 35x2+2/42.5x2+2/47.5x2+2/50x2+2/52.5x2+2/(57.5x2+2)x5
-BS: 55x3/67.5x3/77.5x3/90x3/95x2/100x2/105x2x4
-B.N.Pr: 22.5x5/27.5x5/30x5/35x5/37.5x4 fail last rep. paused. Don't stop!
-Core: 3R - 10 JS Band Twists/10 HLR/5 KEW
-Fast: 18-plus hours to pre-climb
-Feel good
Week 2 Day 1
-SQ.SNxHG : 22.5x5/30x5/35x3x3 should have been power snatch
-SQ.SN : 22.5x3/27.5x3/32.5x3/35x2/37.5x2/40x2
-P.Jk: 32.5x3/37.5x3/45x2/50x2/55x2/57.5x2
-FS: 50x4/65x4/80x3/90x3/95x2* failed last set
-Feel pretty good. Haven't felt very eager to do the WOD lately.
-Skills: Tuck-Sits 3 x 0:45 - fail 5 sec left last set
-Core: 5R - 1Evil Wheel/4 Kneeling Evil Wheel
30 HSPU (15/5/4/4/4)
10 Pull-ups (10)
20 HSPU (5/4/3/3/5)
20 Pull-ups (15/5)
10 HSPU (6/4)
30 Pull-ups (8/5/3/4/3/3/2/1/1)
9:53 11:30 on 14/03/07. HSPU done hip assisted with full ROM and kept a fairly straight back. Really smoked this one. It's interesting, I find my endurance is down a bit but because my strength is up even just a bit, the WODs are just that much easier and my times are remaining the same and even getting better.
Feel really good. Well rested and well fed.
Week 1 Day 3
-P.Pr: 25x5/30x5/35x5x2/42.5x5/50x5
-P.Jk: 35x3/42.5x3/50x3/52.5x3/57.5x3 oops accidentally based this off of 70kg not 62.5
-GM: 45x5/55x5/65x5/72.5x5
-BS: 55x5/72.5x3/82.5x3/95x3/105x3
-Core: 3R - 10 HLR/15 Back ext./Plank 60 sec.
Solid Session, weights were moving
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