Thursday, June 21, 2007

-Feel: Good and rested body-wise but feel a bit down and depressed. I'm really dissapointed with my lack of progress made last session.
Week 4 Day 2
BW 72.5kg
-C&J (70):35x2/42.5x2/50x2/57.5x2/60x1/65x1/70 Cleaned Failed Jerk/70 Fail/60x1 Ugly
-B.S. (110): 55x3/67.5x3/77.5x3/90x3/100x2/105x2/110x1/115 Fail/115 Fail
-B.N.Pr (40): 20x5/25x4/30x3/35x2/40x1/42.5 Fail/40x1/42.5x1
More dissapointment. I was going so hard on squats and made a pretty good PR on the front squat and I thought for sure I'd manage at least 115 maybe even hit 120 but again I fail. I feel rather crossed right now as I stepped into this Oly lifting game with hopes of power and strength with the expectation that it would come but at a loss to endurance and other physical skills associated with Crossfit. Instead I see a drop but no/little increase power and strength wise. I guess I have to do it like I've always done it. Pure stubbornness via bashing my head against the wall.


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