BW 167.5lbs (PM)
-Weighted Chin-ups: 35 x3 / 40 x3 / 47.5 x3
-N-Grip Chin-ups: 10/8/7/7/6
-Handstand Push-ups
-Weighted Plank: 45lbs @60sec w/30sec rest x3
Was suppose to go PR on the shoulder presses today but I just haven't been feeling them for the last month or two. My numbers are pretty inconsistent and they irritate my left shoulder too much. I've decided to drop them in favor of HSPU and handstands themselves. I'm enjoying the bodyweight stuff and it's not like you can't get strong with them either.
BW 168lbs (PM)
-Power Cleans: 135 x3x3
-Deadlifts: 270 x5 / 310 x3 / 345 x1
-Deadlifts: 225 x10x3
Was really feeling last couple workouts. Cleans were a bit labouring and 345 on the DL was heavy. Oh well. Made some PRs on the 5 and 3 rep maxes. Was short on time too.
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