Monday, January 22, 2007

Well after a lay off of full week, the longest lay off I've had from any physical activity I finally had a workout. Not only was it my first workout in my longest layoff in years it was my first workout in an actual gym since 11/19/06, 2 months ago. I found this place called Paddy's Sport Center here in Phnom Penh that is something out of the stone age. It's pretty much a Khmer gym and the first night I went there I had one hell of a shock. The place was packed and I was the only white guy there. I was going to do an old WOD but realized it would be nearly impossible to do so I settled for a heavy ME day. The equipment is ancient, consisting of 1" and 2" holed plates covered in dust, dirt and rust but like Roger in Sydney would say, "This isn't a tea party". Ironically though the place is still better equiped than the foreigner gyms that I've seen and the gyms in the 5-start resorts, plus it's only a $1 drop in fee. I really second guess the accuracy on all the weights and plates. The heat is also intense here and the humidity is just as misserable. It's been a couple gasping for air WOD's that have left my soaked to the bone. I'll have to get a picture of the place, it's full on.

Paddy's Sport Center, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
20 minutes for rounds of:
12, 30kg snatches
10 push-ups
Total Rounds 10 with 20kg
Back Squat 50-3x5

Bench Press 40-5x5
This is an old WOD from 01/09/07. I scaled down the weight as this was the first time in months that I had done any snatches and 30kg didn't feel too good, wuss. The snatches were pretty badly broken up but the push ups were all unbroken which was nice to see. I feel I manged to push myself a little bit harder on this compared to the day before with pretty much no rests, just a consistant trudge to the 20 minute mark. I'm sore as shit now and need a rest day. I think'I'll have a massage and herbal steam tomorrow.

Paddy's Sport Center, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
20 minutes for rounds of:
12, 30kg thrusters
10 pull-ups
Total Rounds 8
This is an old WOD from 01/08/07. I took it, what I felt, pretty easy on this one with plenty of long rests plus there was another guy doing pull-ups that I had to work around. I didn't want to go too hard as the heat and humidity were mad. On the last round I felt like fainting. That said I was a bit surprised with my score as it was pretty much the average score posted on that day's comments so perhaps I'm not too much out of shape as I had thought.

Paddy's Sport Center, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
DL 50-3/90-3/100-2/110-2/120-1/125-1/120-1/120-1
MP 20-5/30-3/35-2/40-2/45-1/45-1/50-1/50-1
Clean 40-3/45-2/50-2/55-1/55-1/60-1/60-1
Frong Squat 40-5/50-3/60-2/70-2/70-1/75-1/80-1/85-1
Nice and heavy. All the weights were in kilo but of the shape the equipment had me second guessing it's accuracy. I was a bit surprised and dissapointed from this session. My DL was way down, which is no surprise I guess but in turn the rest of my lifts were pretty good.


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