Well I had 3 days where I missed a workout, which has to be the longest stretch I've gone since at least April when I was in
Complete in twenty minutes as many rounds as you can of:
25 Squats
10 Strict pull-ups
10 Ring dips
Total Rounds 6 + 25 squats & 10 pull-ups
Found this cool fitness park here in Chiang Mai so I went and did this WOD in it. Had a lot of smiles from all the locals that were there working out. I again chewed the hell out of my arms from the nylon bands on my rings and also really chafed my arm pits from the dips. I made some modifications on the rings though so hopefully it won’t happen anymore.
Jack Knives 10/8/6/6
JumpStretch Log Press 2/2/3/2/2 – They had this cool log press exercise which was basically a log with handles that swiveled on a hinge on the far side. I threw the jump stretch band on for more resistance.
Band Twists 4x12 each side
Glute Ham Sit-ups 3x10 – They also had a great setup for these on a log.
Glute Ham Twists 3x5 each direction – Basically rotating twists on the GHS setup
Buddy's Gym, Koa San Road, Bangkok Thailand
21-15-9 of:
100kg deadlifts
Handstand push-ups
Time 7:29
Wow, new PR on this one, don't know how that happened. Did the HSPU facing a mirror so I got to see how deep I was going. My arms were getting near to parallel with the ground for the first part of the sets but on the latter half of things got a bit ugly as per usual.
Turkish Get-ups w/passover 30lbs-6/35lbs-6/40lbs-2
These were done with a stand up and then a passover to my opposite hand and back down again, which I called on rep.
L-pull 8/7/6/5/4/3/2/1
Push Press 40-3/45-3/50-3
Buddy's Gym, Koa San Road, Bangkok Thailand
Thrusters 40-3/40-2/50-2/50-2/60-f/50-5x3
Found a gym off of Koa San so I went in for a workout. Was suppose to be 3-2-2-2-1-1-1-1-1 but they only had 5kg plates, no squat rack so jumping from 50-60 was too much especially without a rack so I did 5 sets of 3 for 50kg.
BP 50-5x5/60-3
Cleans 50-5x3
DB snatches 30lbs-3/35lbs-3/40lbs-3
L-pull sit work
Thammasaat University Track, Bangkok Thailand
5km run.
Forgot my watch so I didn't time it.
Thammasaat University Track,
60 Jumping Muscle-ups
Time 11:35
Missed 3 days from working out a new record since, I think April, maybe even June when I blew my knee. Chewed the hell out of my arms and pits on this one because of the nylon on my rings and heat.
Squat Jumps 4x15
1-arm assisted push-ups 3x2
L-pull ups 4/4/6/6/6
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