Monday, November 20, 2006

Well I had 3 days where I missed a workout, which has to be the longest stretch I've gone since at least April when I was in Melbourne or else in June when I got to Sydney and my knee felt like it was going to die. I feel like I've got a bit of a spare tire coming along from all the food that I've been eating and I know I'm going to have to back away from the table a bit as I'm not training like I was in Sydney and am not going to need to eat that much food as I had there. I'm rather disgusted at how my body will seem to absorb and hold any bit of starch that I take in. I'm going to have to do my best to skip the rice and noodles whenever possible, keep away from the nuts, avoid the really interesting Thai junk food that seems to be everywhere and stick to the amazingly strange and oh so good fruits, meats that come in stick or banana leaf form and the great little bags of curry. But I'm sure when I'm back home in a gym it'll all come back and I'll meet and exceed my previous bests and work off anything that I "gained" here.


Srinakarin Fitness Park, Chiang Mai, Thailand

Complete in twenty minutes as many rounds as you can of:

25 Squats

10 Strict pull-ups

10 Ring dips

Total Rounds 6 + 25 squats & 10 pull-ups

Found this cool fitness park here in Chiang Mai so I went and did this WOD in it. Had a lot of smiles from all the locals that were there working out. I again chewed the hell out of my arms from the nylon bands on my rings and also really chafed my arm pits from the dips. I made some modifications on the rings though so hopefully it won’t happen anymore.

Jack Knives 10/8/6/6

JumpStretch Log Press 2/2/3/2/2 – They had this cool log press exercise which was basically a log with handles that swiveled on a hinge on the far side. I threw the jump stretch band on for more resistance.

Band Twists 4x12 each side

Glute Ham Sit-ups 3x10 – They also had a great setup for these on a log.

Glute Ham Twists 3x5 each direction – Basically rotating twists on the GHS setup

Buddy's Gym, Koa San Road, Bangkok Thailand


21-15-9 of:

100kg deadlifts

Handstand push-ups

Time 7:29

Wow, new PR on this one, don't know how that happened. Did the HSPU facing a mirror so I got to see how deep I was going. My arms were getting near to parallel with the ground for the first part of the sets but on the latter half of things got a bit ugly as per usual.

Turkish Get-ups w/passover 30lbs-6/35lbs-6/40lbs-2

These were done with a stand up and then a passover to my opposite hand and back down again, which I called on rep.

L-pull 8/7/6/5/4/3/2/1

Push Press 40-3/45-3/50-3


Buddy's Gym, Koa San Road, Bangkok Thailand

Thrusters 40-3/40-2/50-2/50-2/60-f/50-5x3

Found a gym off of Koa San so I went in for a workout. Was suppose to be 3-2-2-2-1-1-1-1-1 but they only had 5kg plates, no squat rack so jumping from 50-60 was too much especially without a rack so I did 5 sets of 3 for 50kg.

BP 50-5x5/60-3

Cleans 50-5x3

DB snatches 30lbs-3/35lbs-3/40lbs-3

L-pull sit work


Thammasaat University Track, Bangkok Thailand

5km run.

Forgot my watch so I didn't time it.

Thammasaat University Track, Bangkok Thailand
60 Jumping Muscle-ups

Missed 3 days from working out a new record since, I think April, maybe even June when I blew my knee. Chewed the hell out of my arms and pits on this one because of the nylon on my rings and heat.
Squat Jumps 4x15

1-arm assisted push-ups 3x2

L-pull ups 4/4/6/6/6


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