Well after a couple pretty much off days I got back at it with a double WOD. I have been feeling really slow, sluggish, sore and creaky the last couple days. To top it off my diets been what I would refer to as shit. I had a bad munchg out session with cookies and bread, plus not enough fruit and vege like what I'm accustomed to. I guess that's what happens when I eat with others. My legs were a little fried after our hike of Mt.Warning but nothing to warrent this plus my right shoulders been sore in a bad way last little bit. And people say you can hurt yourself from physical activity, I hurt myself from physical inactivity. Regardless it feels great to get back at it.
Boonooroo Park, Nerang Gold Coast QSL
Ring Dips 5x5
JS Ring Dips 2x3
1-arm alt. JS Press 5/5/3
Jumping MU's 1x5
1-arm pull work
3 Rounds of:
Run 400m (approx.)
21 swings, big rock
12 pull-ups
Forgot my watch so I didn't time myself, doubt I beat my time from 09/31/06 but you do what you can do.
Decline Ring Push-ups 5x3
Ring Push-thrus 5x3
Pistols 3x3
Well after missing yesterday's WOD of ME Push-Jerk I sort of made today a double WOD doing the required Helen and a bunch of extra skill and drill work.
Boonooroo Park, Nerang Gold Coast QSL
Double unders - subbed with Standing Jumps
The jumps were done with a target that I could barely do a standing jump to. I screwed up on the time and think I got it wrong, it was 7:*8something...
Tallebudgera Beach Lifesavers Track, Currumbin Gold Coast QSL
3 efforts for time of:
run 800m
3 min rest
3 min rest
I did this on the perimeter of a footy square that I was sure was 400m round as my pedometer measured out .39m on my jog of it but comparing it with my times from 09/23/06 I'm inclined to think differently, that or the runs from before were way longer.
Climb Mt. Warning
Time 3 hours 20 minutes
"On top"

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