Friday, September 01, 2006

Cook & Philip Aquatic Center
5 rounds for time of:
45lbs/20kg thrusters, 30 reps
30 L Pull-ups
Time 28:57
Ouch. Did this one on little sleep but did pretty well on it. A major soaker of a shocker that left me laying on the ground for 3 minutes after which I got up thinking that I was good to go but ended up laying down for another 5 minutes on the opposite side of the gym. Did good on the thrusters doing 30 unbroken for the first two rounds and then a 20/10 split for the last three, the L pull-ups that killed me with a whole lot of 2’s and 3’s. Finished off with some ring work but not much else, pretty dead afterwards plus I need sleep.

Cook & Philip Aquatic Center
Clean 10x1 – 50-1x2/55-1x2/60-1x2/62.5-1x2/40-1x2
BP – 50-5/52.5-5/55-5/60-5/65-5
DL – 100-5/105-5x4
BS – 50-5x5 ATF
Stretch and hold cycle

Cook & Philip Aquatic Center
1:50.9@29 – 500m row PR
50-40-30-20-10 of:
Back ext.
Wall Ball, 8kg
Box Jumps
Time 16:57
Weighted Pull-ups 30-1x2/32.5-1x2/33.7-1/35-f/35-1A
Military Press 35-1/40-1x2/42.5-1x2

Regis Tower Gym, Sydney NSW
Stretch, heavy inclined walking and short run, knee felt great and felt no pain, finished off with hold circuit.

Cook & Philip Aquatic Center
Push Jerk 3-2-2-2-1-1-1-1-1
Weighted Pull-ups 30-2A/25-3A1/20-3/22.5-3
DL 100-5x5 & BP 50-5x5 done in “Superset” fashion
1-arm snatches 10-3/12.5-3/15-3/17.5-3/20-3x2

Cook & Philip Aquatic Center
2 rounds of:
15’ rope climb, 3 accents – subbed w/ 45 towel/rope pull-ups
1.5 pood/25kg swings, 21 reps
75lbs/35kg SDHP, 21 reps
21 KTE
21 double unders – subbed w/ 21 standing jumps
Time 23:03
Hang Squat Cleans 40-3/45-3/50-2x4
OHS 30-5x2/35-5/40-5x2

Cook & Philip Aquatic Center
Front Squat 7x3 – 60/70/80x2/85x3
Weighted Pull-ups – 20-5A2/20-5A1x3/20-3
Deadlift – 100-3x5

Regis Tower Gym, Sydney NSW
26 laps not timed
Cook & Philip Aquatic Center
BW 70kg
5 Rounds of:
20 Burpees
Row 500m
Time 30:59
A shocking soaker of a WOD, I haven’t gotten that soaked from a WOD since I was in Alice Spring’s and it was 45 above out. I did this one on my own and I’d be really interested in what I could have scored if I had done it with Andy and Alena. The rows were suppose to be 400m runs and were done sub 2 minutes, the burpees were upbroken the first 20, 10/10, and then 7/7/6 or thereabouts for the last 3 sets. Finished off with some pull-up work and managed to run on the treadmill for the first time in ages.


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