Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Been progressing along nicely, been learning tons of stuff from Andy and can really feel the intensity level being notched up plus my numbers are increasing so all is good. My diet hasn’t been zone/paleo perfect, with a lot of dinners/lunches out at great restaurants, a bit of rice and nibbles of chocolate but has by no means been ugly and in the gutter like most people. Saying all that I’m finding that although I’m not as lean as I was when I left home, I have way more in the tank and my recovery is hardcore up. I’m doing way more work with Andy during the WOD, been hitting the handstands hard making great strides on them especially with HSPU and to top it off have been doing lots of swimming all with pretty much no soreness and exhaustion. Perhaps the zone isn’t as perfect as I once and many believe. Sure I’m not as lean but I’m not a bodybuilder. Then again it could be just the fact that since I’m going so hard I need all the food I can shove down me. On the swimming side of things, I’ve been having great improvements lately and can feel myself getting better each day. Simply going to C&P and watching other people do laps really helped out a lot and I can already feel a difference in my lung capacity, breathing technique and stroke. I’d be interested what I could get from one swimming lesson.

Cook & Philip Aquatic Center, Sydney, NSW
Row 500m – 2:04.9@24
2 min rest
Row 2000m – 8:50.1@20
5 Rounds for time of:
35kg SDHP, 21 reps
Time 20:06
Used a set 35kg barbell for the SDHP which seemed a lot harder then when using an Olympic bar and plates and HSPU against a wall with face towards.
Front Squat 60-5/60-5/65-5/70-5/70-5
1-arm OHS 5kg, 5x5

Regis Apartment gym, Sydney NSW
50h joint mobility/stretch/handstand work
20 Laps for time = 15min
Cook & Philip Aquatic Center, Sydney, NSW
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 for time of:
Bodyweight Bench Press
Time 22:41 w/ 55kg bench press @ 69kg bw
BP 8/4/3/2/3/1-5/2/3/3/3-4/3/2/3/2/1-3/3/2/2/1/1-3/1/2/1/1/1-2/1/1/1/1-3 assisted
Pull 11/5/5-15/3-15-12-9-6-3

Cook & Philip Aquatic Center, Sydney, NSW
5 Rounds for time of:
Row 500m
30 Wall Ball Shots
30 Box Jumps
Time 25:10
Rows 2:06.6@25/2:08.2@24/2:08.5@25/2:07.5@24/2:00.1@24
Wall Ball shots unbroken sets of 30 using a 8kg/5kg/5kg/5kg/6kg ball
Box Jumps unbroken
We had 3 people doing this one at the same time. I started off on the wall ball shots, went to box jumps and finished off with rows. The rows and wall ball felt great but the box jumps held me back and really did a number on my knee.
OHS 20-5/30-5/35-5/40-5

Regis Apartment gym, Sydney NSW
1h joint mobility/stretch/handstand work
As many laps in 10min. = 17 laps

Cook & Philip Aquatic Center, Sydney, NSW
Row 2500m – 12:06.2@18
DL 7x1
110-1/115-1/120-1/125-1/130-1/135-1/140-1/145-F/145-F/145-1 Assisted off ground
Weighted Pull-ups 40kg 7x2
Last rep assisted on each set

Regis Apartment gym, Sydney NSW
45min. stretch and handstand work
As many laps in 20min. = 25 laps
Cook & Philip Aquatic Center, Sydney, NSW
W 69.5kg
3 Rounds for time of:
Row 500m
30kg Thrusters, 30 reps
30 Pull-ups
Time 20:59
Rad WOD, owned the thrusters, but rows held me back.
Rows 2:03.1@27 - 2:06.8@27 - 2:13.6@26
Thrusters 20/10 - 5/10/10/5 - 10/10/10
Pull-ups 15/10/5 - /10/5/5/5/5 - 10/5/6/4/3
1-arm snatches 10-3/12.5-3/15-3/17.5-3/20-3 ugly

Cook & Philip Aquatic Center, Sydney, NSW
Row 500m – 1 min. rest
C&J 7x1
Went too hard on handstands the day before and it really effected the clean. I could have and should have cleaned 60 no problem but I just couldn’t get it up.
Weighted Pull-ups 15kg 5x5
Last 2 reps assisted on each set
OHS 20-5/30-5/35-5/40-5/45-4
Started to wobble a bit on the 45kg and couldn’t get stable again even though it felt a bit on the light side. I could have and should have hit that no problem if I didn’t go so hard on handstands. Knee felt good on these and shoulder flexibility felt good too, only pain was in my wrists.

Regis Apartment gym, Sydney NSW
1-1/2 hour stretch/joint mobility/handstand work session. Spent most of the time playing around with handstands and HSPU, it was great. Wish I could spend this much time on handstands everyday. Just simply going to the gym and pissing around like that is good fun.
30 laps in 26:29
Solid swim and getting better, 30 laps was a benchmark, now 500m which is about 34 laps is my next goal.


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