Sunday, May 14, 2006

Well things have been going good here on Kangaroo Island, been going hard and keeping my diet pretty clean, I can already see a bit of a difference body composition wise, now I've just got to keep it up. I've been experimenting and using different objects around the farm that I can find; an old tractor tire, a big log that I attached a couple of handles onto and a backpack full of rocks. I was hoping to be able to do thrusters and C&Js with the log, as it weights only around 35kg/77lbs but I find it very awkward and cumbersome because it's so thick. That said I dug up a couple old post on the Crossfit message board about using odd objects and such, saying that when using a sandbag you'd use 65-70% of the barbell weight. I'm assuming the same could be said for rocks, tires and logs to a degree. I'm sure there's a Crossfit Journal that gets into using sandbags and such and might even be in the medicine ball C&J issue or another one...have to look into that.
Odd objects Vs weights & bars
Sandbag C&J

Kate's Farm, Snelling Beach, Kangaroo Island, SA
Modulate: Benchmark
21-15-9 for time of:
Time 4:30
Used a 23kg/50lbs rock for the thrusters, I was going to use a 36kg/80lbs rock for them but found it was just too heavy and awkward. The reps were broken down as:
Thrusters 21, 10/5, 9
Pull-ups 19/2, 8/5/2, 7/2

Kate's Farm, Snelling Beach, Kangaroo Island, SA
Modulate: Weightlifting/Metabolic/Gymnastic
21-15-9 for time:
Run 400m
Ring Dips
Time 13:35
Made something that I could deadlift other than rocks and stumps. I found two old handles for a cabinet and screwed them onto a log that weighted in at 35 kg. Wasn't the heaviest thing in the world to DL but it's better then nothing.

Kate's Farm, Snelling Beach, Kangaroo Island, SA
Modulate: Gymnastic/Metabolic
For time:
90 Squats
30 Pull-ups
75 Squats
25 Pull-ups
60 Squats
20 Pull-ups
45 Squats
15 Pull-ups
Time 22:22

This is an old WOD from July 16, 2004 that I dug up, it was good stuff, looks like I was about in the middle of the pack.

Kate's Farm, Snelling Beach, Kangaroo Island, SA
Modulate: Weightlifting
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 of:
Weighted Pull-ups 14kg
Weighted Jumpstretch Push-ups 14kg
Weighted Squats 48.5kg
Time 25:05
This is what I'd consider an ME day for myself. I used a backpack full of rocks that weighted in at 14kg for the pull-ups and then threw my jumpstretch band around me for the pull-ups. As for the squats I kept the bag on plus I used a huge log that weighted in at 34.5kg so in total the weight came to around 48.5kg. This was an interesting one that turned into quite the grind. I need to do more WOD's like this with heavy objects and weighted bodyweight exercises if I can't do things like snatches and C&Js.

Kate's Farm, Snelling Beach, Kangaroo Island, SA
Modulate: Gymnastic/Weightlifting/Metabolic
For time:
35 Lungs
35 Tire Flips
Run 800m
35 Knees to Elbow
35 Tosses
Run 400m
35 Pull-ups
35 Burpee Squat Clean Thrusters
Run 200m
Time 27:12
Used a big stump for the tosses and a 15kg rock for the Burpee Squat Clean Thrusters. A nice little chipper that I put together with some junk that was kicking around the farm. The BSCT just about killed me, I was going to use my 23kg rock for them but after 2 reps I realized that it would have been a slow gruelling 35 reps so I switched over to the lighter rock for more POWER.

"My new toy"


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