Mommy, my legs hurt.
Since the creation of my sandbags, my workouts have had a whole new dimension added to them; the dimension of more pain. I don't know how I workout without them in the past but they're a staple now. I've got to say that I think the only downfall and drawback of my version Crossfit is that it might be a little bit too overboard and demanding, then again maybe not and I'll continue to do the crazy WOD's that I've been making. All that said, I'm rather pleased with the effor that I've been giving on all these WOD's and at times things have gotten pretty hairy and I could just about see thru time.
"Don't think I could ever tire of this"

Kate's Farm, Snelling Beach, Kangaroo Island, SA
Modulate: Weightlifting/Metabolic/Gymnastic
For time:
Sandbag mile run, 1/2 bodyweight
50 Pull-ups
100 Push-ups
150 Squats
Sandbag mile run, 1/2 bodyweight
Partition the pull-ups, push-ups, and squats as needed. Start and finish with a sandbag mile run with 1/2 your bodyweight.
Time 36:48
Ouch. Seriously, why do I do these things to myself? Well I originally was going to make this a "Rutman's Murph", doing 100 pull-ups, 200 push-ups, 300 squats and the miles being Rutman miles. I thought a sandbag with half your bodyweight was a Rutman mile but know I see it's actually your full bodyweight; double ouch. The first mile went pretty good finishing it in 13:30 and from there I started up on the pulls, pushes and squats in a Cindy 5/10/15 format. On round 3 the shirt came off. On round 5 the glasses came off. I got to about round 8 and I realized that I was going to probably end up killing myself at this rate. At round 10 I realized that I was ground beef and that I still had a sandbag mile to go so I ended the insanity there, picked up the sandbag, barely, and started to run/hobble the last mile. The first 800m was alright and the second absolute murder. I was giving it all I had but had to stop 3 times and have a bit of a stagger before getting back into full sprint. I came closest to pukie doing this WOD then I have in a while.
Kate's Farm, Snelling Beach, Kangaroo Island, SA
Modulate: Weightlifting/Gymnastic
For Time:
50 Tire Flips
25 Burpees
40 Tire Flips
20 Burpees
30 Tire Flips
15 Burpees
20 Tire Flips
10 Burpees
10 Tire Flips
5 Burpees
Time 16:20
Good WOD and good great effort. Burpees done with push-ups and clap. My hamstrings and legs in general were killing me on this one, I imagine running 10 km the day before had something to do with that. Near the end my jumps on the burpees were pretty sad.
Kate's Farm, Snelling Beach, Kangaroo Island, SA
Modulate: Metabolic
Run 10km for time
Time 52:03
Ran 5km according to my pedometer and then turned around, lone behold when I got back to my starting point it said 5km, that's a first. I'd really like to get under 50 minutes on the 10km.
Kate's Farm, Snelling Beach, Kangaroo Island, SA
Modulate: Weightlifting/Metabolic/Gymnastic
As many rounds in 20 minutes of:
100m Sandbag Run, 34kg sandbag
15 Front Squats, 34kg sandbag
21 Box Jumps
Total Rounds 6
Interesting WOD and a solid effort on my part. The runs were more like 150m but felt more like 1km. The box jumps after the front squats were pretty interesting and I had to give my legs a second to rest as I couldn't hit the top of the log I was jumping onto. I think front squats and knees to elbow would be a deadly combo, I'll have to remember to try that...
Kate's Farm, Snelling Beach, Kangaroo Island, SA
Modulate: Metabolic/Gymnastic
10 Rounds for time of:
Run 100m
10 Ring Dips
10 Pull-ups
Time 23:46
The ring dips just killed my time on this one. All 10 rounds of pull-ups were unbroken and even the first round of dips were too but after that it was all 4's and 3's. I should have probably made this one with 5 ring dips per round in order to give it a more metabolic impact. I see now though that this is basically an old WOD but I did it with 100m runs, which I wonder if they were worth while...
Kate's Farm, Snelling Beach, Kangaroo Island, SA
Modulate: Weightlifting
For Time:
300 Tire Flips
Time 22:45
Ouch. I really wasn't quite to sure what to expect out of this WOD. I thought it might be a little weak and pointless but soon found out otherwise. I haven't hit my body like this in a while and I definitely used some muscles that I haven't in a while. Even after the workout I was feeling like I got hit by a truck so I'm a bit fearful as to how tomorrow morning will progress.
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