Thursday, October 05, 2006

Byron Bay, NSW
Three rounds for time of:
JS Overhead squat, 15 reps
15 L Pull-ups
JS PushPress, 15 reps
15 Knees to elbows
JS Cleans, 15 reps
15 Good Mornings, with a cinder block
Time 20:17
Again some interesting subs here but I think it works.
Handstand work
Pistols 5x3
TGU 3x3 with a rock
JS 1-arm press 5/5/5/2 - looped once after each set
Stretch/yoga circuit

Byron Bay, NSW
JS Squat 5x5
Pistols 3x7

Step Press 4steps x 5 reps
JS SDHP 10x2/5x3
JS Push-ups 5x3/5-1hand loop/5-2hand loop
Ring Rows 5x5
MU ring push-ups 3x3
Ring push-thrus 5x5
This was my first try at an ME day without weights and heavy ass lifting. I figure that I'll make the ME days a skills and fun day based around resistance moves using BW moves, ring work and my JumpStretch bands, which I keep on looping for more tension, it's actualy quite fun to come up with different moves and exercises and rather taxing. The JS Step Press is where I have the band anchored, standing inside it and push with both hands in sort of a push-up fashion but into the air. I then take a step forward and pound out another couple reps and keep going until I can't go any further. Good stuff.

Byron Bay, NSW
"Nasty Girls"
3 rounds for time of:

50 Squats
21 pull-ups & dips
15 JumpStretch cleans
Time 18:02
My first WOD away from the crew and first after a 2 days off, figure a bit of rest wouldn't hurt me plus I couldn't find time for it with the travelling we were doing. Did the pull-ups kipless and dips on my rings and did sort of a clean using my jumpstretch band, which wasn't perfect but beats sitting around and getting fat.
1-arm JS Strikes & Pulls 3x5
JS Military Press 5x5
Turkish Get-ups 5x3 with a rock
3 rounds of 10 JS Sit-ups & 1min plank

Cook & Philip Aquatic Center
BW 69.45
Back Squat 10 x 2
BP 60-3x5
Max Pull-ups neutral grip 15
My last workout with the Crossfit Australia gang and my 5th WOD in a row. It's amazing, I've done 4 benchmark days in a row and finished it all with with an ME day and didn't feel it at all and could have done more.


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