Friday, October 27, 2006

Cook & Philip Aquatic Center
BW 70.55
Deadlift 60kg
Handstand Push-ups
Time 8:07 unassisted HSPU, facing the wall
7 seconds more this time around from last time I did Diane on 09/05/06, which I'm rather pleased about as I had a bit of a lay off and gained some fat, which has already started to burn off. It's interesting that last time around I did the deadlifts pretty much unbroken and the HSPU were assisted, while this time the weight felt like a ton on the deadlifts and I broke the sets up and did the HSPU unassisted but only added 7 seconds more to my time.

Cook & Philip Aquatic Center
BW 72.3
As many rounds in 20 minutes of:
5 Pull ups
10 Push ups
15 Squats
Total Rounds 19 + 5 pull & 6 push ups
My first WOD back in Sydney with the C&P crew. Put on a nice 2kg from when I left and could feel it. My last Cindy on 09/28/06 I hit 20 rounds but this time around I felt like I was wearing a weighted vest with the extra kilos I was carry around. Oh well, I'm sure they'll be gone by weeks end.


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