Ton Sai Beach, Thailand
5 rounds for time of:
Run 400m
21 Jumpstretch Sumo DeadLift HighPull Thrusters
Time 22:05
Was suppose to be 15, 95lbs snatches but I subbed it with a weird JS move that I made up.
L-sit work
Ring work
Ring flyes 5x5
Ton Sai Beach, Thailand
3 rounds for time of:
15 ring dips/25 pull-ups
100 squats
Time 19:31
WOD called for 15 muscle ups but I subbed them for 15 ring dips and 25 strict pull-ups from a wooden board.
L-sit ork
Jack knife 5x5
Ring Push 5x3
Ton Sai Beach, Thailand
HSPU 5x5
Bridges 30 sec 5x5
L-pull 5x5
Clapping push-ups 5x3
Was suppose to be 5x5 Shoulder Press but subbed that with strict HSPU, going for form over numbers.
Room 409 My House Guesthouse, Bangkok Thailand
5 Rounds of:
150 marching jump rope skips
30 Tuck Jumps
30 JS Thrusters
Time 24:50
Did this one in my room at the guesthouse I was in. Humidity pretty harsh here. Subbed the running with marching jump rope because I really didn't want through the streets of Bangkok.
1-arm push-ups
Wall pull-ups
C&P Aquatic Center, Sydney NSW
BW 71.45
10 rounds for time of:
10 Pull-ups
10 Ring dips
Time 16:17
First two rounds were done using rings and the last 8 rounds were done using regular dips. My last workout at C&P.
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