-Fast 16h to Pre-WO
-Wu: 300 Jump rope
Workout #2
78.4kg probably pretty accurate
-BS 102 x 5 x 3
heavy as fuck but solid
-SP 42 x 5 x 3
-PC 58.5 3 x 5
-Standing Evil Wheel 3x5
Solid Session.
Had a good sit down and talk with the guys at the gym. Vented my frustrations and dissapointments with lack of progress in the O-lifts and lack of strength gains. Got some good insight, namely that I need to be more patient and that I should enter a contest as that'll be the only way I can see what I can do. That said, I am still a bit skeptic. 4 months, very little strength gains, practically no improvements with the clean and snatch along with too much weight gain left me unhappy. Larry says I should have been lifting on a different template a while ago but that's not much helpt to me now. Plus I'm a bit skeptical on his templates; too many assistant exercises and variations and simply too many exercises. I count 12 different exercises/variations in one week and 9 the next, that seems complete opposite from what I'm used to with 6-8 per week. BUT, I'm not the coach and he does have some impressive atheletes to his name and record...So in saying all that, I'm going to go in early Monday for a session and see what's what. From there I'll probably give it one more kick at the can and probably sign up for next months competition.
-Fasting 21h
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