-fasting 18h
PR Week Day 1
77.8kg bloody heavy
Pretty good. 75 felt pretty light. 77.5 just about there.
-GM: 45-57-72-80-90X5
-BS: 60x5/75x5/92x3x3
-BP: Worked up to 77.5x1
-3 Rounds:
10 Russian Twist, 10kg
7 Kneeling Evil Wheel
-Stretch Not too bad. Was hoping for more on the bench but alas. The only way I seem to be able to gain strength is by gaining weight. Any strength gains that I make seem to parallel my weight gain. Just about jerking bodyweight though...
Fasting Note: I'm going to start fasting even on training days and end it with a big salad pre-training. Protein, olive oil and spinach/lettuce. PWO; piles of veggies, squash and protein. Pretty much 2 meals per day; my weight gain stalled a bit the last week but I figure with more fasting I can gain a bit more kg on 2300cal.
WU: Joint Mobility
Week 3 Day 3
-P.Pr: 22.5x5/30x5/35x5/40x5/42.5x5
-P.JK: 32.5x3/37.5x3/42.5x3/47.5x3/50x3
-GM: 45x5/55x5/62.5x5/72.5x5
-BS: 60x5/75x3/87.5x3/97.5x3/107.5x3
-Wingmills 17kg x 5 x 3
-Kneeling Evil Wheel 3 x 7
Week average weight: 77kg
-Fasting 20h
WU: Joint Mobility
Week 3 Day 2
-CL.PL(50): 35x4/40x3/47.5x3
-FS(105): 52.5x5/62.5x5/75x3/80x3/85x3
-SQ.CL(70): 35x3/42.5x2/50x2/52.5x2x2/55x2x2/60x2
-BS(110): 60x3/72.5x3/95x3x3
-B.N.PR(45): 22.5x5/27.5x5/32.5x5/35x5
Took it easy on the squats tonight. My right hip has been killing me lately so I didn't do the rx'd 90%x4repsx2sets, which I fucking hate. Haven't been enjoying lifting lately, lack of progress I suppose and same old template over and over...had to drag my ass there tonight for a later WO, which was actually pretty good. Met another lifter there who had started around the same time as I and who is lifting pretty close to me. Might have to lift later at night more often. Finished off with a stretch, which has left my hip feeling better today.
-fasting 20h
WU: Joint Mobility
Week 3 Day 1
100 min
-SN.PL: 25x5/30x3/35x3
-DR.SN: 30x3/35x3/42.5x3/45x2/47x2
-SQ.SNXHG: 25x3x2/30x3x2/35x2x2/37x2x2/40x2
-JK: 37.5x4/45x4/50x3/57.5x3/62.5x3
-FS: 52.5x4/67.5x4/77.5x4/85x3/90x3
7 Kneeling Evil Wheel
60sec plank
7 Lying hip swings
Sluggish day. Not the best session.
-fasting 17h
-fasting 20h
-WU: 3R Chelsea
Week 2 Day 3
-JK (72.5): 37.5x3/45x3/50x3/57.5x3/62.5x2/65x2x5 solid
-GM (90): 45x5/55x5/65x5/72.5x5/82.5x5 getting easy
-BS (115): 60x5/75x5/87.5x5x2 yawn
-BP (77.5): 40x3/47.5x3/55x3/62.5x3/70x3 solid
-3 Rounds:
7 Kneeling Evil Wheel
60sec plank
7 Turkish sit-ups
30sec cobra hold
Rest one min
Solid Session. Jerks getting better and better.
-Late night climb
Average week's weight: 77kg still gaining and up 0.5kg from last
-Fasting 20h
WU: JM/BW movements
Week 2 Day 2
77.4kg still gaining away...
-C&J (70): 35x2+2/40x2+2/45x2+2/50x2+2/55x2+2/(57.5x2+2)x5 heavy but alright
-BS (115): 57.5x3/70x3/80x3/92.5x3/97.5x2/102.5x2/110x1x4 heavy as sin. was suppose to be for doubles but there was just no way...
-B.N.Pr (45): 22.5x5/27.5x5/32.5x5/35x5/40x5 fuck yeah
-5R: 7 Evil Wheel/5 Back ext. 10kg
-Fasting 19h
WU: JM/3R - 10 pull-ups/10 OHS
Week 2 Day 1
-SQ.SNxHG : 25x5/32.5x5/37.5x3x3 my coach said they looked good but they felt f'in heavy
-SQ.SN : 25x3/30x3/35x3/37.5x2/40xF I'm going backwards on the snatch.
-P.Jk: 32.5x3/37.5x3/45x2/50x2/55x2/57.5x2 easy
-FS: 52.5x4/70x4/85x3/95x3/100x1
manged 95x3 for the first time and with easy. 100 was a bit heavy but I stopped myself for some reason; should have kept going. No sleep=not thinking. On 5 hours sleep and a long day going into this session; had to make on emergency caffeine stop. Snatches were just ugly, which seems to be a common theme as of late and it's really quite frustrating; this was one of those sessions that makes me wonder why I'm even bothering Oly lifting and perhaps just heavy lifting would provide me with better results but I'll keep at it and give it a year. Front squats were strong as were the push jerks. Tired and ended it there.
-Fasting 20h
-WU: Joint Mobility/Pull-ups
Week 1 Day 3
85 min
-P.JK: 32.5x3/37.5x3/42.5x3/47.5x3/50x3
-GM: 45x5/55x5/662.5x5/72.5x5
-BS: 60x5/75x3/87.5x3/97.5x3/110x1
-WindMills: 17kgx3Rx4S
-W Pull-ups: 10kgx3Rx5S
My legs were killing me from the last sessions 102.5x4Rx2S squats so I only managed 110x1, which should have been for 3 but oh well. 97.5x3 was soild. Still managing to gain weight while fasting and eating what seems to be considered a bare minimum. This shouldn't really come to much surprise to me. I look at the rest of my family and they eat reasonably well yet they're all a bit on the plump side...
-Late night Climb
-Fasting 21h
WU: Joint Mobility/3R Cindy
Week 1 Day 2
90 min
-CL.PL(50): 25x4/30x3/35x3
-FS(105): 52.5x5/62.5x5/75x3/80x3/85x3
-SQ.CL(70): 35x3/42.5x2/50x2/52.5x2x2/55x2x2/60x2
-BS(110): 57.5x6/70x6/80x4/92.5x4/97.5x4/102.5x4x2
-B.N.PR(45): 22.5x5/27.5x5/32.5x5/35x5
-Evil Wheel Fun
Cleans popped up pretty nice. Gotta remember to stay tight, arms loose, slow and contolled up to power position and bam. Squats fucking sucked, in a good way. I cheered when I was done.
-Fasting 23h to post climb
WU: Joint Mobility/BW circuit
Week 1 Day 1
100 min
-SN.PL: 25x3/30x3/35x3
-DR.SN: 30x3/35x3/42.5x3/45x2/47x2
-SQ.SNXHG: 25x3x2/30x3x2/35x2x2/37x2x2/40x2
-JK: 35x4/42.5x4/50x3/57x3/62x3
-FS: 52.5x1/70x4/80x4/85x3/90x3
-W Pull: 15x5/4/3/2
-Turkish sit-ups: 17x10x3
Good session; the Snatches from hang felt really good, which has got me thinking; how much can I snatch from the hang position?
WU: Joint Mobility.
PR Week Day 3
-BS(110): 60x5/75x4/85x3/95x2/105x1/110x1/115x1/117.5xF/117.5F
Well finally hit a new PR on the back squats. 115 was rather easy and I think I could have hit 117.5 if I had a spotter to yell at me.
-C&J(70): 30x1/35x1/40x1/45x1/50x1x3/55x1x3/60x1x3/62x1/65x1/67.5xF/60xF
I seem to be going backwards on the Oly lifts. I did 70kg once, I think...
-W Pull-ups: 10x3/15x3/20x3/25x2/20x2
Been a long time since I've done these and man I suck at them.
-Windmills: 17kgx5x3
Thought I'd post what my revamped diet looks like for better tracking. 20 Protein Blocks (eggs, chicken, fish) = 560 Cal 6 Carb Blocks (3 starches PWO, 3 veggies) = 270 Cal 113 blocks fat (20 blocks from my protein sources the rest from olive and coconut oil and nuts) = 1254 Cal Approximately 2300 Calories. Meals divided into 2 proten/veggie/fat meals and a protein/carb PWO meal. Fasting about 3 times a week, sometimes 4 with fasts lasting about 20 hours usually with a climbing session if anything during them. Lifting 3 times a week. I'll see how this goes and see if I need to up the fat. 2500 was too much and I gained way too much weight in too short a time without seeing much strength increases.
WU: Joint Mobility. 100 JR/10 Pull & push/15 Sit-ups & Squats
PR Week Day 2
77kg (WTF?)
-Snatch(47.5): 30x1x3/35x1x3/40x1x2/42.5x1x2/45xF/42.5x1x2/45x1/45xF/45xF
I keep telling myself stay with it, keep grinding away and my form and technique will come along...
-Dr.Snatch(60): this was just a fucking gong show and I quit halfway through. My head was just not in it.
-B.N.Pr(42.5): 22.5x5/25x4/30x3/35x2/40x1/45xF/42.5x1/45x1/47.5xF
Ok, so I can behind the neck press the same amount as I can snatch...I'm a fucking anomaly.
-FS(105): 60x3/70x3/75x3/95x2/100x1/105x1/107.5xF
The 105 was a bit easy. I'm sure I could have hit the 107.5 if I had had a spotter...
Thought I'd just post what my diet my and template looks like. My goals are strength, power and size. I lift at a weightlifting club with competitive lifters, an experienced coach(?), with full weight sets. Age 26 y/o 5'-10" 77kg My diet is 100% paleo (don't remember the last time I ate grains), I fast 16-22 hours about 3 times a week. I'm eating about 2500 calories per day with about 20 blocks protein, 6 blocks carbs and the rest fat which is around 110 blocks. I divide my meals into protein/fat and protein/carb meals with about 1carb block of veggies (celery, lettuce, cabbage...) per meal and 3 blocks of squash at my carb meal PWO. Protein from eggs, tuna, chicken, salmon. Fat is mainly from olive oil and some nuts. The only number that seems to be going up consistently is the one on the scale so I'm thinking I need to drop some fat intake a little and go for about 2300 cal. Outside weightlifting I try and get out indoor wall climbing about 2-3 times a week. Some weeks I only get out once.
WU: Joint Mobility.
3R - 10 Leg Swings/10 Kicks/10 squats
PR Week Day 1
90 min
-JK(70): 50x1x3/55x1x3/60x1x3/62.5x1/65x1/67.5x1/70x1/72.5x1/75xf
A PR sort of. Had a bit of a press out at the end but I'll take 'em where I can.
-GM(90): 45x5/57.5x5/72.5x5/80x5/90x5
-BS(110): 55x5/72.5x5/87.5x3x5
-BP(77.5): 40x3/47.5x3/55x2/65x2/72.5x1/75x1/77.5xf
I hate PR days; they shatter my confidence. The only thing that seems to be going up is the number on the scale...
Week 1 Day 3
55 min
Fasting 20h+
-P.Pr(57.5): 22.5x5/30x5/35x5/40x5/42.5x5
-P.JK(62.5): 32.5x3/37.5x3/42.5x3/47.5x3/50x3
-GM(90): 45x5/55x5/662.5x5/72.5x5
-BS(110): 55x5/72.5x3/82.5x3/95x3/105x3 solid
-Fasting 20h
-Long Stretch
WU: 10 pull-ups/10 push-ups/15 Sit-ups/15 squats
Week 1 Day 2
Fasting 18h+
-CL.PL(50): 25x4/30x3/35x3
-FS(105): 52.5x5/62.5x5/75x3/80x3/85x3
-SQ.CL(70): 35x3/42.5x2/50x2/52.5x2x2/55x2x2/60x2 eazy peazy
-BS(110): 55x6/67.5x6/77.5x4/87.5x4/95x4/100x4x2 heavy and dne
-B.N.PR(42.5): 22.5x5/27.5x5/30x5/32.5x5
-Evil Wheel Fun
WU: 100 JR/10 pull-ups/10 push-ups/15 Sit-ups/15 squats
Week 1 Day 1
-SN.PL (50): 25x3/30x3/35x3
-DR.SN(60): 25x3/30x3/37.5x3/42.5x3/45x2/50x1
-SQ.SNXHG(47.5): 25x3x2/27.5x3x2/32.5x2x2/35x2x2/37.5x2
-JK (70): 35x4/42.5x4/50x3/55x3/60x3
-FS (105): 52.5x1/70x4/80x4/85x3/90x3
Turkish Sit-ups 17kg x 3 x 5
Windmills 17kg x 3 x 5
Weights were light today. Snatches felt really good.
WU: 100 Jump Rope/15 Pull-ups/10 Push-up/15 Sit-ups/15 Squats
Week 2 Day 3
-JK (70): 35x3/42.5x3/50x3/55x3/60x2/62.5x2/65x2x3/67.5x2
-GM (90): 45x5/55x5/65x5/72.5x5/82.5x5
-BS (110): 55x/72.5x5/82.5x5x2
-BP (75): 40x3/47.5x3/55x3/62.5x3/70x2
-Windmills 17kg x 3x5
-Evil Wheel
-Stretch Solid session. Jerks felt awesome
WU: 100 Jump Rope/10 Pull-ups/10 Push-up/15 Sit-ups/15 Squats
Week 2 Day 2
-C&J (70): 35x2+2/42.5x2+2/45x2+2/50x2+2/52.5x2+2/(55x2+2)x5
-BS (110): 55x3/67.5x3/77.5x3/87.5x3/95x2/100x2/105x2x4
-B.N.Pr (42.5): 22.5x5/27.5x5/30x5/35x5/37.5x5
Solid session. Used a little bit lighter weight on the C&J's than in the past and I think it's for the better. Instead of struggling through with the heavier weight with shitty form, I'm better off using 2.5kg less and having a much cleaner form and feeling the power position and shrug...just a thought at least. Squats were solid; I'm rather interested in testing my max again...
-Fast 22 1/2 hours
WU: 100 Jump Rope/21 KB swings, 17kg/12 pull-ups
Week 2 Day 1
Fasting 16h
-SQ.SNxHG : 22.5x5/30x5/35x3x3
-SQ.SN : 22.5x3/30x3/32.5x3/35x2/37.5x2/40x1/40xF fucking ugly
-P.Jk: 32.5x3/37.5x3/45x2/50x2/55x2/57.5x2
-FS: 52.5x4/67.5x4/85x3/95x2x2/95x1
-Core: Turkish sit-ups: 17kgx5x3
Good bad and ugly. My snatch is just nasty. The power snatches from hang felt great; they were popping up no problem, I could really feel the power position and explosion off my heels. The squat snatches on the other hand were terrible; I need to lift when my coach is around to yell at me. It's that first pull and starting position that I've fucked up and need correction. Front squats were alright, not to template rx but good and heavy. I figure since I suck at the Oly lifts and am just learning them, I NEED to be lifting hard and heavy on the conventional lifts; the Olys will come with time.
Note: I'm repeating my template for another couple weeks instead of going for a PR week. The first two weeks of the cycle were just pathetic and it's only untill now that I'm feeling back into the swing of it all.
-Sitting on my ass
-Fasting 17h
WU:Joint Mobility
Week 3 Day 3
Fasting 16h
-P.Pr(57.5): 22.5x5/30x5/35x5/42.5x5/45x5
-P.JK(62.5): 32.5x3/37.5x3/45x3/47.5x3/50x3
-GM(90): 45x5/55x5/65x5/72.5x5
-BS(110): 55x5/72.5x3/82.5x3/95x3/105x3
-Windmills: 17kgx5x5
More goodness all through and through. Overhead stuff felt nice and light, core feeling really sore so the goodmornings felt a bit heavy & the squats were all good. Managed 105x3 without a spot and decent form albeit a little bit long between reps. Strength finally feels back to par.
WU:3Rounds of: 10 pull/10 push/15 sit-ups/15 OHS
Week 3 Day 2
-CL.PL(50): 25x4/30x3/35x3
-FS(105): 52.5x5/62.5x5/72.5x3/80x3/85x3
-SQ.CL(70): 35x3/42.5x2/50x2/52.5x2x2/55x2x2/60x2
-BS(110): 55x6/67.5x6/77.5x4/87.5x4/95x4/100x4x2
-B.N.PR(42.5): 22.5x5/27.5x5/30x5/32.5x5
About bloody time. Finally feel like I'm back in the swing of things and can lift some heavy weights. Everything was really clicking and at times felt light. Managed the 100x4x2 back squats without a spot; not the prettiest form and a little long between reps but got 'er done. -Core: Evil Wheel fun -Stretch: Andrew style
WU:Joint Mobility
Week 3 Day 1
Fasting 18h
-SN.PL (50): 25x3/30x3/35x3
-DR.SN(60): 25x3/30x3/37.5x3/42.5x3/45x2/50x1
-SQ.SNXHG(47.5): 25x3x2/27.5x3x2/32.5x2x2/35x2x2/37.5x2
-JK (70): 35x4/42.5x4/50x3/55x3/60x3
-FS (105): 52.5x1/70x4/80x4/85x3/90x3
Feeling back into regular form for the first time; managed all the required weights as per my template sans the drop snatches where I failed on the last set because of stupidity. Snatches were a bit ugly as usual but it's a learning process, or so I keep telling myself. Front squats were good though; if I suck at the Oly lifts I might as well be squating and lifting the slow lifts hard... I gotta start lifting when my coach is around. I need a set of eyes on me to watch my form and yell slogans at me. I'm there to learn and I need to a teacher to do that.
-Fasting +16h
-WU: 4R Chelsea
Week2 Day3
Fasting 15h
-JK (70): 35x3/42.5x3/50x3/55x3/60x2/62.5x2/65x1x3/60x2x2/62.5x1
-GM (90): 45x5/55x5/65x5/72.5x5/82.5x5
-BS (110): 55x/72.5x5/82.5x5x2
-BP (75): 40x3/47.5x3/55x3/62.5x3/70x2
Second time around doing a strength session while fasting and again not too bad. Felt a little bonked later on though. Strength still a bit down but getting back up there. C&J were the only thing not to template but they never are. Just keep grinding I guess...
-Fasting 20h 11/08/07
-WU: 15 pull/push/sit/squat
Week 2 Day 2
Fasting 17h
-C&J (70): 35x2+2/42.5x2+2/45x2+2/50x2+2/52.5x2+2/(57.5x2+2)x5
-BS (110): 55x3/67.5x3/77.5x3/95x2/100x2/105x2x2/105x1/100x2
-B.N.Pr (42.5): 22.5x5/27.5x5/30x5/35x5/37.5x5
Still not quite where I was before my time off. Squats still a bit out...My first time doing a strength session while fasting; not as tough as I thought it would be. Started to get freaking hungry towards the end though.
-Fast: 20h
-WU 1/10 Angie
Week 2 Day 1
-SQ.SNxHG : 22.5x5/30x5/35x3x3
-SQ.SN : 22.5x3/27.5x3/32.5x3/35x2/37.5x2/40x1/40x1/40xF fucking ugly
-P.Jk: 32.5x3/37.5x3/45x2/50x2/55x2/57.5x2
-FS: 52.5x4/67.5x4/85x3/90x3/95x1
Still trying to catch up to where I was. Snatches were just plain old ugly; the power snatches felt good but I was having major problems with the squat snatches. My hips feel really stiff and getting down into the OHS position after the pull doesn't feel right. I can OHS no problem, just getting down after exploding feels way off
Week 1 Day 3
55 min
-P.Pr(57.5): 22.5x5/30x5/35x5/42.5x5/45x5
-P.JK(62.5): 32.5x3/37.5x3/45x3/47.5x3/50x3
-GM(90): 45x5/55x5/65x5/72.5x5
-BS(110): 55x5/72.5x3/82.5x3/95x3/100x2
-Evil Wheel
-Stretch Still dragging my ass. Legs really sore and hips really still and tight. Managed all rx'd weight except on the back squats, which are hard moving. Flexor felt looser later on. Stretch felt good
-WU: 3R Chelsea
Week 1 Day 2
1h 40min
BW 74
-CL.PL(50): 25x4/30x3/35x3
-FS(105): 52.5x5/65x5/72.5x3/80x3/85x2
-SQ.CL(70): 35x3/42.5x2/50x2/52.5x2x2/55x2x2/60x2
-BS(110): 55x6/67.5x6/77.5x4/87.5x4/92.5x2/95x3x2
-B.N.PR(42.5): 22.5x5/27.5x5/30x5/32.5x5
Blah. Weak and un-coordinated. Cleans pretty ugly, FS & BS weak and off required target. Hip flexors really tight.
-Fast 21h
Week 1 Day 1
1h 30 min
BW 74.5
WU-3R of Chelsea
-SN.PL(50): 25x3/30x3/35x3
-DR.SN(60): 25x3/30x3/37.5x3/42.5x3/45x2/50x2
-SQ.SN(47.5): 25x3x2/30x3x2/35x2x2/37.5x2x2/40x2
-JK (70): 35x4/42.5x4/50x3/57.5x3/60x2
-FS (105): 52.5x1/70x4/80x4/85x3/90x2
First workout since getting back. Got hit by jet lag pretty good and was still feeling it today. Felt pretty tight and uncoordinated and it showed. Snatches were pretty ugly and I didn't go to what my template called for on the last sets of jerks and front squats. Felt good to be back though. Core-3R-3 GHS, 5kg/5 LHS, 5kg/30 sec plank
22/07/07 - 29/07/07A timely week off. Been feeling a bit stressed and a week away from everything is what I needed. Did some rowing and joint mobility one morning but other than that nothing but a but load of walking.Kept my diet pretty much 100% paleo except for some cheese and ate a bit heavy but I'm on fucking vaction. Only exception was the last night when I have a curry with some rice and piece of pizza. First piece of pizza I've had in over a year. You know, I don't really miss pizza, junk food and grains that much. It was good pizza but I didn't feel that I was missing out on anything. The beef curry was fucking good though...Did a couple fasts too. The last one was a dooser. After my rice, curry and pizza the next time I ate was 36 hours later at home. Made for an interesting flight. Shit got a little hairy towards the end but was all good.
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