Monday, February 13, 2006

Location: Maslin House, Maslin Beach South Australia
For time:
Rock Carry, 800m
21 Rock Pick-ups
Rock Carry, 600m
18 Rock Pick-ups
Rock Carry, 400m
15 Rock Pick-ups
Time 20:35 w/ approximately a 50lbs rock
Rock carrying is tough especially with jagged rocks.

Location: Maslin House, Maslin Beach South Australia
For time:
Run 800m
20 - 1
20 Burpees, 1 PushPress
19 Burpees, 2 PushPress
Time 30:18 w/ approximately a 40lbs rock.
Only managed to 5 burpees - 15 pushpress as I was pressed for time. This was a deadly combo but I should of gone without the 800m run and I could have completed it.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Location: Maslin House, Maslin Beach South Australia
For time:
Run 200m
21 Swings
Run 200m
18 Deadlifts
Run 200m
15 Swings
Run 200m
12 Deadlifts
Run 200m
9 Swings
Run 200m
6 Deadlifts
Time 11:23 w/approximately a 35-40lbs rock for the swings and approximately a 80lbs rock for the deadlifts. The Deadlifts were done with more of a sumo-stance do to the rock.
"Crossfit Maslin House"

Location: Maslin House, Maslin Beach South Australia
21-15-9 of:
Time 8:05
Terrible time but Pull-ups were done on "rings" and I used a 60lbs rock for the thrusters that ended up breaking in half on the second round making it about a 50lbs rock. I think lifting odd objects such as rocks is a lot harder than when lifting a bar with weights.
"Ring pull-ups"

Location: Maslin House, Maslin Beach South Australia
As many rounds in 20 minutes of:
Run 200m
JumpStretch PushPress, 7 reps
Squats Cleans, 7 reps
Total Rounds: 9
Squat cleans done with my 60lbs rock.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Location: Maslin House, Maslin Beach South Australia
21-15-9 for time of:
JS Thrusters
Ring Dips
Time 12:34 w/approximately a 35-40lbs rock

"The Gym"

Location: Maslin Beach
Run 10km for time
10.21km in 51:06 according to my pedometer
Well, I munched out pretty good a couple nights before this so I figured I should punish myself with a good 10km run. My diet hasn't been the best since I got to Maslin house and this munch out sessions was one of the worst. Afterwards I feel so fucking stupid and weak, it's not good, not healthy and not right. Anyways, I also did this WOD because I hadn't done it in a long time plus I'm starting to follow, to some degree, the Crossfit Theoretical Template from Issue 6, I figure it could add some structure to my WODs. I used my pedometer and from what I can tell it's pretty accurate as I traced a bit of my distance in the car.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Location: Maslin Beach
3 rounds for time:
15 Rock deadlifts
15 Standing long jumps
Time 8:25 w/a big ass rock.
I'm trying to incorporate a heavy, strength specific day in my workouts when I can and this was the result. At first I was going to do rock drags with a harness that I made but the sand was piling up under the rock and it made it impossible to pull the thing so I scrapped that idea.
"Big ass rock"

Location: Maslin House
5 rounds of:
400m Rock Carry
12 Handstand push-ups
Time 28:38 w/ the 60lbs rock
This was a solid WOD but the rock gave me some problems because it was so awkward and it definitely effected my time, solid shit though.

Location Maslin House
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 of:
Rock Pick-ups
Time 16:58 w/ a 60lbs rock
I weighted the rock in at about 60lbs, I came in at 148lbs which sucks hardcore as I feel that my BF% is up but my bodyweight is down, not a good combination.

Location: Maslin House
For time:
75 swings
Time 4:54 w/approximately a 40lbs rock
Terrible. 4th day in a row and I should have just took it easy but since my diet has been to shit and I've been munching out too much I decided to punish myself and it ended up being a waste of time. This was suppose to be 150 sqings but I just wasn't into it at all and I pussied out.

Location: Maslin House
Tabata Fun for time and score
Run 400m
Tabata Sit-ups 12/12/12/10/11/10/11/12 = 90
Run 400m
Tabata JS Thrusters 13/10/9/7/6/8/7/7 = 67
Run 400m
Tabata Burpees 5/6/5/6/5/5/5/5 = 42
Run 400m
Tabata OHS 10/6/5/9/7/8/4/6 = 55
Time 25:50 Score 254

Location: Maslin Beach
For time:
Burpee Squat-Clean Thruster 20-15-10-5-10-15-20
Sit-ups 40-30-20-10-20-10-20-30-40
Run 50m between sets
Time 23:18 w/approximately a 35lbs & 25lbs rock
I started out with a larger rock but then it broke in half and I just grabbed the closest one to me which was a bit smaller.

"A broken rock & a broken heart"

Location: Maslin Beach
For time:
75 rock pick-ups
Time 9:40 w/approximately a 75lbs rock
The rock pick-ups consists of picking up a rock and putting it over your head.

Location: Maslin House Driveway
For time:
150 squats
run 800m
150 squats
Time 11:10
"The Track"

Location: Maslin House
21-15-9 of:
Rock Swings
Elevated ring push-ups
Time 14:12 w/approximately a 35-40lbs rock and pull-ups done on a 8x4 beam.

Location: Maslin Beach
400m rock toss
400m rock carry
400m sprint
Time 19:57 w/approximately a 65lbs rock

Location: Maslin House
"JS Jenny"
5 rounds for time of:
5 JS Push-ups
10 JS PushPress
20 JS Thrusters
25 JS Squats
Time 18:29
Bad time. Last time I did 4 rounds in 13:37

Location: Misc. park in Adelaide, SA
100 push-ups
Time 5:43
5km run
Horrible time on the push-ups and didn't time myself for the run as I was just try to set my pedometer correctly.

"Skinny me"