Mad Science
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Monday, November 21, 2005
Sunday, November 20, 2005
Saturday, November 19, 2005
Location: Some back alley in Perth, WA
5 rounds for time of:
Run 400m
30 Box jumps
30 wall ball shots
Time 25:17 w/ 100 jump ropes per 400m run & JumpStretch thrusters subbed for wall ball shots.
A solid effort but I think I shoud have done like 200 jump ropes per 400m run. The box jumps were pretty high, around 3' I think. Did this one because the night before I went out for fish 'n chips with some people. First time in over 2 years I've had anything deep fried.

Thursday, November 17, 2005
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Location: Russel Square, Perth Western Australia
"Fight Gone Bad!"
5 stations, 3 rounds, one minute at every station with a one minute rest between rounds
Jumpstretch Thrusters 23/20/19 = 62
Jumpstretch Sumo Deadlift Highpulls 29/26/28 = 83
Box Jumps 13/15/16 = 44
Jumpstretch PushPress 20/12/15 = 47
Burpees 12/12/13 = 37
Total = 273

Monday, November 14, 2005
Friday, November 11, 2005
Location: Bathers Beach (Manjaree), Fremantle Western Australia
500 meter rock toss for time
Time 12:00 w/ approximately a 40lbs rock on sand
8 rounds
100 meter sand sprints with 1 minute rests between rounds
What a lovely day and solid WOD but I think I should have done a little bit further distance. Regardless, that was a WOD that I was wanting to do for some time. Finished off with some sprints and a jump in the ocean. If all my day's from here on in start like this I will die a happy man.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Location: Seaside Park, Freemantle
Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes of:
5 Handstand Push-ups
run 400 meters
10 Knees to Elbow
6 complete rounds plus 5 HSPU & 400m run
A solid WOD and solid effort on this one. I was feeling a bit tired and beat up from the plane ride to Perth from Sydney but as I got going all felt good.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Location Park under Sydney Harbor Bridge
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 for time of:
L-Pull ups
Jump Stretch Push-ups
Time 24:20
A solid WOD. Just about wussed out and called it quits after the 12 rep round but just chipped away at it. The L-pull ups were tucked, the burpees had no push-up to them and the jump stretch push-ups were murder. I was a little taken back at how hard they were and definitely look forwards to doing more JS exercises in the future. Went out for Thai food afterwards and pretty much threw the zone and paleo out the window but the food was still very clean and health plus after that WOD I deserved it.

Gym with a view.
Monday, November 07, 2005
Location Park under Sydney Harbor Bridge
One Round For Time:
25 Burpee pull-up Combo
15 Box Jumps
15 Burpee pull-up Combo
25 Box Jumps
Time 8:30
My first WOD done on the road. It's an older Gym Jones WOD and it's actually suppose to be 2 rounds not just 1 so I screwed up on it.
Here's the view I workout out to...nice.
Thursday, November 03, 2005
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Clean 3-3-3 reps
Run 2000 meters
Clean 3-3-3 reps
9:50 run on treadmill
Failed on the third attempt using 135lbs so I dropped the weight down to 125lbs but could have probably managed 130lbs. The run was alright but I started off too fast and it really effected my time. Good effort though and an interesting WOD. One more Crossfit WOD left and from then on in it's all up to old WODs and whatever I randomize.
Finished off with 4:45 of handstands and some bar muscle-up work.
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Five rounds for time:
135 pound Bench press, 21 reps
Run 400 meters
Time 28:35 with 120lbs for the first 2 rounds of bench presses and 95lbs for the last 3. Also substituted 400m runs with 200 jump ropes.
It took me 15 minutes to do 2 rounds with 120lbs for I scaled down the weight for the final 3 or I'm sure I'd still be at the gym plus I had barely even broken a sweat. Not too pleased with my effort but I'm thinking that I'm just not used to working out first thing in the morning yet, that and I'm thinking that the last two days really exposed two of my weaknesses; bench pressing and thrusters.
Finished off with 3 minutes upside-down of handstand work.