Sunday, October 29, 2006

Cook & Philip Aquatic Center
BW 71
Clean 10 x 1
Felt a bit heavy at first but felt better with a bit of practice. Last WOD with Andrew.

Cook & Philip Aquatic Center
BW 70.25
"Strung-out, backwards, and upside down Fran"
For time:

Run 1200 meters
9 Pull-ups
35kg Thruster, 9 reps
Run 800 meters
15 Pull-ups
35kg Thruster, 15 reps
Run 400 meters
21 Pull-ups
35kg Thruster, 21 reps
Time 18:57

Friday, October 27, 2006

Cook & Philip Aquatic Center
BW 70.55
Deadlift 60kg
Handstand Push-ups
Time 8:07 unassisted HSPU, facing the wall
7 seconds more this time around from last time I did Diane on 09/05/06, which I'm rather pleased about as I had a bit of a lay off and gained some fat, which has already started to burn off. It's interesting that last time around I did the deadlifts pretty much unbroken and the HSPU were assisted, while this time the weight felt like a ton on the deadlifts and I broke the sets up and did the HSPU unassisted but only added 7 seconds more to my time.

Cook & Philip Aquatic Center
BW 72.3
As many rounds in 20 minutes of:
5 Pull ups
10 Push ups
15 Squats
Total Rounds 19 + 5 pull & 6 push ups
My first WOD back in Sydney with the C&P crew. Put on a nice 2kg from when I left and could feel it. My last Cindy on 09/28/06 I hit 20 rounds but this time around I felt like I was wearing a weighted vest with the extra kilos I was carry around. Oh well, I'm sure they'll be gone by weeks end.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Tallebudgera Community Center, Currumbin Gold Coast QSL
Five rounds for time of:
60kg Deadlift, 15 reps
Row 500m
15 GHD Sit-ups
Time 19:32
1:49.8 @ 29
1:53.6 @ 27
1:57.2 @ 25
Ran the last two rounds because some old lady stole my rower. Weighted in at 72kg on their scale, ouch; too much eating with my family and I don't imagine going to Thailand is going to help. I thought the rows felt a bit heavy but my numbers were up there regardless of the lay off from them.
Did this one at a community center that I bumped into while my family was sitting on the beach and what a treat working out there was. I have never seen such a beautiful set of Olympic bumper plates in all my years training and to top it off the platforms they had set up along with the pillars they had were near tear jerking. They also had a GHD bench, rowers and a full gymnasium connected to it. The place was pimped right out, except for one small thing; no pull-up bar. Sad, really sad.
Bridges 6 x 30 sec holds - getting better and better at these
BP x 5 - 50/50/52.5/55/57.5
Evil Wheel fun
"A thing of Beauty"

Boonooroo Park, Carrara, Gold Coast QSL
Jump Rope warm-up
For time:
Run 400 meters
21 L-Pull-ups
21 Handstand push-ups
Run 400 meters
15 L-Pull-ups
15 Handstand push-ups
Run 400 meters
9 L-Pull-ups
9 Handstand push-ups
Time 19:20
HSPU done against a tree as best to my ability; aka a bit sad. Runs were approximate.
Core Day 2
Ring Standing Jackknife 5/4/3/2/1/2/3/4/5
1-arm JS pulls 5 x 15
Clapping push-ups 7/ 4 x 5
Glute Ham Raises 5 x 5 - assisted

Boonooroo Park, Carrara, Gold Coast QSL
Jump Rope warm up
Front Squats 7 x 3
subbed with Pistols 7 x 5 each leg
Core Day 1
L-sit 15/15/13/15/15/10
Bridges 15/20 x 5
Jumping Muscle-ups 8 x 1
10 Double Unders

Boonooroo Park, Carrara, Gold Coast QSL
JumpStretch SDHP 42-30-18
Ring Dips 21-15-9
Time 8:34
Subbed the cleans with JumpStretch SDHP with double reps, which was an alright sub but not the best. I made a new set of rings that I got from the place I had workout at the day before and man are they rad; easy on the hands, hard on the body. Dips on them are way harder than regular dips.
Core Day 2
Explosive step-ups 4 x 20 alt legs
JumpStretch work

Gold Coast QSL
Weighted Pull-ups 10 x 1
Used a dumbbell between my feet with an underhand grip, don't know how much the bar weighed but think it added a bit to the overall kg. Did this one at some friends of my parents place with the old weight set and kiddy pull-up bar they had. Do what you can, where you can.
5 rounds of L-sit & bridges - 15 sec holds
Pistols 3 x 5
Diamond Push-ups 3 x 2/5 x 3
MP 5 x 5 - 30/30/32/34.5/34.5 - minus bar weight
Cleans - 5 x 3 - 40 - minus bar weight

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Boonooroo Park, Carrara, Gold Coast QSL
Day 2 core
30-20-15 JumpStretch DeadLifts
21-15-9 HSPU
Time 7:33
Have no equipment so I made up JumpStretch DeadLifts as a sub with a couple more reps but I should have either of doubled the reps or found a base so that there was more tension on the bands, decent sub though. HSPU done with face against the wall and best to my ability.
Pylo push-ups 10 x 4

Squat Jumps 10 x 4
1-arm band pulls 15 x 3 both arms

Boonooroo Park, Carrara, Gold Coast QSL
Day 1 Core
50 Burpees for time = 3:50
1-arm pull-ups 1 x 6
1 arm push-ups 3/2/1/2/2/2
Pistols 3 x 3
Calf Raises 15 x 3


Boonooroo Park, Carrara, Gold Coast QSL
With a continuously running clock do one pull-up the first minute, two pull-ups the second minute, three pull-ups the third minute... continuing as long as you are able.
Total Rounds 16 + 14 pull-ups
After a crap-fest the day before I made up with a PR on this WOD, my previous best was 15 + 12 on 07/26/06 plus I did this one using a really thick bar on a playground so hooray for me.
Day 1 core
Tabata Squats
20-21-21-21-21-20-20-21 = 165
I figured it would be fun to do a tabata set to finish things off, little did I know it ended up being the next day's WOD...
Glute ham-raise 8x6 assisted

Boonooroo Park, Carrara, Gold Coast QSL
21-15-9 of:
Ring Dips
Terrible and absolutely pathetic. My shoulders felt fried on this one and my rings were giving me hassles; ring dips were the killer.
Day 2 Core
5 rounds of:
DL isometric hold 5 sec
15 JumpStretch DL

A couple of circuits that I'm going to work with over the next couple of weeks.

Day 1 Core
5 rounds of:
L-sit & Bridge circuit
3 rounds of:
20 Band Twists (10 per side)
15 V-ups
1 min rest

Day 2 Core
15 JS Band Slams
15 Lying Hip Swings
10 Supermans
1 min Plank
1 min rest

Isometric Workout
5 rounds each for 5 sec contractions @ start, mid & peak contractions of:
Overhead Press

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Boonooroo Park, Nerang Gold Coast QSL
50 box jumps
75 pull-ups, thick bar 10x4/7x2/9x2/3
50 swings, big rock 15/10/13/12
50 sit-ups
50 cleans, big rock 15/10/13/12
800m run
50 JumpStretch Good Mornings
Time 23:28
Feeling better, shoulder a bit sore but other then that all is good. The run was killer and was very approximate, feeling more like 1km.
Turkish Get-ups, rock 5x3
3 rounds - 10 Long Jumps/6 pistols alt. leg
Stretch/Hold Circuit

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Well after a couple pretty much off days I got back at it with a double WOD. I have been feeling really slow, sluggish, sore and creaky the last couple days. To top it off my diets been what I would refer to as shit. I had a bad munchg out session with cookies and bread, plus not enough fruit and vege like what I'm accustomed to. I guess that's what happens when I eat with others. My legs were a little fried after our hike of Mt.Warning but nothing to warrent this plus my right shoulders been sore in a bad way last little bit. And people say you can hurt yourself from physical activity, I hurt myself from physical inactivity. Regardless it feels great to get back at it.

Boonooroo Park, Nerang Gold Coast QSL
Ring Dips 5x5
JS Ring Dips 2x3
1-arm alt. JS Press 5/5/3
Jumping MU's 1x5
1-arm pull work

3 Rounds of:
Run 400m (approx.)
21 swings, big rock
12 pull-ups
Forgot my watch so I didn't time myself, doubt I beat my time from 09/31/06 but you do what you can do.
Decline Ring Push-ups 5x3
Ring Push-thrus 5x3
Pistols 3x3
Well after missing yesterday's WOD of ME Push-Jerk I sort of made today a double WOD doing the required Helen and a bunch of extra skill and drill work.

Boonooroo Park, Nerang Gold Coast QSL
Double unders - subbed with Standing Jumps
The jumps were done with a target that I could barely do a standing jump to. I screwed up on the time and think I got it wrong, it was 7:*8something...

Tallebudgera Beach Lifesavers Track, Currumbin Gold Coast QSL
3 efforts for time of:
run 800m
3 min rest
3 min rest
I did this on the perimeter of a footy square that I was sure was 400m round as my pedometer measured out .39m on my jog of it but comparing it with my times from 09/23/06 I'm inclined to think differently, that or the runs from before were way longer.

Climb Mt. Warning
Time 3 hours 20 minutes
"On top"

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Byron Bay, NSW
Three rounds for time of:
JS Overhead squat, 15 reps
15 L Pull-ups
JS PushPress, 15 reps
15 Knees to elbows
JS Cleans, 15 reps
15 Good Mornings, with a cinder block
Time 20:17
Again some interesting subs here but I think it works.
Handstand work
Pistols 5x3
TGU 3x3 with a rock
JS 1-arm press 5/5/5/2 - looped once after each set
Stretch/yoga circuit

Byron Bay, NSW
JS Squat 5x5
Pistols 3x7

Step Press 4steps x 5 reps
JS SDHP 10x2/5x3
JS Push-ups 5x3/5-1hand loop/5-2hand loop
Ring Rows 5x5
MU ring push-ups 3x3
Ring push-thrus 5x5
This was my first try at an ME day without weights and heavy ass lifting. I figure that I'll make the ME days a skills and fun day based around resistance moves using BW moves, ring work and my JumpStretch bands, which I keep on looping for more tension, it's actualy quite fun to come up with different moves and exercises and rather taxing. The JS Step Press is where I have the band anchored, standing inside it and push with both hands in sort of a push-up fashion but into the air. I then take a step forward and pound out another couple reps and keep going until I can't go any further. Good stuff.

Byron Bay, NSW
"Nasty Girls"
3 rounds for time of:

50 Squats
21 pull-ups & dips
15 JumpStretch cleans
Time 18:02
My first WOD away from the crew and first after a 2 days off, figure a bit of rest wouldn't hurt me plus I couldn't find time for it with the travelling we were doing. Did the pull-ups kipless and dips on my rings and did sort of a clean using my jumpstretch band, which wasn't perfect but beats sitting around and getting fat.
1-arm JS Strikes & Pulls 3x5
JS Military Press 5x5
Turkish Get-ups 5x3 with a rock
3 rounds of 10 JS Sit-ups & 1min plank

Cook & Philip Aquatic Center
BW 69.45
Back Squat 10 x 2
BP 60-3x5
Max Pull-ups neutral grip 15
My last workout with the Crossfit Australia gang and my 5th WOD in a row. It's amazing, I've done 4 benchmark days in a row and finished it all with with an ME day and didn't feel it at all and could have done more.