Monday, August 03, 2009

It's been nearly 2 months since I last posted and unfortunately the first time in nearly the 4 years I've been posting my workouts that I'll be omitting a couple.
So after a couple days off from camping I was having a tough time getting back into the swing of SS, lifting hard and stuffing my face full of food. I was feeling fat and out of shape, regardless if I was the strongest I'd ever been. I was finding the only way to make progress anymore with SS was by gaining weight and bringing a fuck load of intensity to each and ever workout. My shoulder was killing me and along with bench presses I stopped doing shoulder presses to give my shoulder a rest.
On top of it all, finals week was around the corner and with it stress and time constraints. The stress from that left nothing for my workouts. The workup to finals was exhasting and during the week of finals I had an off week, with my workouts being light, easy, fun and most important a way to relieve some stress. I didn't even bother writting them down.
Somewhere in the mix of all this I made this
post and decided to make some changes. I started off with 5-3-1 for a week or two and was having fun but then decided to go for the Texas Method. I felt it was more compound and I'd benefit more from a weekly progression instead of monthly. A week of that and I realized that I just didn't have the intensity for it plus I was hating the whole 5x whatever things, didn't see myself advancing unless I stuffed myself to discomfort, was feeling fat and stale and needed a change. I was having fun with 5-3-1 and liked the heavy workouts with the Boring but Big finish to it. Add to that I wanted to lose a bit of weight, add in some conditioning (rowing) and throw in the odd little exercises (TGU) that I enjoy. That leads me to where I am now:
5-3-1 with some rowing, TGU, light BW stuff and a fare amount of core work. I feel much better so far and plan to keep at it.
My shoulder is on and off; I've been finding that working it is better than not working it and that compound lifting is better than the little isolation exercises that I had been doing. I started off with Bosu-ball push-ups and am going to tinker around with DB presses. The TGU have been a huge help, as has kipping pull-ups.

BW 79kg / 174lbs (PM)
-Front Squats(108): 70 x5 80 x5 92.5 x5
-Front Squats: 60 x 10 x5
-TGU: 45 x3 50 x3 55 x3 60 x3 Hell yeah
-Plank: 20kg @60 sec with 55 sec rest x3


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