BW: 78
Session Length: 80min
-500 Jump Rope – 4:05
-Back Squats: 100x5x3
Heavy but solid. Go 101
-Bench Press: 66x5x3
Solid. Barely had last rep. 5 days before I bench again so go 66.5 next
-Cleans: 61x3x5
These were solid. Go 62
-3 sets:
15 Back Ext
15 GHS
-Stretch and foam roller
I am the worlds forgotten boy. Solid session. Walked in on 6 hours of sleep, a bit too much rum from the night before and a fuck load of angst and rage. What better place to be than in the rack? I need to bring hate and rage to the gym more often, I could hardly sit down between sets. Too bad this wasn’t a CF WOD because it would have been a puker. All in due time though…all in due time.
20h Fast
PM Drinking
BW: 77.4
Fast: 13h PWO
Session Length: 70min
-Front Squats: 86x5x3
Heavy. Stay put.
-Shoulder Press: 43.5x5x3
Heavy. A bit too much back bend. Stay
-Weighted Pull-ups: 10kg x 5reps x 5 sets
Was going to do Deadlifts but my back wasn’t feeling the strongest.
10 Lying Hip Swings
10 V-ups
Plank 60 sec
Morning work out on an empty stomach and still feeling the workout from a couple days before, which I realize was only like 36hours before so no wonder everything felt heavy. Need more sleep and food.
BW: 77.4kg
Fast: 19h
Session Length: 78min
-Jump Rope – 4minutes
-Back Squats: 99x5x3
Go 100
-Bench Press: 65x5x3
Solid. Go 66
-Snatches: 40x3x4
Tried 42,5 but it was too much. Try 41x3x5
-3 Rounds:
3 Turkish sit-ups, 20kg O-bar
1 Turkish Get-up, 20kg O-bar
1 Windmill, 20kg O-bar
Switch arm
This combo f*&%ing hurt.
21h Fast