Friday, March 13, 2009

Shoulder Pain. My left shoulder has been acting up a lot the last couple weeks. It feels like it's in the rotary cuff area but it isn't centralized there. It's a sharp pain that pinches me most often when I'm trying to reach back. I feel it quite sharply when I pull back on my shoulders like I had the bar on my back with hands on the bar. It all seems to coincide with me going back to the low-bar back squats. The 4 weeks that I was going high bar I didn't feel this pain and it has really struck me the last week and a half. I'm wondering if the scaling back I've had to do with my presses has something to do with my shoulder and me going back to the LBBS. I am a bit worried that it isn't the low-bar but is pressing related but the time coincides and the scaled back weights don't feel as solid as they should. My body is obviously telling me that it doesn't like the LBBS so I'm going to the HBBS and stick to it. The tell-tale will be how my shoulder feels in a couple weeks and I'll re-asses from there.

On a positive note I've been banging out some great PR's on the 500m row.

Edit: A question occurred to me; Why am I so attached to the LBBS and seem so tentative to switching over to HBBS? I think it's becuase I've a lot of time and effort into, or trying to learn the LBBS. That time and effort I've put makes me hesitant to throw it out the window but it just simply isn't working for me.

BW 79.9kg / 175lbs (PM)
-Row 500m = 1:38.0@32 (PR)
-High Bar Back Squats: 105 x5x3
-Shoulder Press: 46 x5x3
-Weighted Chin-ups: 15 x5x3
-Evil Wheel work; standing incline and kneeling decline

BW 79kg / 174lbs (PM)
-Row 500m = 1:38.5@31 (PR)
-Front Squats: 92.5 x5x3
Solid work. Part of me says stay at this weight but I'll ignore that part and put a small amount on next time.
-Bench Press: 67.5 x5x3
Felt good.
-Power Cleans: 65 x3x2 67.5 x3x3
Nice. Going to try for 5 sets of 3 @ 67.5kg next time.
-4 Position plank circuit, 30sec/pos X3rounds


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