Thursday, March 02, 2006

Soccer Pitch, Adelaide, SA
For time, 10 rounds of:
Run 200m
10 Burpees
10 Swings
Time 23:08
This one was a deadly one. I used the cinder block for the swings and albiet the block wasn't very hard for pick-ups, it was killer for swings. I was also originally going to do this one with the burpee-pull-up-combo but I couldn't get a good grip on the soccer posts.

Soccer Pitch, Adelaide, SA
30-25-20-15-10-5 for time:
Time 8:48
The only thing I could find for pick-ups was a cinder block that I think was a bit light but got the job done. I stole it from some back alley and lugged it 3 blocks to the park that I workout at. I must have looked insane carrying that thing down the street.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Location: Maslin House, Maslin Beach South Australia
Run 1000m
50 Thrusters, 45lbs barbell
30 pull-ups
Time 9:55 w/a 35lbs rock
My last WOD with my pull-up bar. It was inevitable and fun while it lasted but my time here at Maslin has come to an end and so must it.
"A good friend"

Location: Maslin House, Maslin Beach South Australia
As many rounds in 20 minutes of:
Run 200m
15 Deadlifts
15 Pull-ups
Total Rounds 6 + a little bit of a run w/a 92lbs rock for the deadlifts
Deadlifts and pull-ups are a lethal combo. I weighted myself in at 149lbs today, I don't know if that's good or bad though...
"Rock Deadlifts"

Location: Maslin House, Maslin Beach South Australia
3 rounds for time:
Run 800m
45 JumpStretch Squats
45 Push-ups
45 JumpStretch Sumo Deadlift Highpulls
Time 29:30

Location: Maslin House, Maslin Beach South Australia
For time:
25 Pull-ups
25 Burpee-Squat Clean-Thrusters
25 JumpStretch Overhead Squats
Run 800m
25 Handstand Push-ups
25 Front Squats
25 JumpStretch Sumo Deadlift Highpulls
Run 800m
Time 19:20
25 reps on the 25th. For the Burpee-Squat Clean-Thrusters and the Front Squats I used my 35lbs rock.

Location: Maslin House, Maslin Beach South Australia
3 rounds for time of:
21 swings
12 pull-ups
Time 11:07 w/a 15kg dumbbell
I did this one with the first peice of real equipment I have touched since I left home. It was a dumbbell that I stole from this guy.
"Real Iron"

Location: Maslin House, Maslin Beach South Australia
For time:
21 thrusters
Run 400m
18 thrusters
Run 400m
15 thrusters
Run 400m
Time 8:19 w/ a 35lbs rock
This is an old WOD and I was hurting pretty good before I did it from the conference that I was working.

Location: Maslin House, Maslin Beach South Australia
100 Jumpstretch push-ups for time 13:46
50 pull-ups for time 3:54
This is suppose to be my "Gymnastics Day" but I am hurting quite a bit due to work right now.

Location: Maslin House, Maslin Beach South Australia
As many rounds in 20 minutes of:
Run 400m
15 Good Mornings
25 Sit-ups
Total Rounds 6 + approximately 300m
Good Mornings done with a 35lbs rock.

Location: Maslin House, Maslin Beach South Australia
10 rounds for time:
10 pull-ups
5 Burpee-Squat Clean-Thrusters
Time 18:51 w/a 35lbs rock
I was originaly going to do this one as a 10 x 10 format but soon realized that it would have taken me all day if I did that. New pull-up bar holding out great.

Location: Maslin House, Maslin Beach South Australia
5km for time
I used my pedometer to measure the distance but I came up short even though I ran a distance that I know is pretty close to 5km. Stupid thing.

Location: Maslin House, Maslin Beach South Australia
For time:
Run 800m
Squats 42-36-30-24-18-12-6
Swings 21-18-15-12-9-6-3
Run 800m
Time 16:45 w/a 35lbs rock

Location: Maslin House, Maslin Beach South Australia
30-25-20-15-10-5 for time
Run 200m
Knees to Elbow
Time 21:05
This one was a solid WOD done on my brand new pull-up bar.
"Crossfit Ingenuity"