Saturday, July 21, 2007

-C+J: 25x3+3/30x3+3/35x3+3/40x3+3/45x3+3/50x2+2/55x2+2/60x2+1
-Snatch: 25x2x2/30x2/35x2/40x2
Just a fun little session staying light (?)
Run 400m-200m-100m
21-15-9 Pull-ups
21-15-9 GHS

-Feeling a bit tired. Core bit tender; from FS? Only one in the gym, not good.
-WU – Pull-ups/Jerks/OHS
Week 4 Day 3
-C&J(70): 40x3/50x3/60x2/67.5x1/70xf.
No Jump. Hams feel fried, as does my core. Dropped back down to 60 but couldn’t even clean that.
-BS(110): 62.5x5/77.5x4/95x3/105x2/115xF
Took a big jump and tried 115 but failed miserably. Can I chalk this day up to being just “one of those day’s?”
Weighted in at 75kg, up 2kg in the last 4 weeks but with little gains. Disappointed and not feeling that great right now. Keep eating and lifting? I guess so…perhaps I’m over shooting myself and need to realize that it’s going to come really really slow and that I’ll probably also have some steps backwards along the way…
-Core: 3R – 10 GHS/10 LHS/5 Kneeling Evil Wheels

-Fast 22h

-Feeling a bit heavy. Ate lots preWO to make up for day before fast
-WU – 5R – 5 Pull-ups/5OHS
Week 4 Day 2
-SQ.SN(45): 25x3/30x3/37.5x3/42.5x2/45x1/47.5x1/50xF
Alright, made some progress. 47.5 went up easy but I psyched myself out on the 50 and failed miserably. I keep psyching myself out and not hitting what I probably could.
-Dr.SN(50): Failed and crashed on 55 but gave it another shot and worked up to 60.
-FS (100): 105x1. Pretty good, ugly form and I just about crumpled but I did it.

-Fast 24h to post climb

-Feeling a bit down/fatigued. 2 final exams before this WO so my head was a bit off.
-WU – 5R – 5 Pull-ups/5Push-ups/5 OHS
Week 4 Day 1
-JK(70): managed 75x1 but with a press out; same with 72.5. No new PR
-GM: 5x5 up to 90
-BS(110): 90x3x3
-BP(75): new PR at 77.5

-Fast 19h


-Feeling pretty good
-WU – Pull-ups/OHS
Week 3 Day 3 – 55 min
-P.Pr (57.5): 22.5x5/30x5/35x5/42.5x5/45x5
-P.JK (62.5): 32.5x3/37.5x3/45x3/47.5x3/50x3
-GM (90): 45x5/55x5/65x5/72.5x5-BS (110): 55x5/72.5x3/82.5x3/95x3/105x3
-Core: 5R - 1 Standing Evil Wheel/4 Kneeling Evil Wheel

-PM Climbing

-WOD: 3 Rounds:
Run 100m
50 Sit-ups
Run 100m
10 Ring Rips
-Fast 22h to post WOD

-Bit Sluggish
-WU: 5R – 5 Pull-ups/5Push-ups/5 OHS
Week 3 Day 2 - 1h 20 min
-CL.PL (70): 35x4/42.5x3/50x3
-FS(100): 50x5/60x5/70x3/75x3/80x3
-SQ.CL (70): 35x3/42.5x2/50x2/52.5x2x2/57.5x2x2/60x2
-BS (110): 55x6/67.5x6/77.5x4/90x4/95x4/100x4x2
-BN.PR (42.5): 22.5x5/27.5x5/30x5/32.5x2
-Core: 15-12-9-6-3: GHS/30sec Swiss Ball Stability

-Fast: 23h to post climb

-Lethargic as shit. Felt good after WU though.
-WU: 5R – 5 Pull-ups/5Push-ups/5 OHS
Week 3 Day 1 – 1h 20 min
-SN.PL (50): 25x3/30x3/35x3
-DR.SN (50):25x3/30x3/35x3/37.5x2/40x2
-SQ.Sn X HG (45): 22.5x3x2/27.5x3x2/32.5x2x2/45x2x2/37.5x2
-JK (70): 35x4/42.5x4/50x3/57.5x3/60x3
-FS (100): 50x4/65x4/75x4/80x4/85x3

-Feeling Great. Feeling really good lately.
-JK (70): 35x3/42.5x3/50x3/57.5x3/60x2/65x1x2/65x2x2/65x1x2
Didn’t hit required weight as per program but a lot closer than previous
-GM (90): 45x5/55x5/65x5/72.5x5/82.5x5
-BS (110): 55x/72.5x5/82.5x5x2
-BP (75): 37.5x3/45x3/52.5x3/60x3/67.5x3

-PM Climbing

-Fast: 23h to post climb

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

-Feel Good
Week 2 Day 2
-C&J: 35x2+2/42.5x2+2/47.5x2+2/50x2+2/52.5x2+2/(57.5x2+2)x5
-BS: 55x3/67.5x3/77.5x3/90x3/95x2/100x2/105x2x4
-B.N.Pr: 22.5x5/27.5x5/30x5/35x5/37.5x4 fail last rep. paused. Don't stop!
-Core: 3R - 10 JS Band Twists/10 HLR/5 KEW

-Fast: 18-plus hours to pre-climb

-Feel good
Week 2 Day 1
-SQ.SNxHG : 22.5x5/30x5/35x3x3 should have been power snatch
-SQ.SN : 22.5x3/27.5x3/32.5x3/35x2/37.5x2/40x2
-P.Jk: 32.5x3/37.5x3/45x2/50x2/55x2/57.5x2
-FS: 50x4/65x4/80x3/90x3/95x2* failed last set


-Feel pretty good. Haven't felt very eager to do the WOD lately.
-Skills: Tuck-Sits 3 x 0:45 - fail 5 sec left last set
-Core: 5R - 1Evil Wheel/4 Kneeling Evil Wheel
30 HSPU (15/5/4/4/4)
10 Pull-ups (10)
20 HSPU (5/4/3/3/5)
20 Pull-ups (15/5)
10 HSPU (6/4)
30 Pull-ups (8/5/3/4/3/3/2/1/1)
9:53 11:30 on 14/03/07. HSPU done hip assisted with full ROM and kept a fairly straight back. Really smoked this one. It's interesting, I find my endurance is down a bit but because my strength is up even just a bit, the WODs are just that much easier and my times are remaining the same and even getting better.

Feel really good. Well rested and well fed.
Week 1 Day 3
-P.Pr: 25x5/30x5/35x5x2/42.5x5/50x5
-P.Jk: 35x3/42.5x3/50x3/52.5x3/57.5x3 oops accidentally based this off of 70kg not 62.5
-GM: 45x5/55x5/65x5/72.5x5
-BS: 55x5/72.5x3/82.5x3/95x3/105x3
-Core: 3R - 10 HLR/15 Back ext./Plank 60 sec.
Solid Session, weights were moving