Still kicking it in Sydney, working out under the harbour bridge. I've yet to hook up with Crossfit Sydney but that will all come in due time, this weekend to be exact, should be fun. My WOD's haven't been much lately as my left knee has been giving me major problems as of late. I first noticed it when I stepped off of the ferry off of KI and from there it's been giving me problems on a near daily basis. In Adelaide, the only times I really noticed it was first thing in the morning but as the day progressed it would loosen up and be fine. I didn't really notice it too much when I got to Sydney but after a couple day's in town, walking around the city covering like 10km and then doing a 10km run, things did not feel right at all and I've been walking with a bit of a hop since then. So I've been avoiding exercises to do with my knee, which has been extremely tough as I don't have much equipment but yet again I've somehow managed. All my pull-ups that I've been doing as of late have been off a tree branch and not a very good one at that. I found a rock the other day have been doing some swings with it, the rocks probably only weights in at around 30lbs, if that but it's tough as hell to get a grip on so it ends up feeling like 45lbs.
Bradfield Park (the park under the harbour bridge), Sydney, NSWJonesworthyFor time of:Squats 80-64-50-32-16-8Swings 40-32-25-16-8-4Pull-ups 20-16-12-8-4-2Time 19:10Comments:Not my best time but comparing that I was using a jagged rock, a tree branch for pull-ups and my knee don't quite feel right, I'd say I did an alright job. My knee is feeling quite a bit better. When I wake up it hurts to walk but after I stretch it out and get it moving it feels good. I managed to do squats today so that says a lot. I only hope that I can be able to run my the weekend for some Suffer in Sydney action.
Bradfield Park (the park under the harbour bridge), Sydney, NSWFor time:150 SwingsTime 8:30Comments:Used a rock that was about 30lbs, I think. Hard as hell to get a grip on it though and I ended up cutting the hell out of my hands and rists on it so props to me.06/26/06Bradfield Park (the park under the harbour bridge), Sydney, NSW21-15-9 of:HSPUPull-upsTime 10:30Also:8 intervals Tabata Push-ups 14/12/9/8/7/7/7/7=718 intervals Tabata Sit-ups 10/10/11/11/11/10/11/11=858 intervals Tabata Jumpstretch SDHP 7/12/12/12/11/12/11/13=908 intervals Tabata Shoulder Press 10/7/5/5/5/5/5/6=48Total 29406/25/06
Bradfield Park (the park under the harbour bridge), Sydney, NSW10 Rounds of:10 Tuck Pull-ups10 JumpStretch Push-upsTime 19:55Comments:Pull-ups were done on a tree branch.06/22/06Sydney, NSWRun 10kmTime 53:00Comments:I used my pedometer to track my distance and I think I did over 10km and under 50 minutes. There were lots of steps and unlevel terrain that I don't think my pedometer tracks all that well plus I was stopped at like the longest red light in the world. I'd be really interested to do 10km on a 400m track.
Just a quick little update, in Sydney, NSW now. Just got here yesterday and plan to hopefully be here longer than shorter but have to find a job first. Had some pretty good workouts in Adelaide and some alright ones before I left Kangaroo Island. My diet went down the shitter for the last couple days on KI but was back in Crossfit form when I hit the mainland and did a lot of good 16 hour fasts along with some great WODs. I had hid a cinder block in some bushes near a park back in March and luckily it was still there so at least I had something to work with.06/21/06Bradfield Park (the park under the harbour bridge), Sydney, NSWModulate: GymnasticAs many rounds in 20 minutes of:10 tuck-pull ups20 SquatsTotal Rounds 13 + 7 tuck-pull upsComments:This is an old WOD from Oct 10/05, where I got 11 complete rounds and an additional 7 L-pulls. It looks like I did it with L-pull ups instead of tuck pulls. Went for a leasurely run after that, checking out some of the city and area where I am to be living the next couple weeks, dam nice place, got a little lost though but just had to find sight of the Sydney Harbour bridge and I knew where I was. After the run I did:For time:100 push-upsTime 6:05Comments:Although I thought I gave a great effort on this one and thought I had an amazing time, I see back on Jan. 13/06 I did 100 push-ups in 4:45 and then a couple days later on Jan. 20/06 I did it again but this time in 5:43. I must be getting slow, old and fat. I did 34 push-ups unbroken but from there I couldn't get more than 10 in a row, probably shouldn't have gone to failure on the opening. The deconditioning continues...06/19/06Misc. park in Adelaide, SAModulate: Weightlifting/Gymnastic/MetabolicAs many rounds in 20 minutes of:Run 200m20 Thrusters20 Swings10 pull-upsTotal Rounds 4 + 200m, 20 thrusters & 20 swingsComments:Used a cinder block for the thrusters and swings. The pull-ups were on a really thick soccer goal posts and I had a hell of a time getting a grip and getting up onto the posts. A pretty good WOD and a solid effort. Thrusters and swings are a deadly combo.06/18/06Misc. park in Adelaide, SA Modulate: Weightlifting/Gymnastic21-15-9 for time of:LH tosses, cinder blockRH tosses, cinder blockPush-upsTime 9:50Comments:Tosses were done with alternating arms so I did 1LH, then 1RH with each hand doing 21-15-9. I was going to do pull-ups on this WOD but little kids were playing soccer and I couldn't use the posts. One arm tosses are good.06/16/06Misc. park in Adelaide, SAModulate: Weightlifting/Gymnastic/Metabolic"Michael"3 rounds for time of:Run 800m50 Back Extensions50 sit-upsTime 23:30Comments:I subbed the back extensions with good mornings using a cinder block as weight.06/15/06
Misc. park in Adelaide, SA
Modulate: Weightlifting/Gymnastic/Metabolic4 rounds for time of:Run 400m40 Thrusters, Cinder Block20 KTETime 24:5006/14/06Misc. park in Adelaide, SAModulate: Weightlifting/Gymnastic 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 for time of:Swings, Cinder BlockRing DipsPull-upsBurpeesTime 19:2006/12/06
Kate's Farm, Snelling Beach, Kangaroo Island, SA
Modulate: Metabolic/Gymnastic
For time:
Run 400m
50 pull-ups
Run 400m
50 push-ups
Run 400m
50 sit-ups
Run 400m
50 squats
Time 22:55
This is a WOD from June 08/06.
Kate's Farm, Snelling Beach, Kangaroo Island, SA
Modulate: Weightlifting/Metabolic/Gymnastic
"Helen II"
5 rounds for time of:
Run 400m
21 swings, 17.5kg rock
12 pull-ups
Time 22:55
Kate's Farm, Snelling Beach, Kangaroo Island, SA
Modulate: Metabolic
For time 5km
Time 23:15
Kate's Farm, Snelling Beach, Kangaroo Island, SA
Modulate: Weightlifting/Metabolic/Gymnastic
4 Rounds for time of:
Run 400m
25 Push Press, 23 kg
50 Squats
Time 20:05
The merits of a warm up. For the last little bit now I haven't warmed up or stretched at all before I started my WOD, instead I just jumped right into it. I'm realizing that has got to change though, after this WOD. I, again, didn't stretch or warm up for this one and found as I progressed through the WOD that it got not so much easier and easier but I dunno...the sets were broken up less and less. For instance, the first round of squats I broken up into 25/25, the second round 30/20, the third 40/10 and the last I did straight out 50. Now in saying all that I realize now that I might have been just the way that I paced myself and just gave it all out on the last rounds...Regardless, I think a warm up of some form would probably do me more good than no warm up but I must say I am a big bored with the "Crossfit Warm-up". I'm thinking that even a run thru of a round or two of the WOD that I'm about to do could be what would be best.
Anyways, I started off doing to push presses with my 31kg sandbag but that was just too much so I downgraded to the 23kg rock, which was just about as awkward. The effort felt a bit slack at first but as I progressed thru it I felt my intensity level stepping up, again a warm up could have probably helped with that. I really wanted to beat 20 minutes too. Finished off with a bucket of cold water over my head, I must say I'm really enjoying that, and some L-sit work, which I'm getting better at.
There's a really good article on handstands in the newest issue of the Crossfit journal that has really enlightened me on handstands. When I used to practice them, I would do holds of up to a minute with no problem but after reading the article I'm seeing just how bad my handstands, form wise, were. I see now that my hands were way too far away from the wall, which in turn didn't give my body a straight line and I ended up just leaning against the wall too much. Lately I've been practicing them with my fingers about an inch or less away from the wall and am having a hell of a time being able to get near a minute handstand but I can feel that my body is in a lot more straight of a line and I'm finding that I'm spending more time doing a free standing handstand with no support from the wall. Thank you again Crossfit journal.
Well my time on Kangaroo Island is coming to a close in the next day's/week. I've had a lot of great workouts here, made some rad equipment that I'm sorely going to miss and got some good fitness/Crossfit related thinking done. The crappiest thing about leaving and going to a new place; the uncertainty of a solid workout. I can't help but wonder what that say's about me...On the plus side I've packed into my bag a couple of feedbags that I used to make my sandbags so there's no reason why that aspect of pain should end. From here it's a couple day's in Adelaide and then off to Sydney to look for work and set up shop there for a couple months, if all goes to plan that is. I can only hold to get a workout or 5 in when I'm in Adelaide. I left a cinder block hidden in some bushes near a park that I hope is still there so that should be interesting. After that Sydney could bring itself quite a bit of fun with Crossfit Sydney/Australia residing there. Meeting and working out with other Crossfitters, what a novel idea, I get goose bumps just thinking about it. I think that might be one of the driving forces as to wanting to live and work in Sydney over much warmer Brisbane, that and I hear Brisbane is boring as shit.
Kate's Farm, Snelling Beach, Kangaroo Island, SA
Modulate: Metabolic/Gymnastic
2 rounds for time of:
Run 100m
10 pull-ups
Run 200m
15 pull-ups
Run 300m
20 pull-ups
Run 400m
25 pull-ups
Time 21:38
Well today is 666 and I thought it would be so cool to come up with a major deadly WOD but instead I stuck to my parameters and made up this one, keeping to the metabolic/gymnastic modulate. I'll be interested in seeing what the WOD is on and if they did anything special for this numerically unique day. Fun WOD and gave a pretty good effort. Finished off with a bucket of cold water over my head and a nice cup of coffee, oh and some handstand work.
Kate's Farm, Snelling Beach, Kangaroo Island, SA
Modulate: Weightlifting
For time:
75 Thrusters, 31kg
Time 7:52
Solid effort. This is an old WOD from back on Sept.15/05 but using 95lbs and unfortunately I didn't post my time in the comments section so I can't compare. I'm sure I used the 95lbs on that old one and albeit I only used 31kg/68lbs here because it was a sandbag and tough as hell to handle I think the weights would probably be a little simular. Finished off with a bucket of cold water over my head.
Each run for time with 30 second rest between:
400m, 52kg sandbag run (3/4 BW) 4:30
400m run 2:30
200m 31kg sandbag run 1:45
200m run 1:20
Ha silly me, I thought, "I did a mile with 1/2 bodyweight in under 15 minutes no problem, I'll jack it up to 3/4bw for the fun of it." Bad idea. I could hardly pick up and shoulder the bag and by about 200m I figured I was insane and turned it into a 400m run. I then decided to play around a bit and ended up with this little bit of extra work. I finished it all off with some handstand work, a bucket of cold water over my head and an espresso.
Kate's Farm, Snelling Beach, Kangaroo Island, SA
Modulate: Weightlifting/Metabolic/Gymnastic
For time:
Run 800m
25 Front Squats, 34kg sandbag
50 KTE
Run 400m
25 Swings, 17.5kg rock
50 Squats
200m sandbag run, 34kg bag
50 Hang Squat Cleans, 23kg rock
25 Pull-ups
100m sandbag run, 34kg bag
50 Tire Flips
25 Dips
Time 33:50
Well as sad as it all seems, after such an amazing WOD on 06/02, where I sucked it all up and forced myself to do it, I skipped this one I was suppose to do it on 06/03 but I pussied out completely, skipped it all and munching out on peanuts and raisins instead. Stupid me. My excuses; I didn't get home until late in the day, after watching 3 sheep get butchered mind you, and the fact that it was freezing ass cold out. Shitty excuses and all I am is weak for them. That all behind me I went at it today and put in a decent effort. Nothing close to pukie but I find with chippers like these it's a bit hard as your body hits failure before your stomach does. The biggest things that held me back: KTE, the Hang Squat Cleans and pull-up combo, one of my favourites by the way, and finally the tire flips and dips. What a great combo those two were. The dips just took me a while regardless but with the tire flips before them it only made it worse. I find tire flips to be a solid lift; they're a full body, explosive lift that will give you a solid anabolic and metabolic hit. Perfection. Finished it all off with a nice lay down in the featly position and an espresso. I'm going to have my caffeinated fun fix ready to go so all I have to do is brew it for faster caffeine absorption. I'm also going to have a bucket of cold water waiting for me to dump over my head after the WOD. Because of my munch out session on nuts and raisins the night before, I did this WOD on an empty stomach and fasted for a good three and a half hours afterwards making it a solid 16 hour plus fast. Fun fun.
Kate's Farm, Snelling Beach, Kangaroo Island, SA
Modulate: Weightlifting/Metabolic
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 for time of:
200m sandbag run, 34kg (1/2bw)
Thrusters, 31kg
Time 22:48
I love it. Here's a perfect example of a WOD that, to me, is what makes Crossfit. I contemplate over and over about skipping it and leaving it for the next day, making up a thousand excuses as to why I shouldn't do it. It's too late, it's too cold, I'm hungry...I finally bite the bullet, throw on my Crossfit shirt and say, "lets go". I run outside into the cool late afternoon air and get the sandbags ready, picking up the 31kg bag and giving it a thruster or two to feel the weight. Heavy. Almost too heavy and I start thinking about using a lighter rock instead or better yet cutting down the reps to a simple 21-15-9. I decide that I'll just see what happens and might scale it down while doing the WOD if it's obvious that it's going to take me an hour to do. I skip the warm-up, grab my 34kg bag throw it over my shoulders, start my watch and start running. First 200m were pretty good but then came the thrusters. Heavy, just as I had remembered but I kept at them and by about rep 15 of 21 I was gasping for air and wondering who turned up the heat. Warm-up schwarm-up. I keep at it all and stick with the 21-18-15...format telling myself not to be such a pussy. The first three rounds are broken up into thirds with some fun little mind games going through my head all the while; 1 more and I've got 12 two thirds of 18, 3 more and I've got 5, which is a third of 15...At rep round 12 I break it up into 8 and 4 reps and start to see stars, hardly shoulder the 34kg afterwards. From here on out everything is unbroken and time becomes a blur. I fall into a meditative trance and all that matters is the numbers, 9-6-3. Shouldering the 34kg bag only gets tougher and during the runs all that's going through my head is, "valuable seconds, valuable seconds." Last 100m and regardless of the fact that it's dam cold out, I'm dripping with sweat. Last 3 reps done and I run over to my watch to see 22:48. I lay down on the cold concrete gasping for air, bringing myself back to reality and refocussing on what's around me and where I am. I haven't laid down after a WOD in a while but all I could think of was a post on the message board of bringing yourself to a quick state of relaxation. "Where's my espresso?" I wonder. I finish it all off by watching the sunset dip into the south pacific, with espresso in hand. And to think, I was going to skip this one...
Kate's Farm, Snelling Beach, Kangaroo Island, SA
Modulate: Gymnastic
For time:
100 burpee/pull-ups
Time 12:51
1 mile for time
Time 7:50
L-sit and handstand work
I gave 'er shit on this one, not literally. I broke the burpee/pull-ups into two sets of 50, just trudging away at them, there was definitely a lot of mind games going on in my head on this one. "25 done, 1/4 the way...34 1/3 done...1/2 way there...3 more and I have 15 left, which is 3 sets of 5."
The run was solid also but my time wasn't the best for sure, gotta work on that. I ran 0.84km, according to my pedometer, turned around and retraced my steps. When I got to where I started it read 0.65km don't I don't know what that means, the other day's 10km was right on but this one...
Finished off with some L-sit and handstand work. Handstands felt alright but L-sits were just tuck sits from my rings. I can't quite get an L-sit going, it's amazing how quickly you can lose it...